How are you feeling?

Thanks Jewel, I have the morning in the field, in the office afetnoon. I'm thinking of talking to a manager to clear the air. I heard/ imagined some people in the office where to talking about me, and it has created a horrible weekend for me.

I can imagine. Its a very awkward and difficult position this woman's put you in. I hope it gets resolved for you.


Well-known member
I've taken the day off sick.
5 extra hours of sleep since texting my boss have made me feel a lot better but I felt hideous at 5am.
Now to have some soup...
It's amazing how sleep can cure! Enjoy your soup and feel better. :)

My mood is turning to crap again.

I'm getting so anxious about classes tomorrow. My mom needs to stop poking her nose where it doesn't belong. And I'm tired of her asking me about what I'm going to do once I get my associate's and discussing what I should do. What the hell is the rush? Jesus. :thumbdown: I KNOW what I want to do and I've told her more than once: I'm taking a year off. What exactly am I going to do within that year I don't entirely know yet, but I DO know I need a freaking break. I get that I have a stupid debt to start paying off 6 months after I graduate, but I don't graduate until summer anyway, so that alone gives me all the way until what? January/February of next year before I have to pay anything. I get that I need a job by then, and I will try to get one. Especially since I should have my license by then. I do plan on going to another school once my year off is up too, and that's what I will be doing for part of my year is nothing but researching schools of where I want to go and then applying once I get it all figured out.

I'll get there. I'll figure it out. Obviously it's not easy and heck I am a little scared and anxious about it all at this point too, but jumping down my throat certainly isn't going to help me any.
Can you tell your mum that you've got it figured out? Or does she worry too much? I'm sure her overbearing nature comes from a good place, but it's not too easy for you to endure it.

Probably terrified haha
LOL. :applause:


Well-known member
I try to explain something and I'm thought of as weird, ****ed up or they are "worried".
Yet if someone else, a certain someone, says the same ****, that person would think it's so understandable.
I'm cold. Damn.

i second that

it's -22 in Canadian degrees (and that's without the wind)

I'm freezing! It's 12°F/-11°C, with a wind chill of -2°F/-19°C. The expected high temp for tomorrow is 17°F.


Yes, I have a tail. And spots.
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Well-known member
i just discovered my pipes are frozen

the crawlspace heater appears to be turned on

i don't want to go out there and check, because it's too cold

besides, i'd just disturb whatever wild animals are living under my cottage

i guess i'll be washing my hair with bottled water in the morning

too bad it's the fizzy kind - i'll get bubbles in my hair

and it will smell like fresh squeezed limes


Well-known member
Can you tell your mum that you've got it figured out? Or does she worry too much? I'm sure her overbearing nature comes from a good place, but it's not too easy for you to endure it.
^ I tried telling her today, she won't listen. She does worry about me, but she can also be so overbearing it's exhausting. Basically my only solution is to tone out everything she says and just make myself a broken record telling her the same thing over and over again until she gets it.

Okay I'm obviously still peeved over this. I think I'll just get to bed soon anyway. Especially since it's almost 11:30pm and I have to wake up at 6am. DX

too bad it's the fizzy kind - i'll get bubbles in my hair

and it will smell like fresh squeezed limes
^ I don't see the problem. :giggle:


Well-known member
I'm freezing! It's 12°F/-11°C, with a wind chill of -2°F/-19°C. The expected high temp for tomorrow is 17°F.
^ All your guys' talk about the weather reminded me to check the weather for tomorrow. It's going to be 12°F degrees here tomorrow, plus it's gonna be windy -- especially on my campus, and the wind chill is supposed to be around -10°F! :eek: I'm going to freeze! :crying:


Well-known member
Just... bad :sad:

^ I tried telling her today, she won't listen. She does worry about me, but she can also be so overbearing it's exhausting. Basically my only solution is to tone out everything she says and just make myself a broken record telling her the same thing over and over again until she gets it.

Okay I'm obviously still peeved over this. I think I'll just get to bed soon anyway. Especially since it's almost 11:30pm and I have to wake up at 6am. DX
I hope sleeping will help you get through your feelings towards your mother. It's not something you can get out of, since you live with her, so that does make it difficult to completely ignore. It's amazing what sleep can do, though - truly the best anti-depressant around. Well, almost. :giggle: Let's hear it for melatonin!

Also, you people with your freezing temperatures. It was 30C (86F) today here before an electrical storm created some flash flooding. Let's also hear it for Australia's tumultuous weather! :D


i just discovered my pipes are frozen

the crawlspace heater appears to be turned on

i don't want to go out there and check, because it's too cold

besides, i'd just disturb whatever wild animals are living under my cottage

i guess i'll be washing my hair with bottled water in the morning

too bad it's the fizzy kind - i'll get bubbles in my hair

and it will smell like fresh squeezed limes

If I was there I could fix it for you.


Well-known member
I'm feeling down. Maybe I'm on the road to depression, or maybe not. I promised myself not to come here anymore when I feel like self-pitying myself. But I'm here now...

I just wrote an exam today which I probably failed, I'll know the results on thursday. If I fail, I will have 3 more years total, in the university, but I started in 2008. And I go to bachelor's degree (mechanical engineering) which consists of 3,5 years, according to the sample syllabus.

Plus I met the girl I dated earlier first time since she said she just wanna be friends. So we are friends now. We went to my home, I helped her with studying english. After that I just wanted to take a picture of her, and another one with both of us. She said "No, sorry but no..." She was kind with me all the time and all, but this really made me feel bad. Combined with the exam I had earlier I suddenly felt like I was like walking in a neverending swamp. I didn't ask her to make out with me, nor asked her out on a date, I didn't want to marry her, just a picture.

I shouldn't feel that bad, since I'll have a date with another girl this weekend, but, at the moment I just feel like I'm sick...