Feeling like a piece of shit today. I was doing alright, then an old college peer contacted me today about a job position - the very position I just declined a second interview for, lol. I guess she's working there at another branch too (seems like a lot of college peers are working through this company, it's kinda odd) and really likes it. Told me she wishes "I reached out" with my issues for what the company was asking. I did reach out, to the people in the interview and they were pretty vague. I still do not like what they wanted, but what kinda hurts more is that her interview went the same way mine did and she got the job. Which means she was able to do it. I couldn't. I know I couldn't do it. Trying to relay information over a system I'm not familiar with, it was daunting and I didn't feel up for it. I know I made the right call, but I still feel so pathetic.
I don't know what else to do with myself anymore honestly. I'm still selling stuff on ebay to earn a little bit of money I'm trying to save for either a camera or a new PC - haven't totally decided which I want first. I haven't been taking anymore courses because 1.) I'm tired of it and 2.) I don't know what courses I should be taking that will give me credible skills that look good on a resume. I've been trying to focus on updating things around the house without spending too much - like painting walls and such. I'm still tending to our little farm here that my husband and I have too. So it's not like I'm not doing anything with my time, but I really just want a job.
I keep getting told, "You'll find something." Oh really? *gestures vaguely* The other jobs I've applied for thus far I've heard zilch on, so I guess businesses aren't in that dire need of help like they're advertising.

I'm just so fucking tired of being unemployed, yet I'm not tired enough to settle for just anything I can get my hands on.

I don't know, should I go back to school for a third freaking time? If I do, then what? What could I possibly do to waste more money on that will actually get me a job that I like???