How are you feeling?


Well-known member
I'm feeling down. Maybe I'm on the road to depression, or maybe not. I promised myself not to come here anymore when I feel like self-pitying myself. But I'm here now...

I just wrote an exam today which I probably failed, I'll know the results on thursday. If I fail, I will have 3 more years total, in the university, but I started in 2008. And I go to bachelor's degree (mechanical engineering) which consists of 3,5 years, according to the sample syllabus.

Plus I met the girl I dated earlier first time since she said she just wanna be friends. So we are friends now. We went to my home, I helped her with studying english. After that I just wanted to take a picture of her, and another one with both of us. She said "No, sorry but no..." She was kind with me all the time and all, but this really made me feel bad. Combined with the exam I had earlier I suddenly felt like I was like walking in a neverending swamp. I didn't ask her to make out with me, nor asked her out on a date, I didn't want to marry her, just a picture.

I shouldn't feel that bad, since I'll have a date with another girl this weekend, but, at the moment I just feel like I'm sick...

Don't waste your time with the girl that just wants to be friends. Let someone else help her with her English.


Well-known member
If I was there I could fix it for you.

update - i called my landlord (who also happens to be my boss, the owner of the company i work for), and of course, it wasn't the big hairy deal i imagined it would be - he said i could borrow one of the space heaters from the supply room and put it under my house to try to thaw the pipes. there were no wild animals present at the time - they must have went and found someplace warmer. if the water doesn't start flowing by tomorrow, my boss/landlord said to go ahead and call the plumber to come out - no problem. meanwhile, i managed to get my car to start and went to the store fro a couple of gallons of water to wash with in the morning, just in case. the sparkling mineral water worked ok, but it was really foamy with all the fizzy bubbles...

Psssh!!!! It's been in the -20°C to -30°C range where I am for the past few days, with windchills of -30 to -40.

i bet you have an engine-block heater built into your car, too :thumbup:

one of these days, i'll get all the bicycles cleared out of my garage so i can park my car in there during the winter


Well-known member
Psssh!!!! It's been in the -20°C to -30°C range where I am for the past few days, with windchills of -30 to -40.


i hope this will teach me not to complain when winter temperatures drop to 0°C

wishing the best for all you guys struggling with the cold weather. :)


Well-known member
i bet you have an engine-block heater built into your car, too :thumbup:

one of these days, i'll get all the bicycles cleared out of my garage so i can park my car in there during the winter

Well I don't have my own car, but I'm pretty sure all vehicles around here have those. Apparently people from warmer climates are puzzled when they see that we plug in our cars.


i hope this will teach me not to complain when winter temperatures drop to 0°C

wishing the best for all you guys struggling with the cold weather. :)

Yeah, during the winter, that's a nice day around here. But fortunately, we get hot summers to make up for it.:)
Back to classes tomorrow after 9 days off sick, I'm gonna be swamped in work. My immunity's a little low so thats a little worrying too because colleges swarm with viruses and infections. Fingers crossed I can hang in til the weekend without getting sick, recoup on the weekend and hang in til midterm. I'm missing way too much.


Well-known member
Cough x infinity. I don't even want to know how many bags (yes, bags!) of cough drops I've gone through in the past few weeks. I can't wait for this to END!!! :thumbdown:

I don't know how all you people who live in subzero temps survive. Sounds horrible!!! Sending some relatively mild California weather your way! :)

the sparkling mineral water worked ok, but it was really foamy with all the fizzy bubbles...
It probably gave your hair some extra body and bounce! ::p:
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Well-known member
Warm, comfy and sleepy... So of course, it's time to go out to the freezing-cold, spider-filled shed to do cardio and HIIT on the stationary bike. UGH! I don't wanna!! *Sigh* *Drags self out of chair and into exercise clothes*