Do you hate yourself?


Well-known member
There are certain things about myself that I DO, surprisingly, like. I guess. My intelligence, for one thing. As well as my convictions and loyalty. That aside, however, I completely f*cking loathe myself. I hate the way I look and I hate the way I am. There are so many days where I wish I could just throw myself under a train. Nobody should be this crazy...


Active member
Some nights I lay in bead and fantasize about ways to off myself, but I have my good days too. I do hate things about myself like my social inadequacies, my appearance, and the fact that I am extremely sensitive. I also hate being so quiet I wish I was more outgoing. Every one in my family is extremely talkative, maybe that is why I always felt like an alien.


Well-known member
Yes I hate myself. Noone takes me seriously, I cant change that. Wanna be creative, but my self-critizism is way stronger than my confidence in getting anywhere with it.


Active member
I hate myself only when i think of social situations and obviously when i face these situations.

What i really hate (and this i usually most of the time) is the people who pick on me and the ones and especially the ones who will make me notice my faults
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Well-known member
I actually don't. I would hate to be one of those fake people. I love my humor, my interests, my personality.. It's just limiting when people don't accept for who I am


Well-known member
Sometimes,im not really sure. Theres times how ever rare that il have a short burst of confidence and I feel charged on life,but most times I just feel so inferior to everybody else. I have a bad habit of comparing myself to people and I wish I could stop.


Well-known member
Sometimes,im not really sure. Theres times how ever rare that il have a short burst of confidence and I feel charged on life,but most times I just feel so inferior to everybody else. I have a bad habit of comparing myself to people and I wish I could stop.
^ This for me too.

I think there is a part of me that completely 100% hates myself, but usually when I'm feeling really down that self-hatred comes around. Generally I don't hate myself that much. Sure there are MANY things I'd love to improve on, and I don't think I'm that great of a person, but I do like my interests, my overall personality, and maybe a couple physical aspects of myself.


Sometimes. I take solace in the fact that I try to be a good person.

I just get the feeling everyone else hates me, which makes me question my worth as a human being.