How are you feeling?

If your mum has told her that, then she probably already knows she's on thin ice.

Sorry you have to put up with it. Even though you probably have very little to do with her, having someone so toxic in your space doesn't bode well. Kind of makes me glad my brother's girlfriend isn't too bad.

Isn't that always the case? One moves out and another moves in. It test both my faith stability and my patients.

Oh well, all the more I will enjoy it once I have my own place. Initiating a general people ban. They can have their coffee by the damn front door.

EDIT: Also ''girlfriends'' was meant to indicate multiple friends she brings over, it was unfortunately in the wrong sentence. My bad.
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Hie yer hence from me heath!
Our cat has cancer. We are having her put to sleep later today. I feel like I'm all cried out, but I'm sure I'll find some new reserves when the time comes. ::(:

Sorry to hear that, superfluouslyme. ::(: I know how upsetting this is for you. I went through the same thing last month when I had to have one of my cats put to sleep.


Hie yer hence from me heath!
The smile hides the sadness. ::(:

Wish I was in therapy right now, but still waiting for that to start. I need someone to talk to.


Well-known member
Pretty good, had an interview this morning with county sheriff's dept. Went very well, and I'm on to step two in the hiring process. :D


Well-known member

Having a pity party for myself.
I hope you feel better soon *hugs*
The smile hides the sadness. ::(:

Wish I was in therapy right now, but still waiting for that to start. I need someone to talk to.
If you want to talk my inbox is always open.
Pretty good, had an interview this morning with county sheriff's dept. Went very well, and I'm on to step two in the hiring process. :D
That's really great!
At this moment, pretty good.
However I'm convinced it's only temporary and I'll probably end up going to be misserable
I hope it lasts :)
Thanks for the kind words, everybody. We were given a small gift of sorts. When my sister and I got to the vet's, she was perky and acting just like herself. We decided that we couldn't do it. Not right now. She still has some good days and possibly weeks ahead of her. So we talked to the vet and she said that she's in no pain right now. We are going to make a list of her behaviors and when she stops acting like herself, then we'll have her put to sleep. Right now, she is scouring the house like she hasn't been here forever. It's so wonderful to see her home, but I've got to remember that it isn't permanent.

I guess that's a big gift. I'm really happy to spend whatever time she has left loving her.


Well-known member
I'm sorry to hear about your cat, SuFlu. I can't imagine what it must feel like to find that out, I only know that I'll be devastated once I lose my cat (she's 20 next month). At least you have a bit of time left to enjoy her, and I'm sure you'll show her more love than ever, giving her some very happy last moments :)


I'm feeling tired. Got so much writing to do for a piece of work I've been given. The trouble is, I can do it all from home, which sounds good but also means I find it harder to set the boundaries because I keep thinking, "I'll just do a little bit more". I'm making myself way more tired and probably being counter-productive. I give up now though, bedtime!


Well-known member
Our cat has cancer. We are having her put to sleep later today. I feel like I'm all cried out, but I'm sure I'll find some new reserves when the time comes. ::(:

Thanks for the kind words, everybody. We were given a small gift of sorts. When my sister and I got to the vet's, she was perky and acting just like herself. We decided that we couldn't do it. Not right now. She still has some good days and possibly weeks ahead of her. So we talked to the vet and she said that she's in no pain right now. We are going to make a list of her behaviors and when she stops acting like herself, then we'll have her put to sleep. Right now, she is scouring the house like she hasn't been here forever. It's so wonderful to see her home, but I've got to remember that it isn't permanent.

I guess that's a big gift. I'm really happy to spend whatever time she has left loving her.
^ I'm so sorry, super. ::(: I'm glad she's not in any pain though and still has some time left. I'm sure you'll give her the best days and moments a cat could ever want.


Well-known member
Thanks for the kind words, everybody. We were given a small gift of sorts. When my sister and I got to the vet's, she was perky and acting just like herself. We decided that we couldn't do it. Not right now. She still has some good days and possibly weeks ahead of her. So we talked to the vet and she said that she's in no pain right now. We are going to make a list of her behaviors and when she stops acting like herself, then we'll have her put to sleep. Right now, she is scouring the house like she hasn't been here forever. It's so wonderful to see her home, but I've got to remember that it isn't permanent.

I guess that's a big gift. I'm really happy to spend whatever time she has left loving her.
Ack, that sounds awful. Enjoy your remaining time with her. Poor cat.