How are you feeling?


Well-known member
Thanks y'all!!!! Haha I don't think I'm gonna be aloud to drink anymore after this coyote. But I am improving. My CK enzyme count was 29,000 this morning which is awful for the kidney but I just got updated that the count is down to 17,000. I can go home when it's down to 5000. I'm still scared though, I really don't wanna have to experience seizures again. If u can see the damage I did to myself you would all be scared too. Both my shoulders look pretty bad, one is slightly fractured and I may need to get surgery on it.


Well-known member
Thanks y'all!!!! Haha I don't think I'm gonna be aloud to drink anymore after this coyote. But I am improving. My CK enzyme count was 29,000 this morning which is awful for the kidney but I just got updated that the count is down to 17,000. I can go home when it's down to 5000. I'm still scared though, I really don't wanna have to experience seizures again. If u can see the damage I did to myself you would all be scared too. Both my shoulders look pretty bad, one is slightly fractured and I may need to get surgery on it.

I'm so sorry that you have to go through this (and I probably don't want to see your injuries because even the smallest drops of blood make me queasy::p:). I hope that you feel better. Hopefully you'll get a clean bill of health soon.


Well-known member
Still in the hospital from my seizures on Friday. I've been cleared of any brain tumors. I just have too much of the CK enzyme that got released into my system when I dislocated my shoulders. It's really bad for my kidneys so they got me peeing 10 liters a day. I dunno I'm really scared and don't know what to do
Hang in there drummer. I hope you get well soon :)
Slightly anxious. I have to do a faux job interview for my Job Strategies class tomorrow, since that's our final. Ugh, I don't want to do this! >.< I think the fact that it's for a grade rather than a real job makes me more anxious.

My last actual job interview, which was 2 years ago, really wasn't too bad. I was nervous, but manageable. Deep down I knew right then and there though that my boss was a douche, since he actually interrupted me as I was trying to explain myself. I don't remember what he asked me, but he was reading my application at the same time as I was explaining myself and answering his question and then he just basically tells me to "Shh." -.- Freaking idiot. I still got the job, but it was a living hell. I didn't last 3 months before I quit because I couldn't stand him anymore.

^ Why I just rambled about that now I don't know.
Sorry you had to deal with that and good luck :)


Well-known member
Lonely_drummer, sorry to hear you're going through all this. ::(: I'm glad you have clearance of any tumors though! At least that's a good sign. Hang in there. I hope you get well soon!
Feel better soon, drummer. We're all rooting for ya!

I have been up since 7am. I did not take one nap or even think about taking a nap. This is good. My sleeping pattern was all screwed up. And I have to see the dentist in the morning, so I have to get up early again tomorrow. This should be my last or second to last appointment for fillings. After that, I just need to have my wisdom teeth and my one scraggle tooth pulled and I am home free!

Phoenixx - change your Tumblr link!
Really, really depressed. Like my life will be one long, miserable fight just to function from day to day, attempting to convince myself I am a normal human being and not a freak, around and around in cycles...

This may change once I get a therapist and medication (yet again), but... *shrug*.

I feel as if there are weights attached to my arms and legs and I just feel so fatigued from dragging them, I just need to lie down and sleep peacefully (a metaphor for death I suppose).


Well-known member
Really, really depressed. Like my life will be one long, miserable fight just to function from day to day, attempting to convince myself I am a normal human being and not a freak, around and around in cycles...

This may change once I get a therapist and medication (yet again), but... *shrug*.

I feel as if there are weights attached to my arms and legs and I just feel so fatigued from dragging them, I just need to lie down and sleep peacefully (a metaphor for death I suppose).

This describes my life ::(: I feel like no matter how much progress I make I end in the same place. I hope that therapy will help you find some insight into what will make you feel better about your life. You write well.
This describes my life ::(: I feel like no matter how much progress I make I end in the same place. I hope that therapy will help you find some insight into what will make you feel better about your life. You write well.

I'm really sorry to hear that. I know the feeling, and I agree. Maybe therapy really is a scam. Or maybe it only works for some. And maybe then it only works for some because it got them to think a certain way but they really could have done that on their own. And maybe now I'm thinking too much :rolleyes:

Oh, and thanks... I do enjoy writing quite a bit. I just think sometimes I ramble too much :p


Well-known member
I think therapy works as much as you put into it. If you do the work and fight the hard battles, push yourself, you can make it through to the other side.

There is always hope. Don't give up.


Well-known member
I'm sorry about all that crazy stuff, Drummer. I really, really hope you feel better soon. :)

How I'm feeling...

I'm feeling confused and excited. I went out with that guy I've been dating again and we had a great time. I met one of he's friends and he's a really fun cool guy. I look forward to going over there again. I think what I'm excited most about is that I feel comfortable around him and his friend. Like I belong. I've never felt that way before. I feel accepted...


Well-known member
I'm feeling confused and excited. I went out with that guy I've been dating again and we had a great time. I met one of he's friends and he's a really fun cool guy. I look forward to going over there again. I think what I'm excited most about is that I feel comfortable around him and his friend. Like I belong. I've never felt that way before. I feel accepted...

That's great :) It's wonderful when you find people that you can be comfortable with. Is it because you pulled funny faces?


Well-known member
Really, really depressed. Like my life will be one long, miserable fight just to function from day to day, attempting to convince myself I am a normal human being and not a freak, around and around in cycles...

This may change once I get a therapist and medication (yet again), but... *shrug*.

I feel as if there are weights attached to my arms and legs and I just feel so fatigued from dragging them, I just need to lie down and sleep peacefully (a metaphor for death I suppose).
I'm sorry you're having such a tough time. Hang in there. It can hopefully get better.

I'm feeling confused and excited. I went out with that guy I've been dating again and we had a great time. I met one of he's friends and he's a really fun cool guy. I look forward to going over there again. I think what I'm excited most about is that I feel comfortable around him and his friend. Like I belong. I've never felt that way before. I feel accepted...
This is excellent! I'm so glad you're feeling accepted, like you should.


Well-known member
I'm sorry about all that crazy stuff, Drummer. I really, really hope you feel better soon. :)

How I'm feeling...

I'm feeling confused and excited. I went out with that guy I've been dating again and we had a great time. I met one of he's friends and he's a really fun cool guy. I look forward to going over there again. I think what I'm excited most about is that I feel comfortable around him and his friend. Like I belong. I've never felt that way before. I feel accepted...

That's awesome. I'm glad you're feeling accepted :)

A bit disappointed in myself. I know its not helpful to loose my temper over small issues but sometimes I can't help it specially when I feel cornered. I guess I need to be more careful.


Well-known member
A bit disappointed in myself. I know its not helpful to loose my temper over small issues but sometimes I can't help it specially when I feel cornered. I guess I need to be more careful.
When you're feeling cornered, there's not much more you can do. You did okay. :)
Been feeling just ok last few days, havn't posted as much on SPW though, not really sure why...

I tend to post less on here the better I feel.

My cat woke me up with her insistent whining. I figured I'd better get up before she bit me. Then I got something to eat. Curses! Now I have to stay up until I eat my bagel. I wanna go back to sleep... ;)