Do you think you're ugly?

razzle dazzle rose

Well-known member
Haha, yeah. Your self worth equates to essentially this: how physically attractive you are. If you meet this criteria, you'll be able to, for example,'drive women wild in the bedroom,' lift cars with just one hand, save the world etc etc.
Haha, ridiculous. Your status isn't elevated because you're in the gym 24/7 and you have 10 millions abs. You're not superior because you're physically attractive. Most of the time, you were gifted genetically with the looks that happen to fit the trend at the time. Why should you be congratulated for such a thing? Yeah, you're pretty, congratulations. Now move the **** on.

What I value most is someone who's spent time becoming more knowledgeable and aware. They've bothered to develop their views, become interesting, carry a conversation properly without something like 'Um, lolol, I like...cheese. And I like um...going out and... um, yeah, watching fit guys walk down the street, um..yeah. And ohh, I'm too tired to talk about a topic in depth now, soz.' Just....I don't know. Do you get what I mean? A interesting, fun conversationalist.

You acknowledge good looks for a moment, but a truly interesting and insightful person...priceless.

Do you think complete self acceptance is attainable?

Oh,and I was going to add. Do you think it truly matters if someone is unattractive or undesirable?

Attractive people do seem to have an easier time. They also seem to be gifted with other attractive qualities, all perhaps attained because they were good looking in the first place; their experiences are different and they have opportunities others don't, and all this helps them develop well-rounded personalities. People seem to think highly of attractive people too...all the work is done for them! Okay, maybe I am being unfair. They are just people. Attractiveness doesn't necessary equal stupidity though, and vice versa. I think I would be the person to make that cheese comment, haha ::eek:: I do like cheese! I also admire people who are good conversationalists. It is such an attractive quality and I wish I were more like that. Damn social anxiety ::(:

I do think we can come to accept ourselves, even with our flaws. To be at peace with things. Well, at least that is what I am hoping for.

razzle dazzle rose

Well-known member
Thinking I'm ugly is not the problem. It's just everyone else is so much prettier! I think I'm an average, boring, shy little girl who sits and does her work in lessons. I'd rather keep it that way than getting attention.

I don't think I could cope with that kind of attention either. I have gotten used to blending in with the background. Compliments even make me uncomfortable.


Well-known member
They do get an easier time. I would say they get some opportunities that others naturally wouldn't.
But well rounded personalities? Hahaha. Not at all. Think of the people you want to school with. The 'hot' girls. Did they have personalities? Were they truly interesting people? Of course not. When the general consensus is that you're attractive (sometimes it can be delusion, though) you don't bother to develop a personality, you're just reliant on looks.

so are you saying all attractive people have no personality?

or only un-attractive people have personalities?

or someone who has an interesting personality can't also be physically attractive?


Well-known member
I think im ugly on somedays and alright others. I think im an average looking guy but I dunno thats not what girls seem to think ...


Well-known member
I don't really think I'm ugly. But some days when I'm feeling bad about myself, I look in the mirror and seriously think I'm hideous.
So I guess it changes depending on my mood.

you must be blind. cuz hideous is a term reserved for monsters that live under your bed or in your closet. and u certainly arent a monster as far as i can tell! your beautiful! im sure you get that all the time! or at least you get stared at longingly by dudes of all ages everytime you leave the house! sexybeast!


Well-known member
absolutely YES! I hate my face especially my nose, makes me look so hideous~ I want to get surgery, but I dont have much money for get it~ I really want if I get a job n save the money for surgery, so pity I'm a jobless n hard to me to get a job~ What must I do!? ::(:


Well-known member
i like what i see when i look in the mirror..ive always had girls like me for my looks but my self-image becomes distorted when im around people and groups..very hard to explain..


Well-known member
How i see my self depends on my mood at the time, if i feel ok i think i look ok but with flaws but if i am down then i see everything i don't like about my appearance and and i feel like i am ugly.

Me too. Also I feel I'm ugly without makeup


Not sure - sometimes yes .... I am not happy with it, but I also cant do anything about it. I think my face shows weakness more than anything as well as lots of other messages - I think everyones does...

I feel that ones physical attractiveness can be gauged by how much attention one recieves from the opposite sex. I sometimes wonder what it would feel like to be desired. I dont know if beauty really is in the eye of the beholder - I think its more universal than that.

I also think presence counts for a lot - perhaps that is what the problem is.
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Well-known member
^ Kia, you're a handsome dude. Quite masculine.

I consider myself just an average-looking guy, personally. I have had some female interest but not a lot recently due to being more introverted lately, but that could very well be my fault (actually, totally my fault!).


Well-known member
Yah, this is the area I struggle with the most. I don't feel like I'm attractive at all, primarily because of my weight. Sucks, cause my personality is pretty amazing. :)

I was around 275 in highschool, got down to 180, gained most of it back working at a desk job for 6 years. Started hitting the gym hard in November last year, down to 190 currently. But it doesn't seem to matter how much weight I lose, I still see myself as the fat guy. I do take progress pictures, and I can see the obvious huge results. Not to mention the constant compliments. But my mind tries to convince me otherwise. The bastard. lol :)
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Well-known member
i feel ugly inside and while i never used to think i was horrible looking outside...that thought is slowly changing. So,yeah...all around now i just feel ugly.


Well-known member
I think I'm ugly. The proportions of my face are weird and I'm very skinny . I think I give off ugly vibes as well i.e. cold and uninviting. I also have no fashion sense. That being said, I don't really mind being "ugly". I don't have any desire to look pretty or anything. I just wish society wasn't so aesthetically superficial.


Well-known member
Well, there are days when I can't even stand looking in the mirror. I don't find my face that ugly (again, depending on my mood) but I really hate my body. I think I'm fat. I'd be happy if I lost 45 pounds. Then I might be a bit more satisfied with my appearance. I could lose weight if I wanted to, but I give up way too easily. Hopefully this will change.


Well-known member
I feel ugly inside and outside. Even had a guy tell me I wasn't attractive at all when asking his opinion of how cute I was.