How are you feeling?


Well-known member
I made a schedule for the rest of the week and I'm getting better about forcing myself to do things. I don't know if that's a great tactic, but I am happier for trying. If I don't do anything anymore I am not going to make it.
I need to do the same thing! It's the only way anything will ever get done.


Well-known member
I was starting to get a sore throat last night and my right sinus is all stuffed up again. Nooooooooooooo - I can't take another month of this!!!! :veryangry:


Well-known member
Tuesdays are always terrible days at work.
All I can do is be honest and open about my feelings on the matter, and admit where I made a mistake; and I think my boss appreciates that.
It's annoying how I've been left to deal with this though, a former colleague was purposefully disobeying the rules (probably to be cool or whatever) and now she's left leaving me to pick up the pieces. Thanks.
Lemonade time.
That seems irritating. I hope you cheer up soon twig. ^_^
Feeling like I'm going to snap and break down. My patience is really wearing thin.
I'm sorry portrait, stay strong.
Noooooooo Graybeard! We love having you in this forum too much, please don't leave again. I am (and I am sure many others are too) always happy when you have come back in the past, please don't leave!:sad:
do you mind if i ask who this person is? perhaps this is stating the obvious but to get away from those type of people is the best thing to do for yourself.

well, i didn't go very far. i just went out shopping for groceries. i didn't even realise how active the areas around are with people. i see so little of the outside world, i didn't even know certain stores existed until is saw them today. there were so many people out and about, and i thought to myself "i hide away from all of this". i just had this feeling that in order to live you need people around you, people to live for and to live with to give you meaning. i just don't have that, hence i feel like i'm not living at all.
She's a former friend. I try to stay away from her as much as possible. But she's always around and when I see her doing the same thing with others that she did to me, I can't help my anger.
I'm sorry, sometimes when I feel like this, I go for a walk. It feels good to be around people even if I'm not actively interacting with any of them.


Well-known member
I got a horrible moodswing a while ago... I almost had a migrain, I took a pill, pain stopped but felt sleepy and then fell very depressed, almost like crying...

I hate feeling like this for no reason!


I got a horrible moodswing a while ago... I almost had a migrain, I took a pill, pain stopped but felt sleepy and then fell very depressed, almost like crying...

I hate feeling like this for no reason!

*hug* it happens. It sucks. It'll be okay! :)


Well-known member
My mood has been sucked out of me, because I've been so tired and low on energy. I get annoyed with myself when I'm too serious. Therapy has helped to suck out my energy, I don't want to go back because I have to re-live my experiences over again and every time it feels raw making me sick and tearful. ( I'm going back, just not in the mood). This is not me.


Well-known member
Good, went out with my friends today. I got so nervous that I was almost in the verge of canceling, but I'm glad I didn't! I had a great time too. :)
On the other hand quite frustrated for being soo clueless, ugh I can't be like this all my life.....


Well-known member
My mood has been sucked out of me, because I've been so tired and low on energy. I get annoyed with myself when I'm too serious. Therapy has helped to suck out my energy, I don't want to go back because I have to re-live my experiences over again and every time it feels raw making me sick and tearful. ( I'm going back, just not in the mood). This is not me.

Hang in there Nathália, I'm sorry you're going through this.


good, went out with my friends today. I got so nervous that i was almost in the verge of canceling, but i'm glad i didn't! I had a great time too. :)
on the other hand quite frustrated for being soo clueless, ugh i can't be like this all my life.....

.....yay! :)


Well-known member
Good, went out with my friends today. I got so nervous that I was almost in the verge of canceling, but I'm glad I didn't! I had a great time too. :)
On the other hand quite frustrated for being soo clueless, ugh I can't be like this all my life.....

That's great. :bigsmile:
Can't stop eating everything. I'm having a hungry day, not even unhealthy food, just food. Nyom, also having a lazy day which is unfortunate because I have SO MUCH WORK TO DO!!! which of course means its high time I avoid it and do nothing instead.


Well-known member
Quite drained, pysically and emotionally. I arrived home from work tonight and feel like I tried to step up and not let my anxiety/negative self talk/lack of confidence stop me from gaining some more exposure to potentially stressful work situations.


Well-known member
Can't stop eating everything. I'm having a hungry day, not even unhealthy food, just food. Nyom, also having a lazy day which is unfortunate because I have SO MUCH WORK TO DO!!! which of course means its high time I avoid it and do nothing instead.

Regarding your latter comment, I tend to procrastinate and then overwhelm myself near the end of whatever I need to accomplish. Luckily, though, that stress, though bothersome, motivates me to get the job done. I hope that you're successful in completing whatever work you need to! Sometimes it is nice (and necessary!) to have a lazy day, though.


Well-known member
I'm feeling very positive: we had our first tutor meeting at the university where I'm going to be working this year, and I think it went very well. I was a bit anxious at the beginning, as everyone except the co-ordinator was new to me. I also hate waiting outside in the hallway when I'm early, so I act as though I'm busy on my cellphone.

After the initial unpleasantness, I managed to speak articulately. I hope I made a good impression.
Increasingly tired, huvin' insomnia is nae fun - quite the opposite in fact. It's a right pain in the arse! Doesnae exactly help that am huvin' a severe lack p' self-confidence the noo, either
Ya got that right about insomnia!. Is a struggle enough to keep mood okay, without lacking in sleep as well - can make it nigh upon impossible then.

F**k knows why am writin' in ma accent mair than ah use tae? :idontknow: Ah never used tae dae that afore, which is weird.... Sorry, probably huv kept that thought internal, no?
Just a tad more .... so you've noticed that as well eh? :giggle: I have noticed it over the weeks getting progressively more "gaelic" :giggle:
Sometimes i think i have an "old english" or sth person in me, wanting to get out .. but the only times i have "spoken" in such a way is with pets & farm animals, never with people, hehe.