How are you feeling?


Well-known member
Yeah, my mum and I live together. Obviously, don't get along, or as well as we should. We don't really talk about our problems, openly, because it's "too depressing". Yer f**kin' right, it is! So much, for trying to resolve our issues after my father died.

I personally think my mum feel too guilty to admit she f**ked up when it came to raising me! Better tae think I "turned out awright" - Really?! - like ma older sisters, than face the upsetting reality of the matter, I guess. ::(:

Sorry if I'm being a right downer, but this has been on ma mind, lately. I really should open up about my unresolved issues with my therapist, but feel too scared of her judgement. Besides, I don't think CBT can address the issues I have with my mother. maybe I'm being cynical?

Anyway... I would opt for independent living if I felt I'd be able to cope on ma own... but doubt I can, really. I probably get in home support, given the severity of my cerebral palsy. But it's just having to go through all the bureaucracy and assesments. And fact that nowadays, disabled people must cheat the system to get what they want really bothers me because I'm against that, but feel I don't really have a choice.

Yeah, a good therapist that you feel comfortable talking with may help to alleviate the situation. But there is no right answer sometimes these things can take a lot of time to unravel.

I would definitely try the independent living. You may surprise yourself.


Well-known member
Still feeling a little down about yesterday. I think I'll go over a friend's house later to clear my mind. This is her last weekend before college anyway and once that starts I know I'll hardly see her before November/December.


Well-known member
Tired and indecisive, but other than that okay. ::p: Tired because I worked 42.5 hours last week (I'm used to working 30 at the most). Indecisive because I'm looking at phone plans (I now work for the government, so I get a discount, but my bf works for the same phone company and also gets a discount, so I don't know what to do and I don't want my bf to know how bad my credit really is...)


Well-known member
Ignored, but I guess I'm use to feeling that way. My mother, at times, doesn't seem to care about me that much, anyway. Everytime I try to have a conversation with her, I just a get a tone of disinterest from her. Gee, it's little wonder I don't talk much.
Graeme this is exactly how my mom is. When I want to go to her about my problems she either turns her head away from me or quickly changes the subject.

Or her 3rd option - she blames everthing on me and she does this by bringing up everything she can think of, even going back to my childhood. And when she does, it sounds more like she's trying to win a debate.

"All my other children don't have these problems, so it must be just you."

I know its my probhlem and I don't blame her for my failures. But when she says something like this I just feel more hopeless.


Hie yer hence from me heath!
Graeme this is exactly how my mom is. When I want to go to her about my problems she either turns her head away from me or quickly changes the subject.

Yes, that exactly what my mum does as well, and it's utterly frustrating for me! :mad: I mean, aren't you suppose to be able to talk your parent about anything? But, with me that obviously isn't the case.
Don't feel like doing a damn thing today. I feel extremely dejected and alone and pointless. And I give up with the Internet socializing thing, it's only making my problems worse. I guess I just have to be alone... If only I could delete this account without being banned from here forever :/


Hie yer hence from me heath!
Don't feel like doing a damn thing today. I feel extremely dejected and alone and pointless. And I give up with the Internet socializing thing, it's only making my problems worse. I guess I just have to be alone... If only I could delete this account without being banned from here forever :/

Sorry to hear you feel that way, Tally. Though, I can relate to what you said about the whole Internet socializing thing.

Hope you feel better soon. :)


Well-known member
how am i feeling?
kinda feeling suicidal but does anybody really care?

I care! I may not know you, but anyone in the world feeling that way is a terrible thing!

I'm sending positive thoughts your way and hoping with all my heart that you feel better soon!


Active member
I care! I may not know you, but anyone in the world feeling that way is a terrible thing!

I'm sending positive thoughts your way and hoping with all my heart that you feel better soon!

Thank you, Starry.
That means a lot to me as these are very dark days.


Well-known member
how am i feeling?
kinda feeling suicidal but does anybody really care?

I care. And, I am worried about you. Please if you need someone to speak too I am sure everyone here has an open inbox, inculding myself.


I'm feeling pretty OK. That lady called me, she seemed really nice. I did pretty well talking on the phone so I think she seems interested.She has to talk to her husband then she'll call me tomorrow so we can set up a meeting.
I'm super nervous. There's a million reasons why she could pass on me. But At least I can say I am going. Baby steps.:)


Well-known member
I'm feeling pretty OK. That lady called me, she seemed really nice. I did pretty well talking on the phone so I think she seems interested.She has to talk to her husband then she'll call me tomorrow so we can set up a meeting.
I'm super nervous. There's a million reasons why she could pass on me. But At least I can say I am going. Baby steps.:)
^ Nice! Glad to hear it!

how am i feeling?
kinda feeling suicidal but does anybody really care?
^ Even though you may not know me personally, I can assure you that I care about how you are. Please, if you need to talk don't hold back from messaging any of us, including me.


Well-known member
^ Nice! Glad to hear it!

Thanks girl!


Ohmy, has anyone heard of its like that formspring or whatever? it's awful. I've been reading peoples that I know from around town & wow, some people are mean. Just cruel. Actually telling people to end their lives & how ugly/fat/waste of space they are & that's just the nicest of the comments. I don't understand how people could be so evil. Or how someone would even want one of those things? :confused:


Hie yer hence from me heath!
My older sister come to visit and stay for a week. Aw... f**k! Why am I most anxious around my own family? ::(: