How are you feeling?


Well-known member
Sluggish and insecure. Sometimes I wish there could be some kind of way to temporarily pause life and take a break from it for a while, then re-enter only when you feel you're ready to handle life again.


Well-known member
Sluggish and insecure. Sometimes I wish there could be some kind of way to temporarily pause life and take a break from it for a while, then re-enter only when you feel you're ready to handle life again.

If that was possible I'd just want to go back in time. I know exactly how you feel though.
Bad. I want to sleep. But I can't sleep because I got very severely insomnia. Why must i always be awake ? it's almost 5 am...WHAT TO DO?? ****


Well-known member
Extremely anxious. X_x I bought an item yesterday for a Christmas gift and didn't realize til I got home that it wasn't exactly what I wanted. Now I have to go back and return it and that is freaking me out. xD

When I bought it yesterday, it had been a long time since I bought something at a store (normally I'm too scared to go to a store so I order online) and I ended up putting my card in backwards and I was just a mess. I probably screamed "WEIRD PERSON HERE".

Oooh please let this go flawlessly.
this again.

I just feel straight up awful right now. I hate myself way too god damn much :/. I don't want to be me. This throbbing migraine isn't exactly helping me to feel any better anyways.


Well-known member
I have trouble sleeping at night.
I have -- bad dreams, like I'm falling.
I wake up scared.
Sometimes it takes me a while to remember where I am.

Brooks The Shawshank Redemption


Well-known member
its difficult to find solutions, so I guess I will give up, trying to find any and accept things as they are.


Hie yer hence from me heath!
its difficult to find solutions, so I guess I will give up, trying to find any and accept things as they are.

Ah know the feelin', spring. But ah cannae gie up an' accept 'hings as they 're coz ah dinnae want tae spend the rest ae ma life bein' miserable aw the time. Summits got tae change - be it me thinkin' mair positive or people aroon who dinnae help me buggerin' aff.
its difficult to find solutions, so I guess I will give up, trying to find any and accept things as they are.
It's paradoxical but sometimes by "giving up" you are then able to to truly accept the reality of the situation or problem, which then makes it more likely for a solution to appear :question:


Well-known member
Dognapped! I am glad your dog is home safe, and the situation had a happy ending. To lose your furry friend must've be devastating and beyond stressful.


Well-known member
its difficult to find solutions, so I guess I will give up, trying to find any and accept things as they are.

That is what I've been doing a couple of years now. It's not easy because my brain likes to solve problems. But currently, there are some problems that I simply cannot solve because they involve things outside of/beyond myself and all I can do is wait and hope I get a break and they solve themselves.
Not easy to accept though. Very difficult actually.