How are you feeling?


Hie yer hence from me heath!
Ya got that right about insomnia!. Is a struggle enough to keep mood okay, without lacking in sleep as well - can make it nigh upon impossible then.

Aye, it's affecting ma mood anaw, ye know. Makin' me kinda standoff-ish - if that's even a word? Ah know it is, am no that stupid!

Just a tad more .... so you've noticed that as well eh? I have noticed it over the weeks getting progressively more "gaelic"
Sometimes i think i have an "old english" or sth person in me, wanting to get out .. but the only times i have "spoken" in such a way is with pets & farm animals, never with people, hehe.

Eh, why huv ye put quotation marks roon the word "gaelic"? - aw, right, ah see what ye did, there. A wee joke fur ye, there. But anyway, ah dinnae think it was really necessary, but then maybe that just me?

Ah take yer no wantin' other folk tae think yer a bit mental? Ah mean talkin' in an "old english" or "sth person" way - whatever the fuk that is? Dae ye no mean Scottish? Or am just assuming things there? :idontknow: Talkin' tae animals, well, we aw dae, sometimes. But then it depends on how ye define the word "mental". :giggle:

Eh, gettin' back tae ma original point.. Aye, ah huv been noticing that a lot o' ma post on here huv been written in ma accent mair frequently than ah would normally - see am still daein' it noo. And part o' me thinkin': :eek:mg: On the other hand, am wonderin' if folk on here can still understand me when am writin' in ma accent, like am daein' noo? The answer: "Probably no..." But then, some folk on this forum find it quite charming fur some reason - and am not gonnae disagree wi' them on that.

Ah guess am just gettin' mair comfortable writin' in ma accent as opposed tae talkin' in it. Ah know, confidence issues! But then, ah think that's because ah tend tae ramble on, like am daein' noo. And then there's the unintentional laughs that are usually expected wi' the Scottish accent, but am no complainin'.

Anyway, am off noo. Huv tae work on keepin' ma posts on here as short and on topic as possible. But ah huv a feelin' that isnae gonnae happen anytime soon. :ironicsmile:


Well-known member
Aye, it's affecting ma mood anaw, ye know. Makin' me kinda standoff-ish - if that's even a word? Ah know it is, am no that stupid!

Eh, why huv ye put quotation marks roon the word "gaelic"? - aw, right, ah see what ye did, there. A wee joke fur ye, there. But anyway, ah dinnae think it was really necessary, but then maybe that just me?

Ah take yer no wantin' other folk tae think yer a bit mental? Ah mean talkin' in an "old english" or "sth person" way - whatever the fuk that is? Dae ye no mean Scottish? Or am just assuming things there? :idontknow: Talkin' tae animals, well, we aw dae, sometimes. But then it depends on how ye define the word "mental". :giggle:

Eh, gettin' back tae ma original point.. Aye, ah huv been noticing that a lot o' ma post on here huv been written in ma accent mair frequently than ah would normally - see am still daein' it noo. And part o' me thinkin': :eek:mg: On the other hand, am wonderin' if folk on here can still understand me when am writin' in ma accent, like am daein' noo? The answer: "Probably no..." But then, some folk on this forum find it quite charming fur some reason - and am not gonnae disagree wi' them on that.

Ah guess am just gettin' mair comfortable writin' in ma accent as opposed tae talkin' in it. Ah know, confidence issues! But then, ah think that's because ah tend tae ramble on, like am daein' noo. And then there's the unintentional laughs that are usually expected wi' the Scottish accent, but am no complainin'.

Anyway, am off noo. Huv tae work on keepin' ma posts on here as short and on topic as possible. But ah huv a feelin' that isnae gonnae happen anytime soon.

I understand you just fine, your context is great.

Hang in there Nathália, I'm sorry you're going through this.

Thank you.

Good, went out with my friends today. I got so nervous that I was almost in the verge of canceling, but I'm glad I didn't! I had a great time too.
On the other hand quite frustrated for being soo clueless, ugh I can't be like this all my life.....

That's great you had fun. :)


Hie yer hence from me heath!
I understand you just fine, your context is great

Aw, thanks fur that, Nathália. :thumbup: Ah wasnae sure if ah was just ramblin' on in some o' ma posts on here, cause it certainly feels that way when am typing oot ma posts, sometimes. :giggle:

Anyway, ah've been feelin' awfy lethargic the day, just had nae energy tae do anything. ataw. So ah've done nowt, nothing. Ah shouldnae huv got outta bed this morning. And it's been f**kin' freezin' the day... which is nowt new in Scotland. :bigsmile:


Well-known member
I feel terrible, though a bit better now. I didn't listen to that little voice inside of me and I screwed up. I also wasn't able to be natural, to be me. I need to block out the environment around me so that I can better do things more spontaneously.


Well-known member
I really enjoy my own company. It is being around people that takes the joy out of my life, and makes me feel lonely.

My happiest days have been spent on my own, being able to get lost in the crowd at big fun runs, just soaking up the postive vibe of the other runners without talking to anyone, or standing alone on a headland somewhere with my camera.That's were I've found happiness, not in my interactions with people, where it can so quickly turn to hostility.


Well-known member
On the verge of breaking down. I mean what's the point anymore?:thumbdown: I can't do it, I can't do anything.:crying:


Well-known member
On the verge of breaking down. I mean what's the point anymore?:thumbdown: I can't do it, I can't do anything.:crying:
I'm sorry that you're feeling so down again. :sad: Just think of all the great progress you've made over the past few months though! You've become friends with your roommate and have gone out more with your other friends. I know it's not easy sometimes, but keep at it! Things are bound to keep improving! :)


Well-known member
I'm sorry that you're feeling so down again. :sad: Just think of all the great progress you've made over the past few months though! You've become friends with your roommate and have gone out more with your other friends. I know it's not easy sometimes, but keep at it! Things are bound to keep improving! :)

Thank you. :)


Well-known member
On the verge of breaking down. I mean what's the point anymore?:thumbdown: I can't do it, I can't do anything.:crying:

You can do plenty, Srijita.
Not least - you make a lot of people on here feel better with your kindness and support.
I hope this wave of bad feeling disappears soon.