How are you feeling?



I'm not allowed to have the good things that life offer, apparently. That's how it feels. Everyone but me... All i can do is daydream and wish that i did, because any concentrated effort(s) that i make are either derailed, pure fantasy, or just misdirected.

I give up.


I'm not allowed to have the good things that life offer, apparently. That's how it feels. Everyone but me... All i can do is daydream and wish that i did, because any concentrated effort(s) that i make are either derailed, pure fantasy, or just misdirected.

I give up.


Well, I feel like I'm quite possibly one of the worst people alive. Just keep trying I guess, even if you don't believe you'll succeed. Sounds insane, but I never found the world to be a sane place anyway.. so...


saskia and lunrlou are only young, im so jeaulous::eek::
they can sing and play the guitar at same time.
im 33 and i cant even work a microwave::eek::


Well-known member
I fell asleep at 3am, woke wide awake around 7:30am! really weird for me. :eek: anyway am knackered now haha, but shall try keep awake so that i sleep at a normal human time tonight. :)


Well-known member
I feel crappy. Illness always makes me extra cranky. And I've been feeling more anxious and depressed thanks to a forced change in dosage levels a few months ago.

A higher dose seemed to be working better until that whole pain in the general area of my liver thing came along. And while lowering the dose back to where it was solved the pain problem, I'm back to dealing with the extra anxiety and all-around negativity again. And I still have this wonderful cold, too.



Well-known member
Pretty bad, I was doing an exam today for this temporary course I have to be on called "Key Skills" for a few months. It's supposed to be really easy, I don't think it's worth anything qualifications wise. Everyone says it's pretty much pointless. But I know I failed the exam, all the people in the room were writing away happily and I just couldn't think of anything to put down! I only wrote like a page. I feel like such a failure, if I can't even do this I don't know what I can do. It's a shame because I think I've been very happy in recent months.
I feel crappy. Illness always makes me extra cranky. And I've been feeling more anxious and depressed thanks to a forced change in dosage levels a few months ago.

A higher dose seemed to be working better until that whole pain in the general area of my liver thing came along. And while lowering the dose back to where it was solved the pain problem, I'm back to dealing with the extra anxiety and all-around negativity again. And I still have this wonderful cold, too.


I've only taken less than a month's worth of anti-depressant (and it was for insomnia Remeron)... I found that while it does make me calmer, it also makes me feel... I don't know. Less alive I guess. Hard to describe.

Do you feel that way too with your higher dosage?


Some man just knocked on my door asking for any broken gold i may have around

aye aimee, dont fall for that old crap. ahl tell ye exactly what that is all aboot. its cause of this recession carry on. they send me things in the post cause i dont answer my door. have you seen those ads on tv "we want to steal your fkn gold" tell the guy to fk off:)

@everyone else, hope you feel better soon:)

*gone back to bed*
Honestly? Like I want to cry. Like I don't belong anywhere including these forums. But I don't cry. Maybe that's the real reason why guys die faster. Yeah. I definitely feel like crying. But hurray for stereotypes of strong silent men that makes me grin widely in despair!
Honestly? Like I want to cry. Like I don't belong anywhere including these forums. But I don't cry. Maybe that's the real reason why guys die faster. Yeah. I definitely feel like crying. But hurray for stereotypes of strong silent men that makes me grin widely in despair!

If it's any comfort, this has been the story of my life. I.e. not feeling a sense of belonging anywhere


Well-known member
Honestly? Like I want to cry. Like I don't belong anywhere including these forums. But I don't cry. Maybe that's the real reason why guys die faster. Yeah. I definitely feel like crying. But hurray for stereotypes of strong silent men that makes me grin widely in despair!

you belong here just as much as anyone else mate ;)
I feel shiiite!


Really paranoid my friend likes my bf (they've been kinna flirty and ive seen how she looks at him).
I hope im being stupid.

To make things worse shes starting a REALLY good diet which means shes gonna get even prettier! :(

I want to fukking die!


Well-known member
I feel shiiite!


Really paranoid my friend likes my bf (they've been kinna flirty and ive seen how she looks at him).
I hope im being stupid.

To make things worse shes starting a REALLY good diet which means shes gonna get even prettier! :(

I want to fukking die!

Charlene, I'm so happy you found someone that you truly like, DON'T let another girl get in the way of that. He obviously likes you, thinks you're pretty. I have done this with so many guys I like and they weren't even my boyfriends. I let my insecurities that my friend who I believe is much prettier than I am get in the way and therefore I over analyzed what they did. She's a flirt and I would turn things he did into more than what they were, assumed because she was skinnier than me or prettier she would win him. In the end I ended up pretty much advertising her to the guys I liked because I assumed they would end up liking each other anyways. It changes your personality and they'll withdraw from you if you withdraw into yourself. And you're wayyy too gorgeous and funny to let that happen.