How are you feeling?


Active member
It worries me when people I'm fond of go socialize in RL, because I'm paranoid that they'll find someone more interesting and closer to them, and won't want to talk to me anymore. It's really annoying, I even realize it's completely unreasonable, I just can't figure out how to stop panicking about it.

...Also sorry for using this thread to be a spaz.


Well-known member
I'm watching one of my favorite movies, The Hunchback of Notre Dame, right now, its pretty peaceful in the house because my mom is out with her boyfriend. I feel like I should be happy, but I just feel so-so. Content, but never complete, never satisfied. It might be wrong or might not make sense, but I'm sick of feeling that way, shouldn't there be more than that feeling sometimes?


Well-known member
Spring forward.



Hie yer hence from me heath!
Didnae sleep a wink last night... Well, granted ah wuz up until 3am this morning. So, what does that tell ye? Aye, insomnia sucks. :sad:

Though, insomnia it's better than bein' depressed.

Coz when yer really focus ye can get a lot uh stuff done, even when yer feelin' tired - but then so can crystal meth addicts.


Well-known member
This guy wants me to come to his house and look at his computer and even though I will get paid I don't want to go because his kids are terrible. I mean like really really annoying. Then he and his wife start screaming at them and I just can't take the noise. I have no idea how people live like that on a daily basis.


Well-known member
This guy wants me to come to his house and look at his computer and even though I will get paid I don't want to go because his kids are terrible. I mean like really really annoying. Then he and his wife start screaming at them and I just can't take the noise. I have no idea how people live like that on a daily basis.

Empathize with you. Ah yeah, just be glad it's not your life! I was thinking of all to be grateful for today since I have been feeling really low and not having kids was one of the things that came up twice on my list. Sometimes I get this faint feeling of regret I have none but it goes away really quick and I am back to my senses, thankfully. The world doesn't need more people, and I for one don't need to be adding my gene pool to it...not that I feel anyone really has the right unless they have exceptional dna and an all out 100% wonderful parenting skill set-which no one can say for either.


Well-known member
I'm exhausted, but feeling good. Spent most of my day at uni. I have a debate to study for, so that should be unnerving.

Finally saw my crush, too. We just had a drink and chatted for about 45 minutes. It was nice. She's really cool. I'm hopeful.


Well-known member
Totally mentally exhausted despite going to sleep early. My brain feels like it has run a marathon just being in close quarters all day with a specific type. Ugh.


Well-known member
I'm exhausted, but feeling good. Spent most of my day at uni. I have a debate to study for, so that should be unnerving.

Finally saw my crush, too. We just had a drink and chatted for about 45 minutes. It was nice. She's really cool. I'm hopeful.

Good luck:thumbup:
Uni for me sucks, i hate it there but again that's the only place that keeps me busy and helps me take off my mind from my dull life. Great you like your uni, i remember you talked about joining uni long way back.


Well-known member
Feeling TIRED..i dunno why i am having this strange body ache..i checked for fever but it shows 97 or may be its 98 i am not having fever but my body hurts and i feel so tired! I have assignments to write.....ahhhhh.


Well-known member
Good luck:thumbup:
Uni for me sucks, i hate it there but again that's the only place that keeps me busy and helps me take off my mind from my dull life. Great you like your uni, i remember you talked about joining uni long way back.
Thanks. :)

Sorry you hate your university. Hopefully it'll get better for you. :)