Females taking combat role positions in the future


Well-known member
your opinion is sexist. anyone who is willing and capable of going to combat should have that right. what is wrong with people?

sorry, i will step back into the kitchen. here, take my shoes.

I am a pacifist I don't support men or women fighting in wars. That's equality.
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Well-known member
has anyone ever here fought in a war it doesnt sound pleasent at all have you heard of my lai or nakasaki hiroshima?(it was established that japan was already going to surrender and they nuked them anyway) abu grahib why would women want to be involved in horrific acts of terrorism so usa can rule the planet im not even trying to be provocative just my honest opinion


Iä! Iä! Cthulhu fhtagn!
Staff member
has anyone ever here fought in a war it doesnt sound pleasent at all have you heard of my lai or nakasaki hiroshima?(it was established that japan was already going to surrender and they nuked them anyway) abu grahib why would women want to be involved in horrific acts of terrorism so usa can rule the planet im not even trying to be provocative just my honest opinion
I have not, alwayssunny.

Of course it isn't pleasant.

I am opposed to many of the ways our (USA) military has been used, and I think our foreign policy, as a rule, is poop.

My stance is this:

1. a military force is absolutely necessary.

2. women should have the right to serve in it just as men do if they so choose.


Well-known member
My stance is this I dont know why any human (male or female) being would want to kill another human being who they have never met before on behalf of demons like dick cheney george bush david cameron william hague barack obama i mean these people are evil and for them to expect women to risk their lives for their policitcal interests is disgusting and inhumane. War is a racket War Is a Racket - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia if you are interested give it a read

“I spent 33 years and four months in active military service and during that period I spent most of my time as a high class muscle man for Big Business, for Wall Street and the bankers. In short, I was a racketeer, a gangster for capitalism. I helped make Mexico and especially Tampico safe for American oil interests in 1914. I helped make Haiti and Cuba a decent place for the National City Bank boys to collect revenues in. I helped in the raping of half a dozen Central American republics for the benefit of Wall Street. I helped purify Nicaragua for the International Banking House of Brown Brothers in 1902-1912. I brought light to the Dominican Republic for the American sugar interests in 1916. I helped make Honduras right for the American fruit companies in 1903. In China in 1927 I helped see to it that Standard Oil went on its way unmolested. Looking back on it, I might have given Al Capone a few hints. The best he could do was to operate his racket in three districts. I operated on three continents.”
― Smedley D. Butler, War is a Racket: The Antiwar Classic by America's Most Decorated Soldier

Roman Legion

Well-known member
I thought Audie Murphy was the most decorated soldier in the US? My 'smart books' in basic training said that. I almost went to Afghanistan, I lucked out as I was medically rejected during the screening right before they put you on the plane to your combat zone. I do agree with dottie and others, I support women having every choice a man has, I do not support or encourage anyone to join the military, but if a man or woman wants, they should be able to. During my time in, I have seen plenty of women that could have handled the infantry, but the PT scores between genders are a joke and quite sexist.

Army PFT Push-up Score Chart - Military Fitness - Military.com

Keep in mind 60% is passing. Most women in shape get over the maximum 300 score and get on the extended scale because the Army thinks that is all they can do, but they are wrong; women are not frail little flowers that need the protection of a man, they are people too and this is one thing I can say men are holding them back on.

Also, I do feel like a pawn, a chump a sucker and a dupe when in uniform, but that comes to a end in a matter of months. I still stand that US foreign policy might better be modeled after the United Federation of Planets prime directive.
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Well-known member
the point im trying to make is war only happens because banks give governments loans for wars because they are very expensive (then they make a ton of money for interest rates) arms corporations supply the eweapons government scientiscts spend trillions of dollars developing weapons of mass destruction then invade other countries to destroy weapons of mass destruction. the point im trying to make is women and men shoiuld not fight itn wars because war shoyuld not happen because war is about profit read smedley butler war is a racket war is total bull**** uk taxpayer spends £150 million per day on war in afghanistan all this money goes to arms corporations. I saw a docu and the ceo of a major arsms corporation said if the governments folloowed their own arms treaties there would be no war why was ther war in iraq second largest oil reserves
women shouldnt be allowed to kill people the same way men shouldnt be allowed to kill people 300,000 women have beeen milled by roadside bombs for NOTHING

