How are you feeling?


Well-known member
It seems there are people who have a problem with me. When I discover this I try and stay out of their way. However, sometimes their nastiness and misrepresentation continues, and gets spread around, takes on a life of its own.

I think there is a sickness of gossip in some people.

I think there are bout 4 or 5 people like that at the moment. I really fear going out into situation where they are likely to be. Avoidance starts to be tempting.

I am sorry kiwong,I am kind of in this situation also,I feel like I cant do anything because I am alone,I have been called a coward before,but gossiping and with a group against a lonely person isnt cowardice?

I kinda got angry and let it show,something that I shouldnt have done.


Well-known member
Hi, everybody. I hope your days are going okay ♥.

I've been sick since last night. Had to go to the doctors and omg I looked like Halloween. Took a nap, feel a bit better, but still ugh.
That sucks! I hope you feel better soon Beleza. :)
Tired of feeling like ****.
I'm sorry, I hope you feel better, you definitely don't deserve to feel such way.
Just in general. I don't feel like I can share very much about myself, even anonymously on the web. It's pretty pathetic actually.
Nah, its not pathetic. I'm exactly same to, I usually don't share anything about myself unless I know someone very well.


Well-known member
My parents have me a bit of a run-down of what's happening with my grandmother. Basically she's been put into a dementia ward not too far from my house, even though she is a lot more cognitive and doesn't really need to be there. Unfortunately, there was no other option except bringing here to live, and that means renovating the house for wheelchair access.

To pay for her stay there is going to cost $1,100 a week. My parents are going to have to sell her house to afford to pay for it. For the moment, there's enough in my grandmother's account to cover it for now.

There goes my dad's inheritance.

With the selling of my nan's house: if she wasn't in that ward, I was going to get $50,000.

Not now.


^^^ Dude... that seriously seriously sucks.
God I hate reading about stuff like that.

So she is moving back to your parents place and you have to renovate the house to make it wheel chair accessible?

Sorry just making sure I have it clear.


Well-known member
^^^ Dude... that seriously seriously sucks.
God I hate reading about stuff like that.

So she is moving back to your parents place and you have to renovate the house to make it wheel chair accessible?

Sorry just making sure I have it clear.
Thanks, man. It's putting things in a bit of perspective for me.

What's happening is that she's staying in this dementia ward because there's nowhere else she can go unless we renovate this house for wheelchair access, which will be costly and won't work. There's only 3 bedrooms, too, so I would have to move out. But that's not happening and we'll have to fork out the $1,100 a week to keep her there - money that was going to go to my dad, but is now being used to keep her alive.


Well-known member
My parents have me a bit of a run-down of what's happening with my grandmother. Basically she's been put into a dementia ward not too far from my house, even though she is a lot more cognitive and doesn't really need to be there. Unfortunately, there was no other option except bringing here to live, and that means renovating the house for wheelchair access.

To pay for her stay there is going to cost $1,100 a week. My parents are going to have to sell her house to afford to pay for it. For the moment, there's enough in my grandmother's account to cover it for now.

There goes my dad's inheritance.

With the selling of my nan's house: if she wasn't in that ward, I was going to get $50,000.

Not now.
Oh that truly sucks Mikey. I'm sorry.


Thanks, man. It's putting things in a bit of perspective for me.

What's happening is that she's staying in this dementia ward because there's nowhere else she can go unless we renovate this house for wheelchair access, which will be costly and won't work. There's only 3 bedrooms, too, so I would have to move out. But that's not happening and we'll have to fork out the $1,100 a week to keep her there - money that was going to go to my dad, but is now being used to keep her alive.

Oh I see.
Ah yes...that is...quite a pickle. Sorry man. I wish I could help you out.
$1100 seems pretty fricken steep - what is the justification for that much cost?


Well-known member
My parents have me a bit of a run-down of what's happening with my grandmother. Basically she's been put into a dementia ward not too far from my house, even though she is a lot more cognitive and doesn't really need to be there. Unfortunately, there was no other option except bringing here to live, and that means renovating the house for wheelchair access.

To pay for her stay there is going to cost $1,100 a week. My parents are going to have to sell her house to afford to pay for it. For the moment, there's enough in my grandmother's account to cover it for now.

There goes my dad's inheritance.

With the selling of my nan's house: if she wasn't in that ward, I was going to get $50,000.

Not now.

wow, that really really sucks


Well-known member
Oh that truly sucks Mikey. I'm sorry.
It's okay. The money is keeping her alive, which is okay. $50,000 would've come in handy, though.

Oh I see.
Ah yes...that is...quite a pickle. Sorry man. I wish I could help you out.
$1100 seems pretty fricken steep - what is the justification for that much cost?
Thanks, my friend.

It is steep. There's daily charges for accommodation and just to keep her there. With those it's about $75 a day, plus other fees that I don't fully understand. It's insane but that's how it is.


Well-known member
feeling functional and inspired so I woke up early since I just bought a new mic yesterday so I can really crack down and finish my acoustic recordings, hopefully I can be completely finished in the next week


Hie yer hence from me heath!
As I predicted my oldest half sister has returned from her holiday and just gave me the 3rd degree

"Why'd you no text or email me?"
"I was too busy"
"Aye, right. Nonsense. You're just lazy"

Oh, f*** off! Ye f***in' stuck up bitch! I forgot I'm no allow any privacy! :mad: - Just an unarticulate thought. :rolleyes: I hate my family, sometimes.