Do you hate yourself?


Well-known member
I don't hate myself. I hate where I am at in life though. I love thou self and hate thy "curse" that stops my full potential. I don't have to fit in, even with out anxiety I think I would be weird to some and I embrace it.

When I say " I hate myself" it makes me feel queasy because that's deep and i've been that route and it only leads down a dark path, darker than right now. If I train myself to think that it only makes me more depressed and I don't want to feel more depressed than I do right now.


Well-known member
Thank you Shyangel, And I hope you find that fine day as well. As well as everyone else on this forum.... God knows we deserve it!! The hope is the only thing that keeps me going. :)

Yup, you gotta keep the hope alive. My blind hope for better days is the only thing that gets me through. So I feel ya. I think we all on this forum have been through enough metal stress to deserve a happy ending. I so hope we all get it.


New member
I am 51 and still have problems with people I hate myself because I made a mess of my life.I had an very violent up bringin I been told by docters I am strong to come out with it like I am.I have one freind got a big persaonality disorder feel lonely all the time I know people hate me cause I cracked up and hurt people.I just want a better life for my son who I love so much.
Life isnt what you make it you do need a good upbringin and good schooling.I hope I get better parents in my next life.


Yes! I hate the way i sit er swing my feet my voice my tone the way i walk the way i look while doing something i hate my finger & so on. It makes me have anxiety to the max.


Well-known member
Kind of. When I honestly look back, I think it's partly my fault for being the way I am.


Well-known member
Geez, if you hate yourself that much, I wonder how much I should hate me.

Your so clearly a good guy, yourself hatred makes no sense.
It's just the way I am. You shouldn't hate yourself, though, because you're funny and compassionate.

I am 51 and still have problems with people I hate myself because I made a mess of my life.I had an very violent up bringin I been told by docters I am strong to come out with it like I am.I have one freind got a big persaonality disorder feel lonely all the time I know people hate me cause I cracked up and hurt people.I just want a better life for my son who I love so much.
Life isnt what you make it you do need a good upbringin and good schooling.I hope I get better parents in my next life.
Wow, I'm sorry to hear that, mate. ::(: Upbringing is the key to having a good life and having a rough one, like you had, is only going to cause problems. Let's both hope that you have better parents in your next life.

There are days when I hate myself intensely.

And then there are other days.
I want more other days from you.
I don't hate myself. Because of my anxiety and depression, I'm not even sure who I am yet. I think I could only ever hate myself if I were to be content to not get better and instead throw one continuous pity party for myself for the rest of my life. I know I have potential. Where and at what, I have no idea, but I'll be upset with myself if I end up on my death bed with never having found out.


Well-known member
I don't hate myself. Because of my anxiety and depression, I'm not even sure who I am yet. I think I could only ever hate myself if I were to be content to not get better and instead throw one continuous pity party for myself for the rest of my life. I know I have potential. Where and at what, I have no idea, but I'll be upset with myself if I end up on my death bed with never having found out.

That's very well put. And exactly what I would have said if I had the ability to word it.


Thanks for the compliment. ^.^


I consider myself pathetic in every way, and I feel completely undesirable. I tend to just stare at myself in the mirror and think about all of the things I cant stand about who I am.. I always feel like I'm stuck being this person when the person I want to be is so close.. It just takes a bit of effort.. Yet I have no motivation to try.. Almost like I'm stopping myself from becoming anything in this world.


Well-known member
Is your SA caused by self-hatred?

For me, it is a huge part of my anxiety. I hate everything about myself: my personality, my sense of humor, the way I talk, walk, look, laugh, the things I say, etc...I really just can't stand myself.

I think, the question is better phrased, " is your SA causing you to hate yourself?" SAD is usually characterized by very low self-esteem or inferiority complex. It's the nature of the disorder. Self-hate (I'd rather call it lack of confidence) doesn't come before SAD. It's a manifestation of the disorder.

I don't hate myself, but I do feel small next to people with strong personality. There is that knowing at the back of my mind however, that it's so silly feeling like that around them. They're no better than me... Still, I can't help it. It's like an automatic physical reaction.