How are you feeling?


Well-known member
seeing as it seems alot of others are feeling down and out it's making me sad. Maybe I don't deserve to feel "ok". Feeling: huggable


Well-known member
seeing as it seems alot of others are feeling down and out it's making me sad. Maybe I don't deserve to feel "ok". Feeling: huggable
Of course you're allowed to feel okay! Don't feel guilty for being in a better mood because some random Internet people are not. :)

I'll take that hug, though. Damn it, there's no hug emoticon!


Well-known member
Of course you're allowed to feel okay! Don't feel guilty for being in a better mood because some random Internet people are not. :)

I'll take that hug, though. Damn it, there's no hug emoticon!

Too late! Blaaah


Maybe choose the closest resemblance. Why aren't there any rainbows or suns either, pfft.


Well-known member
Too late! Blaaah


Maybe choose the closest resemblance. Why aren't there any rainbows or suns either, pfft.
When you're in a better mood, coming to this forum probably isn't going to help you out. It's best to get out and do something else.

I'll choose the lovey-dovey one: :inlove:


Well-known member
When you're in a better mood, coming to this forum probably isn't going to help you out. It's best to get out and do something else.

I'll choose the lovey-dovey one: :inlove:

You're right..I realized that recently, just needed a confirmation I guess. *tries to shake it off like a wet dog*



Well-known member
At lunch time, I walked around with my eyes half-closed, sort of closing myself down, withdrawing inside. I somehow felt more relaxed.


Well-known member
Feeling alone and used. Maybe everyone is right, I am an unstable waste of ****ing space. I am always going to be teased for what I like, what I say, what I do and I will never attract the right people as friends.

The only thing I hear you say is that everyone hates you. But, that's not true. And, you've never told anyone here what you like or your interests. The only thing that I can gather from you is that you're religious. How can you make friends when people don't know anything about you?
feeling weird, I haven't left for college but I've been awake for a few hours. And I'm dressed, had breakfast and been ready to leave for over an hour...I couldn't remember what today was and all weekend I've had it the date in my head, couldn't think of the significence and then last night just as I was falling asleep, it dawned on me, today my mother would be 61.


Well-known member
At lunch time, I walked around with my eyes half-closed, sort of closing myself down, withdrawing inside. I somehow felt more relaxed.

I can only imagine how tough lunch break at work must be. :sad:

as for me i feel a little down since my odd behaviour might have made things difficult for my therapist to contact me. it's just that i hate answering phones, especially cell phones. i'm such a dweeb. :kickingmyself:


Well-known member
When you're in a better mood, coming to this forum probably isn't going to help you out. It's best to get out and do something else.

I'll choose the lovey-dovey one: :inlove:

Agreed, I'm glad you're feeling good lamb.
We so need a hug emocation here!


Well-known member
Another day - another blank slate - with a couple of ideas. Will I follow through?

So good yet so sad hearing everyone share my exact thoughts.
This disease leaves me on death's door during every fading hour. I love sleep and unconsciousness.
I love sleep and unconsciousness
Only as it's a temporary escape or reprieve from one's conscious thoughts. I love alcoholic binges for the same reason. Although i'm in exactly the same boring, repetitive, penned-in, same-4-walls "world" .. the alcohol allows my conscious thoughts (in general & regarding my boring same-every-day reality) to subside for a while, thereby making me FEEL like i have escaped from it .. which is certainly better than nothing.

Edit: Mind you, like for today, my sleeping-dreams regularly contributes to my feeling in a "kind of hell", which lasts at leasts for a few hours, which is enough to kinda screw-up my whole day. I really wish i DIDN'T recall ANY of my dreams, as IT'S ALL DONE WITH during sleep - i have NO NEED to waste any more time of all that dumb/wierd stuff. Last night i had SEVERAL of the damn things, and i remember THEM ALL quite vividly. Each one was EQUALLY as unique/novel/wierd, and they all seemed to last quite a long time. I mean that's SURELY "OVERKILL" right??? And WHO really has the time to dabble in studying their dreams .. just throwing this time away, waste of time, as most dreams seem to EVADE any form of comprehension or giving out any WORTHWHILE wisdom.


Well-known member
You've mentioned many times that you get teased for your interests. What are they?

That's my point. I've tried to get to know you Christa but you didn't want to know and accused me of hating you so I gave up. Give people a chance. Not everyone is out to get you. I'm certainly not.


I know what christa's interest is, but I won't say. But I can assure you - it is nothing that anyone would give a second thought to.


Well-known member
I know what christa's interest is, but I won't say. But I can assure you - it is nothing that anyone would give a second thought to.

I figured that was the case! I think in a way Christa, you want to be hated, because then you can BLAME EVERYONE instead of being vulnerable and putting yourself out there.