How are you feeling?


Hie yer hence from me heath!
Thanks Graeme. :)
How are you?

Quite depressed, lackin' the energy an' motivation tae actually do anything. Ah cannae seem tae shake that wee voice o' self-doubt and cynicism that's tormentin' me... :sad: Strange how criticism and snide comments from yer parents mess wi' ya - even if the parent in question isn't around anymore. In ma case, it's ma father.


Well-known member
Quite depressed, lackin' the energy an' motivation tae actually do anything. Ah cannae seem tae shake that wee voice o' self-doubt and cynicism that's tormentin' me... :sad: Strange how criticism and snide comments from yer parents mess wi' ya - even if the parent in question isn't around anymore. In ma case, it's ma father.

I'm sorry Graeme, if you want to talk I'm here.


Well-known member
Thanks Mikey and Srijita. You guys are awesome. :)

Meh still feeling terrible.
This sucks! Still food poisoning?

Quite depressed, lackin' the energy an' motivation tae actually do anything. Ah cannae seem tae shake that wee voice o' self-doubt and cynicism that's tormentin' me... :sad: Strange how criticism and snide comments from yer parents mess wi' ya - even if the parent in question isn't around anymore. In ma case, it's ma father.
It takes a long time to get through the stinging words of a loved one, but it can happen.

I've noticed a few posts lately of you being upset. Sorry to hear you're in a bad place, mate.
I've felt upset most of the day over a few things going on lately. Not going to bother with the details but I am trying to sort things out as usual. Trying to stay positive... although it is very hard sometimes. Feels like the difficulties will never end.

:sad: I hope you something comes along to fill the emptiness asap phocas.
I've felt upset most of the day over a few things going on lately. Not going to bother with the details but I am trying to sort things out as usual. Trying to stay positive... although it is very hard sometimes. Feels like the difficulties will never end.

I know how hard it is to stay in a positive frame of mind Opal. Sometimes just trying different solutions helps me.
Even if several of them don't work, just keep trying to think of a new one. Even just the act of coming up with a different way of tackling a problem can boost my mood.

razzle dazzle rose

Well-known member
I understand; you need a break from you. Unfortunately, that can't happen because you will be in your head forever.

In saying that, the saying "change is as good as a holiday" can apply here. :thumbup: Change your routine, do something different today, and you will feel accomplished. :)

Yes, a break from me. But everywhere I go, there I am :kickingmyself:

I could do little changes in my routine. Every little bit helps I suppose. The crazy thing is that I need some energy to get out. But I will get the energy once I am out. Ah.


Well-known member
need to finish a thing for my class, supposed to be due before midnight. and another is due before 9 am tomorrow.
unrelated to those things, i'm pensive.


Well-known member
amazing how situations we cook up in our brains can make us feel. especially when they seem to be the ones that wOUld happen in real life, or at least we think so. and then feeling different bad feelings from those situations. it's hard to keep in mind that you're making those situations up, and there's other possibilities of stuff that could happen instead. but it's not just pessimism. it's being real. knowing yourself, and the others, or at least what you think the others would be like. and sometimes, what you think of is such a big thing, you just wish none of the stuff leading to it had ever happened, or ever would.
it has seemed like it's nearly impossible that there'd be someone out there that would fit me. when something does fit, other stuff doesn't. and most out there wouldn't fit with this particular issue.
i wish i wouldn't feel so lonely.
amazing how situations we cook up in our brains can make us feel. especially when they seem to be the ones that wOUld happen in real life, or at least we think so. and then feeling different bad feelings from those situations. it's hard to keep in mind that you're making those situations up, and there's other possibilities of stuff that could happen instead. but it's not just pessimism. it's being real. knowing yourself, and the others, or at least what you think the others would be like. and sometimes, what you think of is such a big thing, you just wish none of the stuff leading to it had ever happened, or ever would.
it has seemed like it's nearly impossible that there'd be someone out there that would fit me. when something does fit, other stuff doesn't. and most out there wouldn't fit with this particular issue.
i wish i wouldn't feel so lonely.

Lonliness does suck and makes life very hard to keep going with I know gummy. ((Hugs)) to you!
You never know, you might end up meeting someone with that same issue one day:thumbup:


Well-known member
I think I have a piece of parsley leaf in my nose! I was like Edward Scissorhands with my salad and I think a piece flew into my nostrils. Now I can't find it or get it out. But, I feel something!

.............I guess I'll have to look up the benefits of snorting parsley. Probably good for sinuses.

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Well-known member
^ o_O

Good luck with that NotMyIllness! :giggle:

I had the nose trimmer going in and out of my nostrils for a while (Feel like I should have at least got dinner out of it). I'm thinking now it was a rogue nose hair swaying about.

Sorry for all of the imagery. I am exhausted. That was a battle of Spartan proportions.


Well-known member
I think I have a piece of parsley leaf in my nose! I was like Edward Scissorhands with my salad and I think a piece flew into my nostrils. Now I can't find it or get it out. But, I feel something!

.............I guess I'll have to look up the benefits of snorting parsley. Probably good for sinuses.
At least your inhales through your nose would smell nice. :giggle: