How are you feeling?


Well-known member
Not too happy with myself (depressed). Stayed off from work today.

Aye, ah can relate there, pal. The problem wi' me is that ma brain always daein' this: :thinking: And no' much else... Sittin' on ma arse wi' an "urge tae create" summit. Then ah think: "Ach, f**k it! Ah'll just watch a comedy DVD n' laugh fur a few hours. :bigsmile:

Yeah man, it's ridiculus. Like being a zombie with only one impulse. But instead we replace the need to eat other people with something else, like watching TV. Even when there's nothing on I still watch. Damn television...:thumbdown:.....
...Mmmm...television! :thumbup:

I hope you all read this:

I love chatting with you all when I come here feeling dead. I leave in a better mood.
Yeah I know how you feel. We really should be trying to encourage each other and brighten someones' day instead of feeling sorry for ourselves. And I need practice.


Active member
I just want to go to work and come home; there's too many ppl where I work to interact with them all. My heart isn't in it. The more people I see the less I want to talk.


Well-known member
TIRED. ZOMG. Pfffffffft.

I feel like I've moved mountains today. I don't think I've worked this hard in the past three years. where's my reward?! :p


Well-known member
Feeling a bit 'I don't know what to say' I guess I'm feeling numb because i have nothing to look forward to. I'm watching 'What do artists do all day' on youtube.


Well-known member
Finished my first aid course about an hour ago. I have my certificate and I'm now trained in basic first aid. Feels good!

Also that girl and I switched numbers. I'm not confident that anything will come of it but who knows. :)


Well-known member
Finished my first aid course about an hour ago. I have my certificate and I'm now trained in basic first aid. Feels good!

Also that girl and I switched numbers. I'm not confident that anything will come of it but who knows. :)

Congrats MikeyC, a pretty good day by the sound of it.


Well-known member
Finished my first aid course about an hour ago. I have my certificate and I'm now trained in basic first aid. Feels good!

Also that girl and I switched numbers. I'm not confident that anything will come of it but who knows. :)
^ Awesome job Mikey! Congrats! :thumbup:


Well-known member
Grumpy. :thumbdown: I'm having a wonderfully noisy morning and I'm not happy. Also woke up cold and in pain because I slept wrong and forgot to turn up my heater last night. So yeah, I'm having a wonderful start to my day.


Well-known member
Grumpy. :thumbdown: I'm having a wonderfully noisy morning and I'm not happy. Also woke up cold and in pain because I slept wrong and forgot to turn up my heater last night. So yeah, I'm having a wonderful start to my day.
Hope you feel better soon Phoenixx.
Finished my first aid course about an hour ago. I have my certificate and I'm now trained in basic first aid. Feels good!

Also that girl and I switched numbers. I'm not confident that anything will come of it but who knows. :)
That's awesome! :)
Grumpy. :thumbdown: I'm having a wonderfully noisy morning and I'm not happy. Also woke up cold and in pain because I slept wrong and forgot to turn up my heater last night. So yeah, I'm having a wonderful start to my day.

:/ hope you feel better Phoenixx. What exactly is noisy?

I'm not having the greatest morning myself. I'm actually feeling normal emotionally, but I am half delirious after only getting 3.5 hours of sleep. And then when I was running to class due to a delayed train, I apparently developed blisters on the bottoms of my feet because after I stood up at the end of class the pain hit me and now I'm wincing with every step I take -__-


Well-known member
job 1
job 2
art installation deadline +

edit: which is normal, to be expected. endure it, blah blah.
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Well-known member
:/ hope you feel better Phoenixx. What exactly is noisy?
^ The town decided 6:30am was a fantastic time to start working on the road. :thumbdown: Why?! There's nothing wrong with it! Ugh, and the noise got the dogs all upset and barking at first too because they had no idea what was going on.

It's a lot quieter now, but that's because everyone went to lunch. They'll be back to create more noise, I'm sure.


Well-known member
I feel very nervous, which means I must be living in the future. I have class today and keep thinking what I will do in class. I just read a mindfulness post. I will try to tell myself to be mindful and focus on the present moment.


Well-known member
Just came back from class. I feel kinda terrible. When I first entered the classroom, I was about to sit at the same spot again but this hot guy was sitting there with another guy, so I sat at another spot at the opposite end of the room. **Note: I'm using the word "hot" subjectively, some guys might be "hot" to me but not to others.*** After that, I just sat in silence for the most part. Then another hot guy came in and sat at the other side of the room. Lecture started and I was trying hard to concentrate, but I kept noticing the guys in my peripheral vision. First and foremost, I kept seeing the guy sitting next to me in my peripheral vision, because I had to turn to see the whiteboard. It was not my intention to look at him at all; I just keep seeing him through my peripheral vision and I hope he didn't notice. Next, I keep seeing the other hot guy yawn and stretch in my peripheral vision and I try hard to ignore too.

When class ended, I couldn't wait to get out of there. I packed my bags and went. I almost made it out the front door when I heard some girl said "why are you looking at her?" I think it was one of my teammates, but she didn't call my name. Maybe she was just looking, but I didn't look. I was uncomfortable walking through a crowd of people in the first place. I just went out the door without saying bye to anyone. I don't know if I look rude doing this. I hope I don't become the most hated person in class again.

I didn't say bye to my teammates because last time, I said "bye" but no one responded so I just didn't bother to. Moreover, none of my teammates ever said "bye" to me. They said "Hi" every time they greet me, but not "bye" so I assumed it wasn't necessary.

And then after class, I thought I heard someone said they didn't like me. More unwanted attention.

I also feel depressed. I know things have "amped" up a notch or 2, which is why I'm scared of what the future brings. I don't feel like trying.
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Well-known member
My social skills need some serious work, just realized today how bad I am at putting together a sentence while talking to someone or articulating what I'm trying to say, really basic things. I guess its nothing unexpected considering I've spent so much time alone that I didn't have many chances to polish them. Hope with practice things get better.