How are you feeling?


Well-known member
Tired. I spent 8 hours in a car. 8 freaking hours. It wasn't supposed to take nearly that long. Ugh, I don't even want to talk about it. It was going so well for the first 2 hours and then it quickly went downhill from there. (No accident or anything; just drama) As soon I got here at my uncle's, I put my stuff in the room I'm staying in and called my mom to vent. I cried. I feel stupid, but at least I feel a bit better now. Thank god I brought chocolate.

Wow, sorry. People shouldn't be picking at you. They should try to include you. Good, you're better.

I feel accomplished, I recorded the 2nd guitar tracks to my album today and got 9 out of 11 songs done, yes!!

How cool Drummer. That is a major accomplishment! :-D

I wish I had friends or someone other than my parents who cared for me. I hate this friday. I'm crying and having a major self pity moment.

I wished that for you too, sorry you feel so down. The only advice I gotten about that is walk outside more, sit in places like the park and strip mall, because you never know who you might meet. -_- It's very hard and leaves me disappointed, but people can't give up. I hope you can find a good friend somehow.


Well-known member
I feel horrified, disgusted and saddened (to the point of crying). My aunt told my mother about how she had seen a mole and how she was beating it. All the while, treating it as if it were some comedy routine and laughing at its cries of pain:mad:. I just...... my family has irritated me many times (as most families do), but never have they genuinely angered me. I don't know whether to feel sorry for the mole or be pissed at my family. Well, wherever the mole is, I hope that it's having a better life.

I don't know if I'm overreacting or not, but this is how I feel. Animals don't deserve to be beaten.


Well-known member
Very down.
I've never been able to keep friends no one seems to like me ever and I can't connect with people. I want to cry because it's so hard but I can't do anything..
I can't keep a job, I can't keep friends, I'm never motivated to do much uni work. Haven't hated myself like this in a long timeee


Well-known member
Very down.
I've never been able to keep friends no one seems to like me ever and I can't connect with people. I want to cry because it's so hard but I can't do anything..
I can't keep a job, I can't keep friends, I'm never motivated to do much uni work. Haven't hated myself like this in a long timeee

I'm sorry::(:. Your situation reminds me of mine. But, please, don't hate yourself. The fact that you're in university means that you can do something:). They don't just accept anyone, you know. Let your emotions out, then pull yourself back up.


Well-known member
Kinda feel like crying, which may be irrational. My 5-yr-old wants to learn chess. My bf (who is a chess master) thought he may be too young for it. I told my ex and asked if he'd want to teach our son or if he thought he was too young and he texted me back saying he's not too young to learn anything. For some reason, this makes me feel like a bad mom.


Well-known member
I find it hard to endure a 5 hour trip when I go to my grandma’s place in Spain…but 8 hours + drama sounds much more challenging. I’m sorry it went like that, and you aren’t stupid at all.
Make sure you rest and have a good night of sleep.
^ Yeah I've gone through a 9 hour trip before, and normally it doesn't bother me. With everything that happened though and that it was originally only supposed to take 5 hours is what bothered me and made it even more exhausting.
I'll be sure to have a nice rest. I get a room to myself and it's quiet. :)
Intense disappointment. Anger. Sadness. Frustration.

My workplace feels more and more like high school all the time. I don't feel like I belong, and I can't tell if it's all in my head or not. But I am always unsatisfied with the way my interactions with people go, I am left feeling bitter and defeated. Constantly. I want to run away and live on my own. But then I don't. I can't.

Some plans for this coming weekend/next week have been modified, involving some BS and some stupid behavior on the part of a family member. I don't even know how to put into words the way I feel about the whole thing. It's indescribable. I am just so, so fed up. dklfjadoisfjwdlfjalsjflk

I'm really hungry and there's nothing to eat. The kitchen is a terrible mess and we're going to leave it that way tomorrow when we go on a trip. I'd clean it if I had time, but I have to pack. Because a certain someone couldn't just do the dishes, they had to make the decision to act like an idiot.

I AM SO DONE. Almost everything good in my life gets ruined, as pessimistic as that sounds, it's scarily true. All because of BS and/or stupid decisions. I can't take any more.

I am just... so sad. So defeated. I don't want to TRY anymore.

