How are you feeling?


Hie yer hence from me heath!
Cannae seem tae shake this depression! :kickingmyself:

Feelin' so inferior, lonely... and ah don't know, confused at best. :sad:


Well-known member
Sad. I am helping my Dad move house. Opening and checking through boxes that have been in a store room for years and finding things that my parents put aside from when I was very young, like some pictures I drew and a few of my favourite toys. I was surprised that they kept them. Can tell my Dad is really sad about moving however he is a realist and knows he is too old to continue to maintain the house. We found a crate and opened it to reveal an antique desktop writing set. In the writing set were letters that my Dad and Mum wrote to each other when my Dad was away for work many years ago. I have only ever seen my Dad cry once, when his Father died and I was 4 years of age. I saw my Dad on the brink of crying today but he stopped. I wanted to tell him that it is o.k. for him to cry, but I feared it would be me who would start and not be able to stop, and he would instinctively comfort me and forget his own feelings.

I want to hug him before he dies but I can't.
You should
sometimes life doesnt give another chance


Well-known member
Sad. I am helping my Dad move house. Opening and checking through boxes that have been in a store room for years and finding things that my parents put aside from when I was very young, like some pictures I drew and a few of my favourite toys. I was surprised that they kept them. Can tell my Dad is really sad about moving however he is a realist and knows he is too old to continue to maintain the house. We found a crate and opened it to reveal an antique desktop writing set. In the writing set were letters that my Dad and Mum wrote to each other when my Dad was away for work many years ago. I have only ever seen my Dad cry once, when his Father died and I was 4 years of age. I saw my Dad on the brink of crying today but he stopped. I wanted to tell him that it is o.k. for him to cry, but I feared it would be me who would start and not be able to stop, and he would instinctively comfort me and forget his own feelings.

I want to hug him before he dies but I can't.

I'm sorry.


Well-known member
I feel... okay, for once. Knowing that tonight is the last time I have to write a news story is probably contributing to this uplift in mood.
somebody wake me up. I gotta be in the lab in half an hr to perform experiments worth 40% of one of my grades and despite being awake an hour already, Im like a sleep zombie.


Well-known member
Secondly - you know that girl that I was talking about before from the group? Well... I can't get her out of my mind, we are getting along a little *too* well and I fear that I may be idealizing and becoming infatuated. Every time I think about her I can feel butter flies in my stomach and my heart beating faster - and all that stuff... It feels good - because she is so pretty and easy to get along with and just seems to good to be true - so I am trying very hard not to get ahead of myself. Trying to suppress these physiological feelings.
Hang on to those feelings, mate! This is really good, especially if she's reciprocating. Good luck with it all. :thumbup:

Sad. I am helping my Dad move house. Opening and checking through boxes that have been in a store room for years and finding things that my parents put aside from when I was very young, like some pictures I drew and a few of my favourite toys. I was surprised that they kept them. Can tell my Dad is really sad about moving however he is a realist and knows he is too old to continue to maintain the house. We found a crate and opened it to reveal an antique desktop writing set. In the writing set were letters that my Dad and Mum wrote to each other when my Dad was away for work many years ago. I have only ever seen my Dad cry once, when his Father died and I was 4 years of age. I saw my Dad on the brink of crying today but he stopped. I wanted to tell him that it is o.k. for him to cry, but I feared it would be me who would start and not be able to stop, and he would instinctively comfort me and forget his own feelings.

I want to hug him before he dies but I can't.
Hug him. Cry. It will be great.

Angry! Why am I so irresponsible ugh!
What happened?


Well-known member
I started off my day: "i wont let boredom possess me"
Now after 6 or 8 hrs:
"why? i feel so lifeless and bored"

Had a call from one person. How happy she was. There are ppl whose voice tell how happy they are.
I m never happy
i question, cry, want the pain to go away each day.
It never happens.
What have i done to have this.
What can i do.
All questions and no answer and again i tell myself tommorrow will turn out different.


Well-known member
I started off my day: "i wont let boredom possess me"
Now after 6 or 8 hrs:
"why? i feel so lifeless and bored"

Had a call from one person. How happy she was. There are ppl whose voice tell how happy they are.
I m never happy
i question, cry, want the pain to go away each day.
It never happens.
What have i done to have this.
What can i do.
All questions and no answer and again i tell myself tommorrow will turn out different.
I'm sorry spring, hang in there.


Well-known member
I managed to make two phone calls today that I was planning to avoid like the plague. So I guess I should go celebrate that. :bigsmile: