How are you feeling?

Roman Legion

Well-known member
I am now a bit confused on top of everything. I got a message from the auto insurance agency saying my insurance was now cancelled due to my drivers license being suspended. The problem with this is, I have never had a ticket, never been arrested, and so on. I have no idea if they are just out there or if my license was suspended for some reason or another. The thing is, if my license is suspended, I will get arrested if I get pulled over and I will not really be guilty of anything. Just another screwing over from business and the USA. I guaruntee no matter if it is or if they find out it is not, my insurance is going to be so high (It already is high at $70 a month—Before you say $70 is not much, consider I have a $2000 deductable, basic, minimum coverage and no real income.). If I lived in a city still, I would just sell the car, but if I want to keep going to college, I need it for the 80 mile round trip. My future is my past no matter how much I try to change it. I am destined to end up homeless once more and all alone. The only joy in my life is a video game and books. One does nothing for me and accomplishes nothing in th long-run, it just consumes my time and makes me forget the world exists for a time being and the other does let me learn and get lost an entirely different world, but in the end, it will not help me survive or thrive in this cold, cold world. I recently decided to quit the Army as I am better not going than going and screaming at people of higher rank.


Well-known member
Why would someone ruin the instrument? Seems a bit pointless. Good luck for tomorrow's exam. I hope it can be salvaged.

They didn't do it intentionally, it just went out of order when they were working with it. Well I guess I'm gonna fail today.


Well-known member
I am now a bit confused on top of everything. I got a message from the auto insurance agency saying my insurance was now cancelled due to my drivers license being suspended. The problem with this is, I have never had a ticket, never been arrested, and so on. I have no idea if they are just out there or if my license was suspended for some reason or another.

wth?! You need to call that insurance agency and ask why. Never had a ticket, never been arrested, and so on - they should reward you for being such a safe driver.


Well-known member
I am now a bit confused on top of everything. I got a message from the auto insurance agency saying my insurance was now cancelled due to my drivers license being suspended. The problem with this is, I have never had a ticket, never been arrested, and so on. I have no idea if they are just out there or if my license was suspended for some reason or another. The thing is, if my license is suspended, I will get arrested if I get pulled over and I will not really be guilty of anything. Just another screwing over from business and the USA. I guaruntee no matter if it is or if they find out it is not, my insurance is going to be so high (It already is high at $70 a month—Before you say $70 is not much, consider I have a $2000 deductable, basic, minimum coverage and no real income.). If I lived in a city still, I would just sell the car, but if I want to keep going to college, I need it for the 80 mile round trip. My future is my past no matter how much I try to change it. I am destined to end up homeless once more and all alone. The only joy in my life is a video game and books. One does nothing for me and accomplishes nothing in th long-run, it just consumes my time and makes me forget the world exists for a time being and the other does let me learn and get lost an entirely different world, but in the end, it will not help me survive or thrive in this cold, cold world. I recently decided to quit the Army as I am better not going than going and screaming at people of higher rank.

Go to (or call) the DMV. Start with them first.


Well-known member
Conflicted and just generally quite crappy. Went to some stupid swimming carnival and sat there doing nothing but listen to music and eat for 5 hours, while everyone else is screaming and splashing in the water. At times, I look at everyone and their situation seems so much more advantageous than mine, they appear to have more money, more time, more friends, more everything. I keep having these 'woe is me' thoughts attacking my brain, even though there are millions out there who have it worse than me. Maybe I'm just an ungrateful prick who doesn't appreciate everything he has, yeah that's probably it. And then I think to myself in an aggressive, yelling kind of way, if you want money, get a bloody job. If you want to have friends, then get off your ass and go do something about it, go grasp opportunities instead of sit here tapping away at this slow, unresponsive laptop. Of course, I never follow through, I just get even more sad and hide away for a few hours until my mind finally decides to shut up.
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Well-known member
Anxious... You know your anxiety is bad when you can't even open a webpage for the fear it induces - the knot in the stomach, feeling sick, burning red hot and that sudden sinking feeling in the chest and upper abdomen... It's always the same.


All sorts. Just a concoction of messed up frustrations, loneliness and feelings of being misunderstood - and the general feeling of losing faith in the general goodness of people.

I don't actually feel comfortable going into details of the reasons behind my feelings on here all that much anymore to be honest - because the responses I get usually just make me feel worse.

But I have always appreciated your concern, care and tender heart Srijita. Thank you.


Well-known member
Strange....I arrived back today from work and to an empty house. I have been crying on and off since. The reason I do not know.


Well-known member
All sorts. Just a concoction of messed up frustrations, loneliness and feelings of being misunderstood - and the general feeling of losing faith in the general goodness of people.

I don't actually feel comfortable going into details of the reasons behind my feelings on here all that much anymore to be honest - because the responses I get usually just make me feel worse.

But I have always appreciated your concern, care and tender heart Srijita. Thank you.

You're welcome. I'm sorry you're feeling so bad Kia. I know you're a wonderful person and you don't deserve to feel this way.