^ Good luck with your night at the Opera House and your first day at Uni the following week Mikey.I guess you could say I'm a bundle of nerves at the moment.
Tonight I'm going to a blind date world record attempt at the Sydney Opera House. ........
....The following Monday is my first day of uni - my first foray back into the education system after ten full years away from it. I'm shit scared.
So, with all this happening, I'm feeling a bit chronically anxious, but these are things I need to do.
I guess you could say I'm a bundle of nerves at the moment.
Tonight I'm going to a blind date world record attempt at the Sydney Opera House. Some people told me not to go because of the girl that's talking to me, and others have said to go anyway. In the end I had to listen to my gut, and it told me that while this new girl is nice, we haven't actually gone on one date yet, so I shouldn't feel bad. This is more of a bit of fun, and to get me through some anxieties about meeting a girl for the first time. Plus I'll be in the Opera House - a place I haven't been in for at least two decades.
Over the weekend I will try to organise some kind of date with this girl, so I'm thinking Saturday night dinner/movies or something. I'm anxious about asking her but I shouldn't delay too much longer, really.
On Monday there's one of two social events I can go to, so I'm deciding which one.
On Tuesday is my university's orientation week, where I will go to the uni and there's a big party for my faculty. Basically free food, concert, and meeting all new uni students all day, so that is giving me butterflies more than you can imagine. I will definitely go to that, because I need to see the uni some more before I jump in.
The following Monday is my first day of uni - my first foray back into the education system after ten full years away from it. I'm shit scared.
So, with all this happening, I'm feeling a bit chronically anxious, but these are things I need to do.
Amazed, appreciative, adoring, I love people
and lonely as ever.
Do I sense some sarcasm in the first line? Oh no , my favourite emoticon is gone!
The world of people really shits me. Some mornings I have gone to boat ramp to photograph the sunrise. Twice I have been there a woman has been doing sprints up the stairs. She takes offense at my camera and seems to think I am going to take photos of her. I am a ****ing landscape photographer, piss off, I want to say to her. Both times I have bitten my tongue. My favourite beach is one with no one on it.
Upset n' dishearted. Everytime ah speak, ma point is dismissed. Seems am just wastin' ma time tryin' tae get folk tae see things fae ma perspective - no' that it matters much, anyway. :kickingmyself:
Ma oldest sibling admitted tae be a cruel bitch, the other day. Ah just agreed as per usual. And didnae labour the point. Since there's nae point tellin' her how much her cruel, racist, snide jokes hurt me - she doesnae listen anyway. :sad: So, aye, she's cruel but, then, she doesnae seem to bothered by that.h:
Och, well... Once a cunt, always a cunt, eh? :idontknow:
Sorry to hear that... :sad:
The older I get and the more I observe my mom's unprovoked, abusive behavior, the more it makes sense why I am such a confused/unstable person. She is a real piece of work.
It is getting worse....I'm not taking care of my health and drinking a lot....I'm really sick and my parents think I'm being arrogant and that's why I'm not consulting a doctor...but actually I'm feeling so numb because there is so much emptiness and loneliness.
I know families can be cruel and snide, but racist? That's something no one should deal with...![]()
Have you ever thought of leaving home greame?
I know families can be cruel and snide, but racist? That's something no one should deal with...![]()
As for me, I'm my normal, slightly miserable self.
The older I get and the more I observe my mom's unprovoked, abusive behavior, the more it makes sense why I am such a confused/unstable person. She is a real piece of work.
I know just how you feel.