How are you feeling?


Well-known member
I'm so f**king sick of looking for a new job. I hate these employers and I hate my more chipper competition. -seethes and grumbles-


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Hollow and empty...

It started on Thursday evening. My dog knocked a table with my grandmother's vase on it, so of course the vase crashed to the floor and shattered into a million pieces. It didn't make me feel bad, but five minutes later I suddenly was hit by a wave of depressed, hollow emptiness... I don't think it was actually anything to do with the vase. I wasn't ever close to my grandmother, and besides which, just a few weeks ago I accidentally did the same thing to a horse ornament which had also belonged to her, but which I'd admired since I was very young (unlike the vase), and that didn't cause any negative feelings.

I just feel so pointless... I'm sick of always having conflicting views in my head... No matter what I think, I can never be 100% certain on anything as I can always see the opposing side(s) clearly, meaning I try to weave them into my ideas, but am always left still doubting and questioning. I've always been like this, and despite its usefulness, it does get rather tiring at times.

And I'm starting to ramble about random things... Never a good sign... I'm going to shut up now... But yes, I feel hollow, empty, depressed...


Hie yer hence from me heath!
Hollow and empty...

I just feel so pointless... I'm sick of always having conflicting views in my head... No matter what I think, I can never be 100% certain on anything as I can always see the opposing side(s) clearly, meaning I try to weave them into my ideas, but am always left still doubting and questioning. I've always been like this, and despite its usefulness, it does get rather tiring at times.

Aye, that's how ah've been feelin' lately, too. :sad:


Well-known member
Feeling a bit low but better today. I was feeling more horrible yesterday. This guy is accusing me of not liking him because of his race. I met him through random video chats and after we spoke for only 1 week, he started confessing to me and saying he love me. I was surprised and shocked of course. I asked him why he liked me and he said it’s because of my voice. He has never seen my face before because I turned the webcam off the whole time I chatted with him. I told him I am not interested in him romantically, but he kept on telling me that he “loves” me and wants to chat with me again. He also said I probably don’t like him because of his race.

I was furious. Is he trying to make me feel guilty or something? First of all, I am not racist. I have rejected people of my own race. And second of all, this guy is in his 40s and I’m in my early 20s. Too big of an age gap, and when I saw his picture, he looked like he could be my dad.

I hate it when people accuse me of rejecting them because of their race. Two years ago, there was a guy who was romantically interested in me but I didn’t reciprocate so he got angry and the community turned against me. I was accused of being racist. I was yelled at, cursed at, and made to feel ashamed of rejecting him.

I don’t want to be pressured into dating people I have no feelings for. Heck, I might as well avoid dating anybody. So, this foreign guy is asking me to chat with him again. I am feeling very nervous and uncomfortable. I’ve been avoiding him this week so he asked me if I’m ignoring him. He has confessed his feelings again and wanted to chat. I think it’s time to put an end to this. But, I’m not sure what to say.


Well-known member
One part of me is thinking one thing.
Another part of me is thinking the other.
I'm not sure I have made the right choice.
I have only done what my instincts were saying.


Well-known member
urghh!!! I accidentally cut myself 3 times today with the same knife. Before today, I've never cut myself so much before. And what sucks is that everytime I wash my hands, water seeps into the bandaids and then I have to change them again. I'm thinking of using disposable gloves, or anything similar...


Well-known member


Well-known member
urghh!!! I accidentally cut myself 3 times today with the same knife. Before today, I've never cut myself so much before. And what sucks is that everytime I wash my hands, water seeps into the bandaids and then I have to change them again. I'm thinking of using disposable gloves, or anything similar...

Eek! I hope they heal soon.