How are you feeling?

Guilt tripped into helping someone. Their words and tone of voice made to feel like i did something wrong then they asked me if i'm ok after. Feeling like i should be punnised but not feeling self pity. Staring at the wall with a confused, blank expression and scattered thoughts:thinking: :kickingmyself:


Well-known member
I am not ready to go out. I don't want my neighbors to see me. I am scared. I can do phone calls but not go out. I am not ready.


Well-known member
I shared with someone I shouldn't have shared with and I am absolutely terrified of what the ramifications will be

And really pissed too
This person has been sharing, inappropriately, with me for weeks now. And I slip up and mention that I am going through a depression and all of a sudden I can feel the tension in the air.

And doubtful of myself to top it all off.
Was there really tension in the air or am I making it up?

I kinda just want to scream at the top of my lungs right now!!!


Well-known member
Strange. A man in his fifties came up to me in the supermarket and asked if you had to weigh and label your own vegetables before going to check out. He had to ask me twice before I actually understood what he was asking. My initial feeling was, is he having a go at me? I am really intimidated by males in their fifties and feel really insecure about being "a man." Yet he admitted this was the first time he has been out shopping as a "house-wife." I had sympathy for him. He thanked me.

I thought it was neat that he felt able to approach me like that. Maybe I am that kind of person.


Well-known member
Guilt tripped into helping someone. Their words and tone of voice made to feel like i did something wrong then they asked me if i'm ok after. Feeling like i should be punnised but not feeling self pity. Staring at the wall with a confused, blank expression and scattered thoughts:thinking: :kickingmyself:
My mother has been the queen of guilt-tripping, so I understand your angle. What did they want help with?

Strange. A man in his fifties came up to me in the supermarket and asked if you had to weigh and label your own vegetables before going to check out. He had to ask me twice before I actually understood what he was asking. My initial feeling was, is he having a go at me? I am really intimidated by males in their fifties and feel really insecure about being "a man." Yet he admitted this was the first time he has been out shopping as a "house-wife." I had sympathy for him. He thanked me.

I thought it was neat that he felt able to approach me like that. Maybe I am that kind of person.
I would absolutely take this as a compliment. :)


Well-known member
Aye, same here. Story o' ma f__kin' life... yer no alone, darlin'. :sad:
Anyway, hope ye feel better soon. :thumbup:

Am feelin' tired, and unsure o' masel'. :idontknow:

Aww thanks Gra, I hope you feel better soon too. I'm just so bored of doin the same things every day, staring at the same four walls....feels like such a waste. I want to get a job so I feel like I'm actually doing something in the world, but I need to get some confidence first..... I'm workin on it though, i'll get there eventually.

I think we could do with some flippin sunshine to cheer us up eh, instead of all this bloomin snow.


Hie yer hence from me heath!

Aww thanks Gra, I hope you feel better soon too. I'm just so bored of doin the same things every day, staring at the same four walls....feels like such a waste. I want to get a job so I feel like I'm actually doing something in the world, but I need to get some confidence first..... I'm workin on it though, i'll get there eventually.

Am the same...

I think we could do with some flippin sunshine to cheer us up eh, instead of all this bloomin snow.

Aye, some sunshine would be great (sunshine, of course, being a rarity here in Scotland). :giggle: Looks like ah'll be missing the stand-up comedy show that ah hud tickets booked for at the Glasgow Comedy Festival tonight because o' the snow! :kickingmyself: :eek:h: Was lookin' forward tae it anaw!


Well-known member
Am the same...

Aye, some sunshine would be great (sunshine, of course, being a rarity here in Scotland). :giggle: Looks like ah'll be missing the stand-up comedy show that ah hud tickets booked for at the Glasgow Comedy Festival tonight because o' the snow! :kickingmyself: :eek:h: Was lookin' forward tae it anaw!

Aww yeah I know we don't get much sunshine here either! No such thing as bloody seasons anymore.... I need to save up for a holiday really....
Aw no have they cancelled the show then or is it travellin thats gunna be hard? The snows not that bad here, the roads are clear thankfully. I hope you get to go man, I haven't been to a comedy show in donkeys...
Actually that's what I might book for my birthday next month, could do with a good laugh.


Hie yer hence from me heath!
Aww yeah I know we don't get much sunshine here either! No such thing as bloody seasons anymore.... I need to save up for a holiday really....
Aw no have they cancelled the show then or is it travellin thats gunna be hard? The snows not that bad here, the roads are clear thankfully. I hope you get to go man, I haven't been to a comedy show in donkeys...
Actually that's what I might book for my birthday next month, could do with a good laugh.

Not sure if Harry Hill's first night at the King's Theatre in Glasgow has been cancelled? It's sold out but ah don't think many people will make it, since much of the snow is pretty severe in the west of Scotland, and some part of the south west (Scottish borders region). And with weather advice being only travel in need be. Not sure if ah'll risk it, even if Glasgow is just an hours journey.

With regards to bookin' a comedy show for yer birthday next month, ah say, go for it, darlin'! :thumbup: It'll be a laugh and rightly so... :bigsmile:

That how ah spent ma birthday last year - 2 comedy shows in Glasgow on the same week, 1 on ma birthday which ah got totally sh*t-faced drunk at! No drunk enough tae heckle the comedian on stage. Do that at yer own risk - unless the comedian in question is American. (Only jokin', nae offense tae any Americans, ah mean that only reference to Scottish dialect). :sarcastic:


Hie yer hence from me heath!
This time last year in the UK sunny and 20C

Today snow and 1C


...expect for people living in Scotland. Maist o' the year like this - snow, rain, freezin' temperture. We're lucky if we get week of sunshine. After a while, ye learn tae adapt tae it! Or decided tae huv the summer holidays early and bugger off tae Spain or anywhere there's a warmer climate fur 3 weeks! The funny thing is, am only slightly jokin' aboot that! :bigsmile:


Well-known member
I'm not sad today, but I could definitely do with a "me" day.

I wonder if I have enough money to go to Sydney....