Shitty. I've been feeling absolutely shitty every day for the last 3 weeks or more. I am angry every single day. I'm upset every single day. My anger is getting uncontrollable and I don't know what to do.
My marriage is going through a really horrible rough patch. My husband's job is ruining everything, imo. He STILL travels nearly 3 hours a day to his job. He's now carpooling with a coworker who lives an hour closer (whoopie

), so that helps on gas only slightly. Before he started carpooling he spent nearly $800 dollars on gas.
800. fucking. dollars.
It'd be different if this was summer and he was getting craploads of overtime to make up the difference, but no. It's just piddling garage work at their lowest wage. When we moved he said he didn't want to travel that far just to do that kind of work. We agreed he'd talk to his boss about switching him to job sites only, that way he earns great pay but gets laid off for longer periods. That way if he wants he can pick up something seasonal on the side. He's been there 10 years and has several qualifications making him a great asset to their team. I would think he has room to request what he wants.
He has yet to talk to anyone about anything and it's been 3 months since we moved. Says there's "too much work to be done" and "he's not quitting his job" so there's nothing to talk about. I never told him to quit his job, just to look into changing his schedule. I've been bringing it up every day, because I'm pissed off and petty like that and kind of hoping he'd get the freaking hint to actually do something.
Meanwhile my career is finally getting started, one I have worked for 8 freaking years trying to achieve, and I cannot fuck it up. He's gone 14 hours a day, leaving me to do all the errands. (This isn't new, as this was going on before we moved, but it's even harder now) I work 24 hours a week plus an additional 8 hours of travel. On the weekends when we're both off, he's in his shop most of the time organizing his stuff or working on something unimportant. I'm still left in the house doing laundry, dishes, cleaning, the usual.
He was adamant on getting a puppy over a week ago, since his dog is reaching her end and we both did want a dog that was more alert to the surroundings given we live in a rural area. I never wanted a puppy, I wanted to adopt. A nice rescue, housebroken dog in need of a family. I yelled at him to not get one, we argued back and forth, and I freaking caved and now we have a puppy. I bet you can't guess who's doing all the caretaking and training on top of errands and working part time?
(I don't hate the dog, but my anger is interfering with training. I find myself yelling at her excessively for doing things she's not supposed to because I just don't have the energy to train constantly and I'm tired of being the only one. I feel like such an asshole because she's basically a baby. She doesn't know better yet.)
For the last 2 weeks now I have been getting 6 hours of broken sleep a night. I'm fucking beyond exhausted and I'm beyond pissed off having to do everything. Because I work the latter half of the day most of the week and don't get home until 7:30pm, doggie daycare is not an option while I'm at work. I have my mom coming in a couple times a week to puppy sit, but she's doing an absolutely horrendous job. Yeah I said it. I come home and the house looks worse than when I left it and the dog is terrorizing everything and everyone most likely due to lack of play and exercise. So that leaves MORE WORK for me that needs to be done.
I'm at my wit's end on what to do anymore and I'm so close to just calling it quits.