I know I'm whining... I don't care. I don't know what else to do. Have to go pack and iron some clothes and stuff. I feel awful.
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Well-known member
Horrible. I am a bad parent. I'm very frustrated since my son still hasn't gone to bed (I put him down for it 2 1/2 hours ago). He told me he loved me, and I instinctively said, "No, you don't." He now says that I don't love him. He even said, "Have fun not loving me." One frightening thing about this whole episode is that it reminds me of my abusive relationships. Him, not appearing to care about my feelings, and me, crying and begging him to love me and be happy again. The worst part is that I created this relationship so I can't blame anyone else.


Well-known member
Horrible. I am a bad parent. I'm very frustrated since my son still hasn't gone to bed (I put him down for it 2 1/2 hours ago). He told me he loved me, and I instinctively said, "No, you don't." He now says that I don't love him. He even said, "Have fun not loving me." One frightening thing about this whole episode is that it reminds me of my abusive relationships. Him, not appearing to care about my feelings, and me, crying and begging him to love me and be happy again. The worst part is that I created this relationship so I can't blame anyone else.

You're not a bad parent. I know bad parents; I had one. From what I've seen, you haven't acted a single bit like them. While you are defensive, I can sense and see that you truly love your child. Sit him down one day and explain to him about how you really do love him and explain why you said what you said to him. He should get it, I believe.


Well-known member
Horrible. I am a bad parent. I'm very frustrated since my son still hasn't gone to bed (I put him down for it 2 1/2 hours ago). He told me he loved me, and I instinctively said, "No, you don't." He now says that I don't love him. He even said, "Have fun not loving me." One frightening thing about this whole episode is that it reminds me of my abusive relationships. Him, not appearing to care about my feelings, and me, crying and begging him to love me and be happy again. The worst part is that I created this relationship so I can't blame anyone else.
You're not a bad parent. The fact that you're so much concerned about him shows that you really care about him. I understand sometimes its hard to explain while fighting with your problems but I agree with Deadman, explain to him how much you love him, I'm sure he'll understand.
I'm sorry man.

I am not feeling all that great either. In fact I feel miserable, alone and frustrated.
I'm sorry Kia, *hugs* Hang in there.
Intense disappointment. Anger. Sadness. Frustration.

My workplace feels more and more like high school all the time. I don't feel like I belong, and I can't tell if it's all in my head or not. But I am always unsatisfied with the way my interactions with people go, I am left feeling bitter and defeated. Constantly. I want to run away and live on my own. But then I don't. I can't.

Some plans for this coming weekend/next week have been modified, involving some BS and some stupid behavior on the part of a family member. I don't even know how to put into words the way I feel about the whole thing. It's indescribable. I am just so, so fed up. dklfjadoisfjwdlfjalsjflk

I'm really hungry and there's nothing to eat. The kitchen is a terrible mess and we're going to leave it that way tomorrow when we go on a trip. I'd clean it if I had time, but I have to pack. Because a certain someone couldn't just do the dishes, they had to make the decision to act like an idiot.

I AM SO DONE. Almost everything good in my life gets ruined, as pessimistic as that sounds, it's scarily true. All because of BS and/or stupid decisions. I can't take any more.

I am just... so sad. So defeated. I don't want to TRY anymore.

I know I'm whining... I don't care. I don't know what else to do. Have to go pack and iron some clothes and stuff. I feel awful.
I'm so sorry Tally, I wish there was something I could do anything to make you feel better. Stay strong.
Very uncertain about future. 49 years of age with a mental illness, and perhaps without a job.
I'm sorry Kiwong.


Well-known member
I feel good!

I spent most of the day in Sydney today. I drove all the way into the city to meet a couple of friends for lunch. The reason I drove for over an hour into the most hostile driving labyrinth I know to have a half-hour lunch is because these people live far away, and were in Sydney for a gig, so I decided to go up there to see them. The guy from Newcastle is a really great friend of mine and we get along really well. He's over 10 years older than I am but we click really well and I like chatting with him, and it was the same today.

After lunch I went to a CD store and spent too much money buying CD's. Listening to one of them right now and I'm liking it. Then I drove all the way back home in traffic.

Overall it took 6 hours to do everything, but it was worth it and I enjoyed it. Good day today. :)