How are you feeling?

Excited. Because it's all set up. In August I'll finally leave the UK and my family (at last!) for good. I can already feel the sweet taste of independence, hehe.:cool:


Well-known member
i waiting for my gf to ring ? she always rings when shes on her way home from work ? shes half hour late with the phone call :confused: wtf is she .... and no i cant ring her b4 someone says it .... a little worried ::eek:: hmmmm


Well-known member
She doesn't seem to be on but I wanted to wish Emily a wonderful, happy Mother's Day :)

Though he hasn't entered into the world yet you're still a beautiful mother so have your husband indulge you all day ::

Thank you so much!!!! :)

Hubby forgot about it, lol. They say women become mothers when they become pregnant...but men don't become fathers until the baby's born ;):)


Well-known member
NOw, not bad because I took two Xanax. I ate lots of sweets, so I'm supposed to feel terrible and guilty though. Xanax is a good medicine to numb my negative feelings.
A bit annoyed in realising that I'll have to cope all by myself. But hey, this has been the story of my life so far, so this isn't going to be any different.

And I'm never going to return, no matter what. Well, actually...Even if I'll want to return, I won't be able to. For a few years at least. I know I'm taking a big risk here but screw this, risks are what life is all about! And anyway, I'd rather face death than my bleak, boring and lonely future in this place!

Now I'd better go to sleep.:rolleyes:


I can't even rage in this damn thread!? WITHOUT MY POST GETTING DELETED WTF IS GOING ON!? ****KKKKKK


..... ';...;'
Just wth is going on?!
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so glad that i left facefknbook :)

reasons for this, my cousin left a message that my other cousin was still in hospital for another week, which left every burglar on the planet, knowing that the house was empty:rolleyes:


Well-known member
so glad that i left facefknbook :)

reasons for this, my cousin left a message that my other cousin was still in hospital for another week, which left every burglar on the planet, knowing that the house was empty:rolleyes:

Wow, there are lots of rats in this world :eek:


Well-known member
One day... I'm gonna do something... they will not see it coming.
They may not be surprised, but I think they'll be relieved.