How are you feeling?


Well-known member
What an *******. I really hate people like that - it's just so rude and unnecessary. A sense of pompous entitlement and inconsideration. If that was me I would have thrown my coffee in his face.

Now that would be funny, Kia. I guess I was a bit more restrained than I can be. If I'd reacted to his swearing, I would've been really angry.


Well-known member
I feel such emptiness..inside near heart. Why not a little peace or a drop of happiness! Its just to vent.


Hie yer hence from me heath!
Well... ah cried maself tae sleep last night. :crying: Had a complete emotionally breakdown. Questioning ma existence - and why the f**k am still alive at this point? Ah mean am just passive going through ma life wishing I wasnae here anymair, tae be honest. Naebody listens or takes any notice o' me or what ah've got tae say - not that it's of any significance... :sad:

Ah won't go intae the rest o' that since it's too depressing & f**ked up - but then, that's me in a nutshell. Other than that, am fine. Seriously...


Well-known member
Alert and stressed.

Rabbit's spay was conducted today. They found two masses in her uterus which are most likely malignant. A biopsy was sent out and chest x-ray taken. I didn't expect the additional costs, which I don't really have the means to pay being unemployed, so of course I had to borrow money from family and am feeling guilty for it.

Additionally the vet wants to take an abdominal ultrasound to verify that there aren't any remaining masses elsewhere in the body, and blood work panels to make sure her organs are functioning well. Who knows how much that's going to run. =/

Male rabbits usually bounce back rather quickly after neuter surgery..can't say the same for females. My poor doll. I'm a bad mom.. I should've taken prevention care when she younger. Can you believe my anxiety stopped me from heading to a vet? Ugh.

aww, i'm so sorry to hear that. :sad:

i avoid taking my one to the vet too due to anxiety and fears.
i hope your rabbit makes a full recovery soon, and that your family can help you out with the costs.


Well-known member
Well... ah cried maself tae sleep last night. :crying: Had a complete emotionally breakdown. Questioning ma existence - and why the f**k am still alive at this point? Ah mean am just passive going through ma life wishing I wasnae here anymair, tae be honest. Naebody listens or takes any notice o' me or what ah've got tae say - not that it's of any significance... :sad:

Ah won't go intae the rest o' that since it's too depressing & f**ked up - but then, that's me in a nutshell. Other than that, am fine. Seriously...

sorry to hear that man, I get like that too sometimes. hope you feel better soon.


Well-known member
Uggghhhh! I'm sick!
Aw, hope you get well soon.

Well... ah cried maself tae sleep last night. :crying: Had a complete emotionally breakdown. Questioning ma existence - and why the f**k am still alive at this point? Ah mean am just passive going through ma life wishing I wasnae here anymair, tae be honest. Naebody listens or takes any notice o' me or what ah've got tae say - not that it's of any significance... :sad:

Ah won't go intae the rest o' that since it's too depressing & f**ked up - but then, that's me in a nutshell. Other than that, am fine. Seriously...

Graeme, I understand. You're a lovely person, humans can't help their circumstances. Just because you're not appreciated that does not show your worth.


Hie yer hence from me heath!
I'm genuinely sorry to hear you're feeling so bad. I think what you have to say is significant, not that it's of any comfort really. I'm sure other people here would agree that what you say is noticed. I'm sure your family would notice if you weren't here, even if sometimes you get a little glossed over.

I think everyone feels that their life is meaningless sometimes. Existential crises are really hard to deal with. Sometimes when I feel like that I think about how I'd advise me if I wasn't me. When we're feeling like this it's easy to think to ourselves that we might as well not be here sometimes, but for a lot of people (myself included) I think we're less likely to feel like that when we're advising other people. Though it's easier to say than actually do, try to remove yourself a little, try to appraise your life and feel that each human life is as meaningful as its seemingly more successful counterpart. We're all exactly the same, really.

Anyway, there isn't really much I can say other than I truly hope you feel better soon.

Graeme, I understand. You're a lovely person, humans can't help their circumstances. Just because you're not appreciated that does not show your worth.

Thanks both of ya.

Appraise ma life? There's no much tae appraise, if am honest... :idontknow: Sorry, if that's seem rather jaded and cynical of me tae say?
Am no exactly in a good mood at the moment. :sad:


Well... ah cried maself tae sleep last night. :crying: Had a complete emotionally breakdown. Questioning ma existence - and why the f**k am still alive at this point? Ah mean am just passive going through ma life wishing I wasnae here anymair, tae be honest. Naebody listens or takes any notice o' me or what ah've got tae say - not that it's of any significance... :sad:

Ah won't go intae the rest o' that since it's too depressing & f**ked up - but then, that's me in a nutshell. Other than that, am fine. Seriously...

Is there anything you can do to change your situation? I am really sorry to hear you complaining all the time like this.


Hie yer hence from me heath!
Is there anything you can do to change your situation? I am really sorry to hear you complaining all the time like this.

Sorry, if am bring the forum down with ma negativity. :sad:

Eh, is an option to "fix" ma cerbral palsy to some extent. But ah don't know if that's just me makin' up for lost time? Since I'm approaching 25 years old, and feel like I missed out on a lot of stuff during ma teenage years, as a result of ma disability get worse when I was about 12 years old. :idontknow:

But ah think most o' ma insecurites are relate to how ah was raised - shelter, mollycoddled upbringing. Kinda f**ks you up - especially when yer mother has a distrust of anyone who isn't family, so it made friends during ma teens difficult to make and maintain. Also, an equally negative, poisonous view of relationships and men doesn't help. And, me, her only son! Ah think ma 2 older sisters turned out a lot better, from a mental and emotional point.

I mean I think I've turned out like my mother - emotional distant, cynical, bitter. Either her or George Costanza from the American sitcom, Seinfeld. In other word, neurotic, self-loathing, and dominated by his parents - yeah, that seems more like me.

Those are just my thoughts, anyway. Ah never really opened up about it much or mention it. Since it quite awkward, or too emotional.


Well-known member
I really just need to stay the hell out of my own way. What's wrong with me? No sooner than getting done chastising myself for my incoherency do I feel the insatiable urge to indulge in verbalizing my incomprehensible drivel for a second round. Why do I think I have anything remotely poignant to say? Why can't I leave well enough alone? My brain needs an off switch.
Feel like I'm coming down with the flu. Except I'm not. Just another manic migraine :p

You know, sometimes I wonder. I really do. It wasn't enough to have all these other issues, including a thyroid problem - I had to get migraines too? And I don't get them a few times a month. I get them a few times a week.

But at least I am mostly healthy and warm and all that... a few nauseating, debilitating migraines a week are nothing to complain about, how ungrateful of me.
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Well-known member
Feel like I'm coming down with the flu. Except I'm not. Just another manic migraine :p

You know, sometimes I wonder. I really do. It wasn't enough to have all these other issues, including a thyroid problem - I had to get migraines too? And I don't get them a few times a month. I get them a few times a week.

But at least I am mostly healthy and warm and all that... a few nauseating, debilitating migraines a week are nothing to complain about, how ungrateful of me.

Well, yes it could always be worse, but a migraine is not joke either if it's chronic pain. Sorry.