I'm convinced. Any suggestions on how to convince those who profit so much from our offensive military actions?
People power... Only through protest on a large scale could anything be achieved... Which means convincing the public and those in the military first.
You think it realistic that large amounts of people in the military will agree to get court-marshaled and dishonorably discharged, risking homelessness and the inability to feed their families for the sake of principles regarding a combat situation that they probably don't even realize the implications of to begin with?
Ah, court marshaling - kind of shows how evil and anti-conscience the military is, really... Brand anyone who refuses to follow orders a "coward", or worse an actual enemy, and treat them as a criminal... If large numbers of people all acted at one time there's no way the criminal system of court marshaling could be used... They simply wouldn't have the number of people necessary. And I respect those who believe they are doing the right thing even if they are doing wrong.. However, if they learn the truth of their actions and still continue then they lose my respect. I think if people can be brainwashed into thinking it is honourable to go and kill and be killed for your country in an illegal war, then it would be very easy to get them to rebel once they're aware of exactly what it is they're doing. A little suffering is nothing compared with murder and death. Remove the brainwashing that enemies are inhuman demons, remove the mental state which is forced upon military personnel, (I've known people who have been in the army who find it very difficult to live life outside of being ordered around - they're often made to give up their own conscience and will... My cousin, after leaving the army had to go back to it, he just could't cope without being told what to do, my ex brother-in-law has become almost an alcoholic since he can't cope with life outside, the army doesn't inflict a healthy mental state in its ranks - this would need to be dealt with) reveal the propaganda which circulates in films and games where the military is "oh, so great" and the "enemy" is evil and barely human, educate people on the true effects of war instead of glorifying it... Spread messages of peace and of waking up to your own conscience... And people will eventually be educated.
And as for whether it's realistic to expect such a U-turn.. Well, go back 150 years - Practicing homosexuality was a crime which could carry the death penalty... (Still does in some places, but we'll stick to talking about the West for now) Everyone was outraged by it... Do you think it was realistic of anyone then to even dream of homosexual marriage even being thought about, let alone coming into being? Yet, where are we now? If something which was so despised as homosexuality can become
accepted by the majority, due to people campaigning, due to the media publicising it... then I think something as despised and evil as war can be
rejected by the majority.
More and more people are waking up and using their own conscience. In that video I posted for example - Wembley stadium, full of people all cheering loudly when Mr Icke said "People in uniform, put down your weapons" (or words to that effect). If even half of them went around spreading the same message many other people would eventually wake up and see the folly of it all and they'd do the same, eventually enough people will wake up and use their conscience. It's possible. No, it'll never have governmental support, but revolutions don't either and they have occurred. We need a revolution of the mind and I believe it's possible if only people stop being stuck in their box.
Again...realistic? You are thinking those in power will simply agree to risk their own lives?
That's my point, they never would. Which begs the question which everyone in the military should consider... "If they wouldn't, why should I? Especially why should I when I don't even agree with their politics?"