How are you feeling?


Well-known member
I feel good!

I spent most of the day in Sydney today. I drove all the way into the city to meet a couple of friends for lunch. The reason I drove for over an hour into the most hostile driving labyrinth I know to have a half-hour lunch is because these people live far away, and were in Sydney for a gig, so I decided to go up there to see them. The guy from Newcastle is a really great friend of mine and we get along really well. He's over 10 years older than I am but we click really well and I like chatting with him, and it was the same today.

After lunch I went to a CD store and spent too much money buying CD's. Listening to one of them right now and I'm liking it. Then I drove all the way back home in traffic.

Overall it took 6 hours to do everything, but it was worth it and I enjoyed it. Good day today. :)

Awesome! I'm glad you had a good day. :)


Well... it finally happened. I got a job.

I am now a postman.

At least its not minimum wage - semi decent I guess... while I study. I almost have some semblance of existence now.

I know I know - my enthusiasm is overwhelming. I will try to calm down.


Well-known member
Well... it finally happened. I got a job.

I am now a postman.

At least its not minimum wage - semi decent I guess... while I study. I almost have some semblance of existence now.

I know I know - my enthusiasm is overwhelming. I will try to calm down.
Hell yeah! That's really good news, mate! :D


Hell yeah! That's really good news, mate! :D

Thanks. Actually the wage isnt too bad - considering that I was installing insulation under the floor boards before this... THAT was minimum wage and totally not worth it.

mmmm. Yeah. Work toward my psychology degree. Deliver mail - I might be able to form some kind of independence.


Well-known member
Thanks. Actually the wage isnt too bad - considering that I was installing insulation under the floor boards before this... THAT was minimum wage and totally not worth it.

mmmm. Yeah. Work toward my psychology degree. Deliver mail - I might be able to form some kind of independence.
I don't really think it matters what job you've got, and there are some people out there that put too much pressure into looking for something better or reaching for that promotion.

I like my mailman. I've had small conversations with him in the past. It's a good job. You're outdoors and you get some sun (or rain). I think you'll enjoy it! :)


Well-known member
Well... it finally happened. I got a job.

I am now a postman.

At least its not minimum wage - semi decent I guess... while I study. I almost have some semblance of existence now.

I know I know - my enthusiasm is overwhelming. I will try to calm down.

I'm glad you found a job. Do your thing Kia.

I feel good!

I spent most of the day in Sydney today. I drove all the way into the city to meet a couple of friends for lunch. The reason I drove for over an hour into the most hostile driving labyrinth I know to have a half-hour lunch is because these people live far away, and were in Sydney for a gig, so I decided to go up there to see them. The guy from Newcastle is a really great friend of mine and we get along really well. He's over 10 years older than I am but we click really well and I like chatting with him, and it was the same today.

After lunch I went to a CD store and spent too much money buying CD's. Listening to one of them right now and I'm liking it. Then I drove all the way back home in traffic.

Overall it took 6 hours to do everything, but it was worth it and I enjoyed it. Good day today. :)

I'm Glad you had a lovely day.

Why bother talking if nobody's listening? ::(:

....Yup. I know. Why bother is what I say at times too. Sorry people are not listening to you.


Well-known member
Well... it finally happened. I got a job.

I am now a postman.

At least its not minimum wage - semi decent I guess... while I study. I almost have some semblance of existence now.

I know I know - my enthusiasm is overwhelming. I will try to calm down.
Wow that's super awesome Kia. :)
Thank you, Srijita. :) I hope you're having a great day, too.
I'm having an okay day, thank you.


Well-known member
Well... it finally happened. I got a job.

I am now a postman.

At least its not minimum wage - semi decent I guess... while I study. I almost have some semblance of existence now.

I know I know - my enthusiasm is overwhelming. I will try to calm down.

I don't know you, but I hope you don't mind if I congratulate you and hope it will go well with your new job?

If "Bad Taste" taught me anything, any sort of mail delivery can be serious business in New Zealand. :)


I don't know you, but I hope you don't mind if I congratulate you and hope it will go well with your new job?

If "Bad Taste" taught me anything, any sort of mail delivery can be serious business in New Zealand. :)

Oh you poor thing - you didnt actually watch that movie did you? On behalf of all NZ'ers... I am sorry.

Thanks for your kind words everyone. I appreciate it - lets try and keep the social anxiety and awkward social graces from meeting a whole bunch of new people in one go down to a minimum...


Well-known member
Thanks for your kind words everyone. I appreciate it - lets try and keep the social anxiety and awkward social graces from meeting a whole bunch of new people in one go down to a minimum...
You will be okay, mate. You'll be working on your own a lot so I think that'll be helpful. Good luck!


Well-known member
I am exhausted and drained. It was nice having my friend down for a few days but I'd forgotten how tiring I find it being a hostess, what with that and working as well, then yesterday i held a party too. I haven't slept properly in days and my eyelids are puffed up and feel kinda rough. I guess it sounds like I shouldn't be complaining, its good to be busy right? But I just feel so extremely drained and a little bit anxious right now. When things fly by so quickly sometimes I stop and wonder, 'wait, what really happened over the past few days?'. Eurrrgh. This probably makes no sense and if it does it probably sounds stupid. time for me to have a little sleep.
No, that makes a lot of sense. Playing host for any reason is a draining experience and I try not to do it.

Sounds like you need some sleep, my friend! Rest up and relax - sounds like you deserve it.


Well-known member
I am exhausted and drained. It was nice having my friend down for a few days but I'd forgotten how tiring I find it being a hostess, what with that and working as well, then yesterday i held a party too. I haven't slept properly in days and my eyelids are puffed up and feel kinda rough. I guess it sounds like I shouldn't be complaining, its good to be busy right? But I just feel so extremely drained and a little bit anxious right now. When things fly by so quickly sometimes I stop and wonder, 'wait, what really happened over the past few days?'. Eurrrgh. This probably makes no sense and if it does it probably sounds stupid. time for me to have a little sleep.
I can relate. It must be very draining for you. I hope you can take some rest now.


Well-known member
Work is making me unwell. Maybe my best is not good enough. Some unkind words are dragging me under tonight.


Well-known member
Why should I bother trying to be positive when this is all I get for it? A cancelled trip that was all I had to look forward to, was the happy thing that was keeping me going.

Now I have to face days of dealing with the intense disappointment and anger and sadness.

I'm so upset I don't know what to do with myself, I can't stop crying. I am devastated.

Edit: I guess we are going after all, just a little bit later. I'm glad and feel better now, but I still resent that all that happened. It wasn't supposed to be this way, it was supposed to be all planned out and enjoyable. But things happen, c'est la vie. I am grateful we're going after all. It had better not be cancelled, I'll lose my mind...
The "why bother to keep trying" is a very common feeling for me since everything always seems to end badly. I guess I just feel hopeless most of the time.

Anyway, I'm glad you finally have that trip, have fun!