Roman Legion

Well-known member
the point im trying to make is war only happens because banks give governments loans for wars because they are very expensive (then they make a ton of money for interest rates) arms corporations supply the eweapons government scientiscts spend trillions of dollars developing weapons of mass destruction then invade other countries to destroy weapons of mass destruction. the point im trying to make is women and men shoiuld not fight itn wars because war shoyuld not happen because war is about profit read smedley butler war is a racket war is total bull**** uk taxpayer spends £150 million per day on war in afghanistan all this money goes to arms corporations. I saw a docu and the ceo of a major arsms corporation said if the governments folloowed their own arms treaties there would be no war why was ther war in iraq second largest oil reserves
women shouldnt be allowed to kill people the same way men shouldnt be allowed to kill people 300,000 women have beeen milled by roadside bombs for NOTHING

I remember sitting in Economic a few years ago and the professor and my textbook stated "Traditionally, war is good for an economy.." The professor went on to add "As long as the war materials are made by that country and not in foreign nations.." which a lot of military gear is not made here, but some things are, but they are sold at such a high price, it hurts the economy.


Well-known member
I remember sitting in Economic a few years ago and the professor and my textbook stated "Traditionally, war is good for an economy.." The professor went on to add "As long as the war materials are made by that country and not in foreign nations.." which a lot of military gear is not made here, but some things are, but they are sold at such a high price, it hurts the economy.

Wow, I can't believe your professor actually said that. War may be "good" in an economic sense but it only brings more hatred and a never ending cycle of revenge on both sides.

Roman Legion

Well-known member
Wow, I can't believe your professor actually said that. War may be "good" in an economic sense but it only brings more hatred and a never ending cycle of revenge on both sides.

I have had professors say some odd things, like "Government should not pay for education, especially college." he went on to talk about if you can afford to be 'here' on your own, then you deserve to be 'here' (Here referencing enrolled in the college.). I am only able to be in college because of Federal financial aid and those people who pay their own way (Or rather their parents do) try to cheat off me, the guy, who according to him should not be in his class and I make over 100 on his quizes.


Well-known member
I am against,its not that I think that women are inferior or something like that,but in a place where killing is not considered wrong,normal people become capable of horrible things,can you imagine that for exemple after a hard battle with losses on both sides,one side surrenders,or are captured or something like that,can you imagine what would happen with those people at the hands of the angry people they surrendered to or were captured?
Those kind of stuff still happens today,I bet that the women captured would get even more attention than the men,so I am against.


Well-known member
I read 300,000 women have been killed in Iraq and Afghanistan from roadside bombs. Why send more people into war to murder people they dont know.

'On average, a US military veteran commits suicide every 80 minutes, according to recent estimates from the Veterans Affairs (VA) Department. At the same time, suicides by active soldiers increased 15 percent in 2012, to a new record.

According to these figures, more soldiers and veterans take their own lives every year than have been killed in action throughout the last twelve years of Afghanistan and the last ten years of Iraq combined'.

Wars are fought purely to make massive profits for arms corporations. Henry Kissingeer saud himself 'Military men are dumb pawns'. Also Amcerica uses depleted uranium in their weapons even though it is illegal under international law.

I wanted to use that quote, but unfortunately, I couldn't ascertain whether it was actually true or not. But nonetheless, I think the actions of those in power pretty much prove that the thinking is like that whether or not the quote is genuine. Also, just yesterday I saw a news report of suicide in the military and quite frankly, I was shocked, though it's unsurprising really...

"Who started it" however is extremely relevant nevertheless.

I always find it amusing how so called peaceful countries really are in fact - not so peaceful.

