How are you feeling?


Well-known member
I wish my "spiritual" (in quotes as "spiritual" makes it sound religious and I'm not religious) experience from yesterday afternoon had stayed with me a little longer... I love it when I'm in that frame of mind, where the world seems full of hope for once and I am nothing less than love. Those states of mind are far too infrequent...

That sounds more transcendent than spiritual to me. However you describe it, what a lovely moment it must have been! :)

effed in the head.

i need help.

What's going on, Dotz?

You can PM me if you need to. Always. You know that, right?



Well-known member
i am lurking round the streets of world wide web and i m sad and worried with the utter meaninglessness of my online existence( thats the case with the offline too).

I find so many sites..where i m and at the same time i m not.
Facebook..friends list shows so many people with whom i barely communicate.
Similar case with others too.

So much response from hesitating to reply.

Why its so hard to talk to know someone and then knowing someone to continue to share yourself with them.

Where should i begin?

i know what you mean. i use the web to supplement my lack of a real life, and certainly not having a social life. but it can fulfill those needs on some level. i've met and continue to meet some really great people on the web, but it can only provide so much. it's a pity i can't get to meet some of these people face to face as it would create an extra level of connection for sure.

the web is ultimately not a direct substitute for having a 'real' friendship. but i have to say it's still way better than having no friendships at all.:bigsmile:

but it does feel fulfilling and empty at different times.

After a couple of okay days I feel incredibly down again.

Continuous *sigh* fest here.

i hope things take a turn for the better soon.

Absolutely stunned! and wordless. It amazes me how a person can be so evil! I know none of us are angels and most of us fall in a somewhat grey area but this girl honestly is pure evil.

that sounds like a pretty awful situation. i know what you mean, since i have had people make my life a misery for so long. i'm sorry about it. i wish i knew what else to say...
as for me i just left the house *hooray* and i just realised what an empty, incredibly small bubble i live in. i sat in the car most of the time, but the world out there is so diverse, so potentially amazing and fulfilling and i get to experience virtually none of it. that's a real downer.


Well-known member
What did she do?
Well, she likes to hurt people for her own amusement. Constantly putting others down and tricking them to feel bad about themselves has become one of her hobbies. And she hasn't just done that to me but to every person that genuinly tries to befriend her. I guess she's just one of those people who can do ANYTHING for their own benifit.
i know what you mean. i use the web to supplement my lack of a real life, and certainly not having a social life. but it can fulfill those needs on some level. i've met and continue to meet some really great people on the web, but it can only provide so much. it's a pity i can't get to meet some of these people face to face as it would create an extra level of connection for sure.

the web is ultimately not a direct substitute for having a 'real' friendship. but i have to say it's still way better than having no friendships at all.:bigsmile:

but it does feel fulfilling and empty at different times.

i hope things take a turn for the better soon.

that sounds like a pretty awful situation. i know what you mean, since i have had people make my life a misery for so long. i'm sorry about it. i wish i knew what else to say...
as for me i just left the house *hooray* and i just realised what an empty, incredibly small bubble i live in. i sat in the car most of the time, but the world out there is so diverse, so potentially amazing and fulfilling and i get to experience virtually none of it. that's a real downer.
Thank you.
Yeah, I can relate. Where did you go?


Well-known member
Well, she likes to hurt people for her own amusement. Constantly putting others down and tricking them to feel bad about themselves has become one of her hobbies. And she hasn't just done that to me but to every person that genuinly tries to befriend her. I guess she's just one of those people who can do ANYTHING for their own benifit.

Thank you.
Yeah, I can relate. Where did you go?

do you mind if i ask who this person is? perhaps this is stating the obvious but to get away from those type of people is the best thing to do for yourself.

well, i didn't go very far. i just went out shopping for groceries. i didn't even realise how active the areas around are with people. i see so little of the outside world, i didn't even know certain stores existed until is saw them today. there were so many people out and about, and i thought to myself "i hide away from all of this". i just had this feeling that in order to live you need people around you, people to live for and to live with to give you meaning. i just don't have that, hence i feel like i'm not living at all.


Well-known member
Tuesdays are always terrible days at work.
All I can do is be honest and open about my feelings on the matter, and admit where I made a mistake; and I think my boss appreciates that.
It's annoying how I've been left to deal with this though, a former colleague was purposefully disobeying the rules (probably to be cool or whatever) and now she's left leaving me to pick up the pieces. Thanks.
Lemonade time.


Well-known member
Tuesdays are always terrible days at work.
All I can do is be honest and open about my feelings on the matter, and admit where I made a mistake; and I think my boss appreciates that.
It's annoying how I've been left to deal with this though, a former colleague was purposefully disobeying the rules (probably to be cool or whatever) and now she's left leaving me to pick up the pieces. Thanks.
Lemonade time.
Feeling like I'm going to snap and break down. My patience is really wearing thin.

Is there something you can do to distract yourself for a while to get even a small break away from whatever is causing your stress atm? hope this passes soon for you this portrait.

Feeling motivated for the first time in...weeks?...months? :]

Grab the ball and run with it phocas! :thumbup: Carpe diem!

6 down, one to go. :rolleyes:
I am feeling like I need some chocolate but I have been so good with my no-sugar plan :eek:h: *must. resist*


Hie yer hence from me heath!
Increasingly tired, huvin' insomnia is nae fun - quite the opposite in fact. It's a right pain in the arse! Doesnae exactly help that am huvin' a severe lack p' self-confidence the noo, either. F**k knows why am writin' in ma accent mair than ah use tae? :idontknow: Ah never used tae dae that afore, which is weird.... Sorry, probably huv kept that thought internal, no?


Well-known member
I made a schedule for the rest of the week and I'm getting better about forcing myself to do things. I don't know if that's a great tactic, but I am happier for trying. If I don't do anything anymore I am not going to make it.