Do you think you're ugly?

I haven't seen a single ugly person here. And not just the young member either, the middle ages SPWees are definitely a darned pretty bunch. People are too hard on themselves, seriously.

And not just here, either. Just the other day I gave a girl a lecture during my lunch break because she claimed she was ''fat and ugly''. She had like one roll with which she had difficulty grabbing a hold off. Having a slight fat reserve is a good thing. I mean, seriously.

Same thing on here. Many users aren't nearly as ugly as they think they are.


Well-known member
Just the other day I gave a girl a lecture during my lunch break because she claimed she was ''fat and ugly''. She had like one roll with which she had difficulty grabbing a hold off. Having a slight fat reserve is a good thing. I mean, seriously.
Ah, I have had the same problem with many people, too. No amount of convincing will change their minds, though.

Many users aren't nearly as ugly as they think they are.
You got that right.


Well-known member
Far too much importance is placed on having what commercials and popular culture deems as beautiful features.

I have working limbs and a half decent brain in my head, so I should be happy with who I am-- but I'm not.
I hate everything about myself.
A real shame that anyone has to think this way and suffer for it.


Well-known member
Sometimes I ponder about what would happen if just for one day i could be extremely good looking. Its so horrible to say but I would probably actually have confidence for once. A definite what if.
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Well-known member
Sometimes I ponder about what would happen if just for one day i could be extremely good looking. A definite what if.
I have seen your picture and you are good looking.

I have heard your voice and you sound really confident and have a deep, booming voice.

You are a handsome bloke.


Well-known member
I have seen your picture and you are good looking.

I have heard your voice and you sound really confident and have a deep, booming voice.

You are a handsome bloke.

Trust me,the pictures ive posted on here were far from a few takes. I have an insanely f**ked up jaw and im so self concious about it.
Ive seen pictures.of everybody here and you are a remarkably good looking bunch!
For that matter Ive never yet met an ugly person in my life.


Well-known member
No, I'm not ugly. My personality has felt ugly before, but I'm guessing we are just talking about looks.


Well-known member
I used to think I was hideous, I would look in the mirror constantly just to wonder what the hell went wrong. But nowadays I really don't think I'm that bad looking.. I just think that My SA and agoraphobia make it that way.
Sometimes I ponder about what would happen if just for one day i could be extremely good looking. Its so horrible to say but I would probably actually have confidence for once. A definite what if.

Chances are that within days the lack of confidence would come back. Many who claim to be horrendously ugly, are actually good looking people. Beauty is always in the eye of the beholder.


Well-known member
I'm not ugly, not am I beautiful.

My dog and my cat adores me. What more can I want?

As for looks, all I can say if you love someone she is beautiful.


Active member
i ll set it like this . I feel pretty when i look in the mirror but when i walk between ppl alone and i get anxious that they looking at me and can see my anxiety I feel so ugly so ugly


Not sure. Sort of. I think my looks, or lack thereof often contribute to the "not good enough" status.

I have had people speak to me online and think I am a really great amazing wonderful person (people often like my personality) and then drop all contact with me after either seeing a picture, or meeting me in person.
I have had people ask me if I thought I was good looking...

man its so hard to explain.....because people dont outwardly tell you "you are ugly" people are not as bold as that - you have to piece together the clues...

My physical appearance is awkward. It's not just unattractive - put it's a portrayal of what other people think you are like. I dont like looking at my face at all

I can take a good picture, but in person - no I dont think I am attractive, I think I am bordering on fairly unattractive - and whats more is that I am utterly convinced that it is a vital factor in how well life can turn out for you.

Quite simply I dont like the way I look - and I know that appearances play a huge part in life - and that depresses me even further. The post your picture thread is a testament to that fact.
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