I agree!

the point im trying to make is war only happens because banks give governments loans for wars because they are very expensive (then they make a ton of money for interest rates) arms corporations supply the eweapons government scientiscts spend trillions of dollars developing weapons of mass destruction then invade other countries to destroy weapons of mass destruction. the point im trying to make is women and men shoiuld not fight itn wars because war shoyuld not happen because war is about profit read smedley butler war is a racket war is total bull**** uk taxpayer spends £150 million per day on war in afghanistan all this money goes to arms corporations. I saw a docu and the ceo of a major arsms corporation said if the governments folloowed their own arms treaties there would be no war why was ther war in iraq second largest oil reserves
women shouldnt be allowed to kill people the same way men shouldnt be allowed to kill people 300,000 women have beeen milled by roadside bombs for NOTHING

Hear! Hear!

Wonderful! I'm so glad to see others who I can agree with, it makes me feel so much better about things...

Also, it's worth noting that (since Roman Legion mentioned it), of course, war may not be as good for a particular country's economy as it once was, but do we forget that banks are international? War still makes tons and tons of money for the banksters, and let us not forget that it is they who control the world indirectly - Whoever controls the money controls the world....

I think my main point against war, which nobody seems to have actually responded to yet, is that in fighting army against army - it is all innocent people killing and being killed. Why is it right to go and kill another man or woman from a different country just because they're being ordered to do the same? It's the leaders, the warmongers who should be attacked but who never are, they're always safely protected whilst millions of order-followers go and kill each other for them.

"Law never made men a whit more just; and, by means of their respect for it, even the well-disposed are daily made the agents on injustice. A common and natural result of an undue respect for the law is, that you may see a file of soldiers, colonel, captain, corporal, privates, powder-monkeys, and all, marching in admirable order over hill and dale to the wars, against their wills, ay, against their common sense and consciences, which makes it very steep marching indeed, and produces a palpitation of the heart. They have no doubt that it is a damnable business in which they are concerned; they are all peaceably inclined. Now, what are they? Men at all? or small movable forts and magazines, at the service of some unscrupulous man in power?" - Henry David Thoreau "Civil Disobedience", 1849

If these order-followers all refused to follow orders then there couldn't be war.

Here's the report I saw yesterday, complete with a rant by David Icke, which I completely agree with! Because regardless of anything he may say which is highly questionable or strange, I think he makes some wonderful points at times and I wholeheartedly agree with his emotions and words in this regard. In fact, I find myself watching this and just thinking "YES! Finally! some sense - and this coming from someone considered insane!" I feel energised and like there's hope for the world is only the world would wake up to sense!

David Icke - Military & Police...What are You Doing!! Wake Up!!! - YouTube

Also, I find >>THIS SITE<< deeply saddening, but important to know of... It's funny how the media doesn't focus on this a little bit... But no, that might make people feel worse about the whole thing and be more against it....

And finally a quote from Einstein: "The pioneers of a warless world are the young men and women who refuse military service."


Staff member
If a woman wants equality to kill or be killed, I agree with her right.

Food for thought:



One is the biggest oppressive empire the world has ever seen, the other claiming to bring freedom. The expense involved is crippling. I think the time has come to rethink the NATO role since the Cold war ended long ago. The problem is, how do you downsize a giant military that has run up a gigantic deficit when these troops have nothing but unemployment to go back to. Civil disorder would soon follow.
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Roman Legion

Well-known member
Arms dealers really do make serious cash, take Lybia for example and Afghanistan during the Soviet occupation, the US supplied guns to these factions and they end up being used against us later as well as in Mali and Algeria the guns given to Libya are believed to have ended up there and they were used against the US embassy in Libya. The stinger missle systems were given to the Taliban to take out Soviet hind helicopters, but have been used for years against the US military and allied aircraft. There is no logic to giving warring factions guns as that means we take a side and it is pouring fuel on a fire. I support a Federation styled prime directive, at most only giving food and medical supplies, but never giving guns. Look at Chechnya, they have been building their own weapons for years out of junk, as have warring African nations. NATO really has no purpose, it was only a response to the Warsaw Pact. I recommend everyone read Civil Disobedience by Henry David Thoreau (Only 41 pages!) as he makes some great points.


Black Sabbath War Pigs - YouTube