How are you feeling?


Well-known member
feeling like I am for real going to give up on society and live the life of a hobo-ess. I have a back pack and a sleeping bag, hiking boots and two legs to carry me. I no longer can do this rat race bullsh&t in a world run by psychopaths. I refuse. I would rather sleep in a ditch than keep having to live like this. I have no idea how people do it. I have tried and it is killing me. I cannot try any more knowing what I know now about things. This world is not for me. It is either this or suicide. I think it is best to keep living if I can...maybe something good will happen on the road...maybe I will get killed. I have no other options. I have drained what little resources I had. Maybe a loving community of good people will take me in. What a fantasy that is!


You want to know how I got these scars?
feeling like I am for real going to give up on society and live the life of a hobo-ess. I have a back pack and a sleeping bag, hiking boots and two legs to carry me. I no longer can do this rat race bullsh&t in a world run by psychopaths. I refuse. I would rather sleep in a ditch than keep having to live like this. I have no idea how people do it. I have tried and it is killing me. I cannot try any more knowing what I know now about things. This world is not for me. It is either this or suicide. I think it is best to keep living if I can...maybe something good will happen on the road...maybe I will get killed. I have no other options. I have drained what little resources I had. Maybe a loving community of good people will take me in. What a fantasy that is!

I feel so bad for you :sad:
I wish I could help.
I too dream of just putting on my hiking boots, throwing on my pack and leaving it all behind. I hope you feel better soon.


Hie yer hence from me heath!
Day in, day oot - it's the same auld shite! Life pass ye by like a Formula One race car fleein' past ya at a hunner miles an hours.

Broken mind
Broken body
Broken spirit
Nuthin' left tae give - not that there's was much tae begin wi'.

Ah'm jist a burden tae society, anyway, let's face it. Sometimes ah wonder why even bother continuing tae struggle on coz ah gave up long ago. Ah also cannae help feelin' that, somehow, ma shitty start tae life wuz foreshadowing things tae come... Och well! Got tae keep smiling, regardless.

Be grateful for the things you've got, instead o' the things ye dinnae huv.


Well-known member
Lots of misery out there today. Hope you all feel better. I am good company right now as the lupus is kicking my Azz. Off to the Dr (I hate Dr.s) but at least the 2 hour drive will be pleasant as all the leaves are changing.
Hope your days all improve.


Hie yer hence from me heath!
Nae better since ma last post, tae be honest.

Even watchin' ma favourite sitcom doesnae cheer me up. :sad:


Well-known member
feeling like I am for real going to give up on society and live the life of a hobo-ess. I have a back pack and a sleeping bag, hiking boots and two legs to carry me. I no longer can do this rat race bullsh&t in a world run by psychopaths. I refuse. I would rather sleep in a ditch than keep having to live like this. I have no idea how people do it. I have tried and it is killing me. I cannot try any more knowing what I know now about things. This world is not for me. It is either this or suicide. I think it is best to keep living if I can...maybe something good will happen on the road...maybe I will get killed. I have no other options. I have drained what little resources I had. Maybe a loving community of good people will take me in. What a fantasy that is!
Sorry to hear you're so fed up, Molly. Do what you feel is best. Australia?


Hie yer hence from me heath!
Hope you feel better Graeme. Try not to dwell on your feelings. Try distracting yourself by doing something you like.

Kinda difficult... Hard no' tae dwell on yer feelings or yer past regrets. It's also being increasingly difficult tae distract maself wi' things ah like doin', since ah've kinda lost interest in ma hobbies. There jist isnae that same feelin' anymore when ah pick up ma guitar, or sit doon tae write. It jist feels like ah'm going through the motions.