How are you feeling?


Staff member
I've had a migraine for a couple days now from being angry at my self for quitting a new job after 3 days and two break downs.

God I hate that! Have you figured out the food triggers yet? Mine are everything that I like best grrr! :thumbdown:


Well-known member
One part of me is thinking one thing.
Another part of me is thinking the other.
I'm not sure I have made the right choice.
I have only done what my instincts were saying.
What's going on, twiggle?

I need a vacation (from what? I don't know, 'cause I don't work or do anything...but I still need a break from all this.)
I understand; you need a break from you. Unfortunately, that can't happen because you will be in your head forever.

In saying that, the saying "change is as good as a holiday" can apply here. :thumbup: Change your routine, do something different today, and you will feel accomplished. :)


Well-known member
I am flying interstate for my one of my brothers birthday dinner. My brother has been exceptionally kind and understanding towards me in the past, and I am happy that I will be able to help him celebrate. For the past 6 months I have been mentally and physically drained, but I really hope spending some time with him will help to lift my mood.


Well-known member
I am flying interstate for my one of my brothers birthday dinner. My brother has been exceptionally kind and understanding towards me in the past, and I am happy that I will be able to help him celebrate. For the past 6 months I have been mentally and physically drained, but I really hope spending some time with him will help to lift my mood.

That's great. I hope it makes you feel better. :)


Well-known member
really, really, really anxious.


I have tasks to get done today that involve going out.. this can't happen! I know I'm going to want to flee back home. -__-'
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Hie yer hence from me heath!
I wish I had somebody tae talk tae right now... feelin' really depressed. :sad:

Ma inferiority complex is kickin' the s**te oot o' me, mentally. :kickingmyself: :crying:


Well-known member
I feel like I have a curse over my head. Like no matter how hard I try nothing good will ever happen again in my life. I guess you could call it a sense of doom.


Well-known member