Do you think you're ugly?


Well-known member
Yes, i've been told many times or heard people talking about me and the way I look. Plus I do have eyes and a mirror, something these people obviously don't realise.


Well-known member
I don't think I'm ugly, just really weird-looking, which I guess is a form of ugly in itself. Hmm.


Well-known member
Yes I do. Theres sometimes where I look in the mirror and I think I look okay but obviously in the mirror your face is flipped,when I see how my face is actually flipped Im absolutely horrified. Also I have such a disgustingly disfigured and uneven jaw, I look like a freak.Im so self concious about it and I think about it all of the time.


New member
yeah, imma ugly mother****er.. it kinda sucks.. i wasn't always like this.. girls used to be all over me back in the day.. it sucks when i see people that i used to hang out with because when they look at me they say " what the **** happen to him" i hate being like this, this is like one of the worst feelings.. but i guess i have to learn to live with it :(

razzle dazzle rose

Well-known member
I don't think I'm ugly, just really weird-looking, which I guess is a form of ugly in itself. Hmm.

One of my most recurring thoughts is that I look like an alien...not of the green gooey variety, but just strange looking. I have these weird features. My eyes are too small, my nose is too big, and there is too much space between my eyebrows and my eyes. I tend to notice these more when I am out, like at a mall or a restaurant; I will go to the restroom and see my face in the mirror and see how strange I look. But then, when I come home and see myself in the mirror I will look okay. I don't know what all that is about. Perhaps the lighting. It makes me feel very self-conscious.

(Reading my old responses in this thread, yep, all that is still true. I guess all this is a big problem for me).


Well-known member
Yeah I'm ugly and I'm a headcase when it comes to analyzing myself and my flaws. I've spent an embarassing amount of time looking at myself and doing stupid things to try to change my appearance.


Well-known member
motherf*ck ugh yes. In the mirror I don't look so bad. for some reason in a video or on camera I look horrible!! All of my pictures are trick pictures, I'm sad to admit. I make a special note to take pictures of myself when I look very unlike myself. It's one of the things that has a lot of power over me for some reason (as far as not going outside)


Well-known member
yeah, imma ugly mother****er.. it kinda sucks.. i wasn't always like this.. girls used to be all over me back in the day.. it sucks when i see people that i used to hang out with because when they look at me they say " what the **** happen to him" i hate being like this, this is like one of the worst feelings.. but i guess i have to learn to live with it :(

I totally doubt you look that bad. You can't just suck good looks out a person! They're still in you, girls used to be all over you. Maybe perception just changes?


Well-known member
I just want to put this out there to get it off of my spirit.

I was once in the 7th or 8th grade and a guy let all of the girls on the bus except for me. His friend stopped him and said " You got to let the ugly girls on the bus too" and some crap about how you have to treat all women with respect even though they are ugly.

I also had a science teacher that same year that acted like I was the prettiest thing she saw. She would always talk about my skin color and eyes. My language art teacher would talk about my eyes and so would the sign language interpreter because my best friend is deaf so, it confused me.

That same year I over heard a conversation with my name and a group of boys saying that girl is ugly.

The year before in the 6th grade boys would mess with me and I over heard conversations about me being the ugliest chick in the classroom. A guy said I could be his ugly maid and he would pay me a penny a day *something like that* He said it to me. Come to find out he had a crush on me and everyone was making fun of him for liking the ugliest girl in the class.

I didn't understand because I would get complements from adults. Every time I dressed nice some teachers would let it be known. I guess it's why I have always been attracted to older men when I think about it. Younger boys have always talked s**t on me and would treat me horrible. Older men and people have told me how good I looked.

I really don't know if I look ugly or not. SO many people tell me I am ugly and then many others think I am pretty.

I posted my picture on this chat website a few years ago and I made friends with alot of people there. I leave the room and the boys are talking about how ugly I am. I was also kicked out of a room for having "African lips" and looking "African" because of my ethnicity. They made jokes about how I looked the entire time and I didn't do anything to spark them to do that besides getting involved in the conversation and someone clicked on my picture.

Then I have a group of young men hollering at me when I get off of the bus school bus saying I was one of the cutest girls that they have saw and they wanted to know what school I went to. They thought I looked adorable.

I went to a chat room on the website that those people were talking crap about me years later and did a web chat thing and the men that would come in would call me cute and adorable.

I DON'T FREAKING KNOW! I don't get it. I am the worlds most confused person. My looks either attract attention or have me being made fun of.

I guess I look strange but I not that strange because many people have said that I look like someone they know or I remind them of someone eles.

I have gotten that I look like Brandy the singer M.I.A the rapper to rihanna and none of those people look alike. Then I look like everybody's cousin or friend.

I am confused to what I am. I think I have a weird face shape and what kind of hair I wear makes a major difference. IDK! I know people on this website have complemented me. Then other people are not favorable of my looks.


Well-known member
^^ that was a lot ^^ I think I may look very strange to some. Many have called me ugly and the other way around. I could go on about events where my looks were pointed out from being one extreme to another.

This is not all from my childhood. Whatever I am I have to deal with it. I don't like people talking about my looks because it's always a focus. Know me for who I am and all the cool things I am made of. If you think I am ugly or pretty why does that matter? Just leave me alone and look at me for other things. :-(


^^ well I have seen your pic and I think you are very beautiful. Exceptionally so. I have always been attracted to women with dark skin. You are a knockout.


Well-known member
^^ well I have seen your pic and I think you are very beautiful. Exceptionally so. I have always been attracted to women with dark skin. You are a knockout.

Maybe it all boils down to taste. I have gotten all types of comments. Many cruel and a lot nice. Sorry I am just ranting. Thank you very kindly for your comments.


Well-known member
I feel that it depends allot on my mood. When i see myself back on pictures where i was anxious at the time it was taken i don't think i look good. But on other pictures where i felt happy and relaxed i think i look better. It makes a big difference. Overall, it could have been worse and it could have been better.

Though looks aren't a too big of a deal for me. Over the years i got convinces that looks are just a small part of what makes you attractive. There are so many good looking ppl who i'm absolutely NOT attractive to because of their personality, but also people who aren't that beautifull but i am attracted to. Certain personal traits a much more important than the looks of someone, eg sense of humor, etc. Maybe a huge cliche but for me its true. I'm way more anxious about my personality than my looks.