Does everyone have a dream career in mind?


Well-known member
....And am I the only one who doesn't?

Everyone I know wants to do something career-wise. I've had my fair share of switching dreams when I was little - cartoonist, marine biologist, archaeologist, games designer etc - but none of them have really stuck or grown on me.

At the moment I'm tending towards anything that allows me to create stories but I'm afraid that I can't make a real living out of it and it would just be a hit-and-miss sort of thing. Is this just a fantasy of mine or is this what you would actually call 'a dream career'? I don't even know what one counts as.

Feel free to share your dream careers too btw :)


Well-known member
No, I don't... I don't want a career... Unless it involves work with animals...

I think society focuses too much on people having "careers", instead of focusing on happiness. So many people end up tied down to a job or career which makes them unhappy. I'd rather live an independent life, but this world makes it too difficult... What's the point in slaving your life away for nothing? I believe we should all do whatever makes us happy... And if you're doing what makes you happy and it happens to be a job, you probably won't think of it as being a "career" you'll just think of it as part of your life. As my musical hero, Clive Nolan, has stated, music to him "isn't a job", it's his "life", he has "no life outside of music"...
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Well-known member
Games designer sounds cool to me. I would love to be one, but it's really hard. Now I'm studying computer engineering and the possibilities are huge, a lot of things I never even considered.

Don't do things if you don't want to, you don't have to focus on a career if that doesn't make you happy. Live to work is bad, work to live is better. If you don't find anything appealing, just try to find a job that helps you pay the bills and then you will have time to focus on what makes you happy on your free time.


Well-known member
i dont know what career il'd like, atm i feel like i dont want one, i just wanna live happily in peace but you cant do that anymore the world only cares about what benefits themselves not other peoples happyness


Well-known member
It's your dream,its your career. What ever makes you happy.. id rather be happy doing nothing,than doing something I hate....

Give me a job where sweating is the main focus I'm sure I'll prosper in my career...


Well-known member
Anyone who talks to me for more than 30 minutes is going to know what my dream career is, lol. I have a genuine passion for my field.

I do think everyone should have a dream career in mind, as you're going to spend a huge portion of your life working. Do something that makes you happy... something that gives you a real sense of satisfaction.


Well-known member
I have a few mainly jobs I can do from home but I would like to have an online business maybe for people that aren't able to go into work not because they can't but because a certain health issue makes it a bit too difficult.
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Well-known member
Kat, that sounds like a brilliant idea. I'd totaly support that,you go girl.. nd them biceps are looking good girl :)


Well-known member
Kat, that sounds like a brilliant idea. I'd totaly support that,you go girl.. nd them biceps are looking good girl :)

oh, hehe nice of you to notice , my hair will probably be grey like that too by the time it happens::p: :)



I did have that, a bit wonky from the dream and intention I had from childhood.

Scientific research would suit me. Electronics, maths, various engineering, not involving humans. I do like the animal career idea. Vet. Any way to keep clear of humans and their stuck-up society.

I've done it. I've adapted to different things, one milestone to next. I never thought the special x factor would be required, to FIT-IN with teams... etc. Unable to pin down any job. I try to work this out. Too many people keep telling me I won't keep on track, and should give up; being subject to failure. Maybe from childhood I was aware that you move from mummy-daddy dependency to a Manager/Director/CEO-reliant person, to do as told.

I deeply wish there was a knob at the back of the neck of all these mighty, company in-charge people, when I could set this to 'fully tolerant' and make them listen to me. I hope this doesn't end up being the sharp end of a crowbar in their face

Pizza delivery by moped was the best I got, accompanied by its own rewards

Yep. career vs. happiness is a very subtle and valuable thought. I've been lucky to never fall into the unknown category of mine, slaving away at something you hate. The ultimate people-facing role of working behind a bar... I refused it. Moped delivery was magic, prompting my roadlove. Multidrop van delivery would make me happy. From 1998 to 2011 there was never any job which I did not adore. Compromise is key. Employers fire me. A hate factor I cannot define.

Perhaps my mistake. Prompted by all to take on misery as a bin man. I'd love lawnmowing.
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Well-known member
No, I don't have anything specific in mind. I just want to be able to earn enough money to support whatever lifestyle I decide that I want--I'm still undecided. I want whatever I end up doing--whether it's one job, a few all at once, or several over my lifetime--to not be stressful on me, depress me, make me anxious, etc.


Well-known member
Sounds far Rawz,, but who knows what kinda swerve ball life will threw at you? It's all about how you smash it out the park that counts :)

razzle dazzle rose

Well-known member
I really have no idea what I would like to be doing as a career. Any job that comes to mind, I automatically think of reasons why it wouldn't be a good fit and why it wouldn't work. I don't think I can do much of anything right now so it is hard to imagine something. Though the idea of having some sort of online business sounds appealing, like an etsy shop (it would have to be quite successful to pay the bills). I'd have to have something to sell or create something and I am not quite there yet.


Well-known member
Unsure yet. I have a few interests, but just need to see if they can be turned into a career.

I'm not good with studying, though, so Uni is not going to work for me. I'll need some lessons on how to study and not be distracted.
I'm studying mechanical engineering. With that title, you can get some lame office jobs as manager, supervisor and stuff like that. May be a somewhat interesting job in the production line having actual contact with the machines, but even that is likely to get monotonous. The dream job is to be a designer, but design departments are busy as hell and you end up not having much time to try to actually live (even if it was at some aviation or motor sports company), so after reading these two books and looking at similar material:



I think a really cool job would be to be one of the guys who make the mechanical fx in the movies, seems like a lot of fun with amazing results.


Well-known member
Hey, thanks for all your messages guys :) I'm glad some of you at least have ideas of what you wanna do in your future, and I'm relieved that I'm not the only one stuck in this boat that moves nowhere...But I do hope you'll find something to steer towards!

To Arthur_Dent: It's always good to meet a fellow mech eng student :D I'm going into my 4th year starting September and tbh I've still no clue what field I'd like to be in or if my last 3 years has actually been a waste of time for me. I feel pressured that whatever career I go into, it HAS to be engineering and I'm afraid it'll be one of those jobs where I have to wear formal clothes all the time...That's just one thing I don't want, all that formality lol


Active member
Im hoping when i recover from my issues (Socialphobia,body dysmorphic disorder, Depression etc) That i can become a counselor and help people who are suffering what i am going through right now, i think it will be really rewarding.


Well-known member
When I was a child, & a straight A student... I wanted to be an oceanographer... Ha! High sights, I had. :D My other choice would've been to be a veterinarian.

That was long before the world came along, crushed, then rebuilt my spirit into something much more adaptable...