Do you hate yourself?


Well-known member
I think everyone here is pretty nice all though I have to be honest, I do feel not very liked on here but I realize most of us are suffering from sp and that’s why it may come across that way because that’s how it comes across to others in the real world.

I think most people with sp are nice it’s usually programmed into us, just a little understandably cynical about things because of what’s happen to us.

johnny 85

Well-known member
Great advice? Hardly. Anyone can come up with it. I merely reached the bit first and responded. I spoke first. That is the only thing that makes my advice "great". Care for people? There are plenty who do. My actions in doing so do not constitute any sort of amazing feat. There is also the belief that any so called "good" action can also be reversed into an act of selfish greed. Say a person was assisting another. One could say that he was helping out of the kindness of his heart. Yet another could claim that he was helping only to gain that person's trust for his own benefit.

i 2nd what philyflyer said, i think your been a bit hard on yourself m8 !! yes in the outside world people will identify the different reasons behind any action dependin on the individual. on a site like this your not gonna be judged for given advice !!


Well-known member
Great advice? Hardly. Anyone can come up with it. I merely reached the bit first and responded. I spoke first. That is the only thing that makes my advice "great". Care for people? There are plenty who do. My actions in doing so do not constitute any sort of amazing feat. There is also the belief that any so called "good" action can also be reversed into an act of selfish greed. Say a person was assisting another. One could say that he was helping out of the kindness of his heart. Yet another could claim that he was helping only to gain that person's trust for his own benefit.

The fact that you put your two cents in at all is good about you, you don't see it as helping others but to them your words could be the binding force that holds them together that day or any day. That's what's good about you. You choose to see it or you don't.


Well-known member
yeh i think for me its actually pretty genuine because it sort of shows in my life, for example i've had some of the most least admirable jobs, dishwashing, factory assistant, and while i'm articulate and i do have plenty of potential i've noticed that during job interviews for better jobs the interviewers literally rip into the fact that i've had some forgettable jobs and its gotten to the stage where i'm 26 and while going for interviews people seem to attatch my past jobs with a reflection of low self esteem even if i'm confident during interviews, they'll make comments like "so you dont mind being told what to do all the time?" here's me thinking "is this a trick question"..because i dont know what answer they are looking for .... i come across alot of hard, iron fist people in these places and i'm beginning to wonder if i'm even fit for a career at all. in terms of relationships well i haven;t made a friend in around 5 years and a girlfriend since about 2003 which only lasted a couple of months...

i dont what it is, i believe i'm fairly normal its just that things havent turned out like i thought they would in the adult world while i notice other people my age around me are flourishing and keep doing better and better.

so yeh i think the low self esteem is literally destroying my young life at the moment.


Well-known member
Yup, I hate myself.

I like some of myself: I'm logical and analytical, not very emotional, kind and generous, smart (in some things).

But I hate a lot, too: I hate my appearance, my utter lack of any spontaneity, my pessimism, lack of social graces etc.


Well-known member
Yeah, I hate me too... I hate everything about me, except I know that I am one of the good guys. I mean I am very giving and I give of myself and of my money too...


Well-known member
I actually don't hate myself. But I don't feel desirable or like anyone will ever want me. I don't think that's self-hate, or is it?

I think it is. I mean there's got to be a reason why you think nobody will ever like you?

I don't know, I think most of us here hate things about ourselves. I am starting to realize a lot of it is built up in our heads though, I mean I always considered myself a boring person, but nobody else has ever said that about me, and if people say good things about me I think they are lying for whatever reason. I think deep down a lot of us are just afraid to be loved becuase we can't be hurt in our zone all alone, but every damn day it hurts to be alone.


Well-known member
I mean there's got to be a reason why you think nobody will ever like you?
Probably because it hasn't happened yet. It's hard to feel desirable or attractive if basically no one has ever shown such interest in you.


Well-known member
i have growin quiet strange when im around people/friends. now i fear that some of them think im weird or sumthing :/
My friends well not really friends people I 'hang out' with have told me they think im weird and a 'strange cat' but it doesn't bother me maybe because I don't think very much of them either or maybe im secretlly improving :rolleyes: I have noticed that I care less about things lately don't really know if thats a good or a bad thing.
I sometimes hate myself when I'm really, really stressed out and there seems to be no way out for me. I think it's a symptom of not being able to do something that really needs to be done... Like... you have a problem but no solution in hand, then the frustration turns to resentment to hatred and either the hatred goes outwards, inwards or both.

When I'm less stressed, I can see that it's all in the head. I sometimes also vent my feelings in exercise or some other creative avenue that's healthier. But you know... I always thought of the old refrain... 'if you can't love yourself, how can you really love others?'

So self-hatred to me, is something that really needs to be overcome, before it consumes you.


Well-known member
hates a pretty strong word ...... i guess if im honest there are a few things id like to change about myself , im 45 years old and its taken me most of my life to discover there is no point in having endless battles with yourself inside your own head , guess im pretty much at peace with myself these days ........
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Well-known member
oh, i truly do. and everyone else is so perfect in my eyes. um.

Yeah I know exactly what you mean. I've always had this impression that others are somehow more capable than I am. I really start to dislike myself when I compare myself to others.::(:


Well-known member
Probably because it hasn't happened yet. It's hard to feel desirable or attractive if basically no one has ever shown such interest in you.

Yeah that's pretty much it. And everytime I do let down my guard I feel like I'm just being toyed or f***ed with by women. So why would I feel liked or wanted... some of them seem to enjoy the flirting and attention but that's about as far as it's ever gone. I've never experienced being wanted even when I actively try to do something about it. Problem is that when you do try, you end up getting more hurt when you fail. So it's easier just to keep the walls up IMHO.


Yes I do, it's nothing I will ever admit to any of my family or friends though.