How are you feeling?


Well-known member
Scared to sleep..

Bit my lip very hard this morning after awakening from wild dreams and wasn't alert enough to care.

On another note, revisited old face book account and am now cleaning and sorting through the past.. needed to do so. Afraid of unfriending some people but I'm going to do it!

Sorry about your lip. It's good to clean out the dead weights! Happy Spring Cleaning!


Well-known member
Like all I've been doing lately is wallowing and complaining, here and more so at myself and to nobody. I just feel really bad, especially when I am by myself not doing anything. My own company makes my uncomfortable and I don't know how to explain it, just not good. And ' I don't know what's even causing it, I think I may just be cracking up. I'm lost and confused, I don't know how I've become the person I am. I don't know I don't know anything.
Maybe you're spending too much time on your own? If you can, get out there - even just for a mindless walk somewhere - and it'll make you feel better. :)

mentally, emotionally exhausted
Why? What's happened?


Well-known member
I'm feeling really good (again!). This morning one of the guys at work called me a nice man, and a woman I hadn't spoken to in a long time called me a sweetie.

Hells to the yeah! :perfect:
Can't sleep. Have all these negative thoughts running through my head. This came seemingly out of nowhere. Tried several times to think about something else but was unsuccessful. Something's really bothering me, can't quite put my finger on it. Just so much I am frustrated with that's so hard to change. As embarrassing as it is I keep finding myself bursting into tears of desperation when I'm alone. Are all these seemingly positive baby steps the past few years just false hope? What to do, what to do...

Sorry if this sounds self-absorbed. Guess it can't be helped at the moment.
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Well-known member
I'm feeling really good (again!). This morning one of the guys at work called me a nice man, and a woman I hadn't spoken to in a long time called me a sweetie.

Hells to the yeah! :perfect:

Maybe you're surprised they said that but I'm not :)


Well-known member
Can't sleep. Have all these negative thoughts running through my head. This came seemingly out of nowhere. Tried several times to think about something else but was unsuccessful. Something's really bothering me, can't quite put my finger on it. Just so much I am frustrated with that's so hard to change. As embarrassing as it is I keep finding myself bursting into tears of desperation when I'm alone. Are all these seemingly positive baby steps the past few years just false hope? What to do, what to do...

Sorry if this sounds self-absorbed. Guess it can't be helped at the moment.
I wouldn't call what you've achieved "false hope." Setbacks and stumbles are to be expected. What makes us keep going is how we handle these things. Good luck and you're free to text me if you need to chat.

On top of having to find employment and other stuff, I keep getting threatening letters from a debt collector saying I owe money for an online auction site account that I don't have. I keep contacting the auction site to get more details but they've been usless so far. I'm just at the stage where everything is on top of me and I've had enough :crying:
Gee, I'm sorry, man. ::(: Keep contacting the auction site. I wonder how they got your details if you're not even on the site? Boggles the mind. Hopefully it's sorted soon.

Maybe you're surprised they said that but I'm not :)
Aw, thanks twiggle. :blushing:


Hie yer hence from me heath!
Huv'nae slept much, lately. Severely depressed, stressed out.

Am thinkin' of just keepin' ma mouth shut in future. Ah just cause problems when ah say, anything... always huv done. Cannae wait til am dead tae be honest. At least ah'll be at peace, naebody yellin' at me aw the time! :crying:

But then, ah also think ma mum would've been better off if she never had me in the first place. :sad:


Well-known member
On top of having to find employment and other stuff, I keep getting threatening letters from a debt collector saying I owe money for an online auction site account that I don't have. I keep contacting the auction site to get more details but they've been usless so far. I'm just at the stage where everything is on top of me and I've had enough :crying:

Make sure it isn't a scam. Some people online try to get your details to rip you off. I have had two scam emails lately, one about a paypal account that I don't have and another saying I had an account with 6 million dollars in it. The money would be mine if I gave them my details.


Can't sleep. Have all these negative thoughts running through my head. This came seemingly out of nowhere. Tried several times to think about something else but was unsuccessful. Something's really bothering me, can't quite put my finger on it. Just so much I am frustrated with that's so hard to change. As embarrassing as it is I keep finding myself bursting into tears of desperation when I'm alone. Are all these seemingly positive baby steps the past few years just false hope? What to do, what to do...

Sorry if this sounds self-absorbed. Guess it can't be helped at the moment.

Guess I know what you mean, I have this sometimes. Like yesterday for example. I wake up and the frustration is so great that I have to start crying. But you can´t put finger on why it is so.


Well-known member
"I have grown numb and become crushed to an extreme degree.
I have roared due to the groaning of my heart...
My own heart has palpitated heavily.
My power has left me
And the light of my own eyes also is not with me."