Any SPW axe murderers out there?


Well-known member
I was arrested in sophomore year of high school, shortly after the Columbine attacks, for saying terroristic threats to one kid who bullied me day in, day out. He tattled on me and I got escorted out in handcuffs.

WOW! That's a cool way of leaving class.


Well-known member
I'm disappointed. I just got the camera and went down into the basement to take a picture of my axe, but the batteries are dead.

It's probably for the best, as there's a bit of rust on the blade. At least I think it's rust....



Well-known member
I was arrested in sophomore year of high school, shortly after the Columbine attacks, for saying terroristic threats to one kid who bullied me day in, day out. He tattled on me and I got escorted out in handcuffs.

Not at all uncommon. There have been a few situations where people have joked to a friend about a bomb on board an aircraft, and they get in trouble with the law when they are overheard talking.


Well-known member
yeah! it happened to me that people said i'm gonna kill them just cuz i'm quiet and people harass me, just like the ones in the news... but didn't it occur to them that quiet guys (1 in a... idk a 1000000 of them) do sth like that BECAUSE others harass them (among other reasons)?! it's like you keep kicking a dog, he eventually bites you and than you say 'omg this dog is aggressive it should be put to sleep'... i'm not justifying those murders and this is probably not the best example but i think you know what i mean.


Well-known member
No one's ever said anything like that to my face, probably b/c they know that if they did they'd be my first victim XD

But I often get the impression that's what people think of me... can't really know for sure though, I don't talk to people enough.


Well-known member
I know it sounds bad, but I really sympathise with the Columbine killers. I sometimes think that if I had access to guns when I was in school I may have done something like that. I was treated lower than sh!t at school, even by teachers.


Well-known member
^ exactly. I do admire their cajones...but looking back, and having evolved from high school mindsets, I wouldn't ever kill anybody.


Well-known member
I know it sounds bad, but I really sympathise with the Columbine killers. I sometimes think that if I had access to guns when I was in school I may have done something like that. I was treated lower than sh!t at school, even by teachers.

you know i kinda felt the same thing when all that happened. it was terrible what they did, but they were really pushed to it by the people that tortured them.
but killing someone is no way to handle anger. the best revenge is to ignore them and dont give them what they want. ive never wanted kill someone...maybe beat them within an inch of their life....but i dont have the heart to kill someone. unless i had to.


Well-known member
Ooooo, sends chills down my spine!

Yeusss haha ::p:

There's an impressive amount of interest in this thread. Good to see all this creative energy being put toward something productive! Go team!

edit* actually, having read further... holy ****.
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Well-known member
Ted Bundy had an active social life and hot women and he's one of the biggest mass murderers but not like John Wayne Gacy. I think JW Gacy is probably the worst in all of history.

Haha yep... can't forget those sociopaths. They don't empathize with other humans, because they see them as objects. So, it's easy for them to put on a charming act to lure people into their traps.


Well-known member
Dexter Morgan disagrees with this thread.


Though for the most part you are right, Dexter is just a badass show.

agreed!! :D


Well-known member
you know i kinda felt the same thing when all that happened. it was terrible what they did, but they were really pushed to it by the people that tortured them.
but killing someone is no way to handle anger. the best revenge is to ignore them and dont give them what they want. ive never wanted kill someone...maybe beat them within an inch of their life....but i dont have the heart to kill someone. unless i had to.

I agree with much of what you say; spree killers aren't born--they're spawned by a-holes. One of the reasons why they often kill themselves afterwards, is so that they won't have to live with the fact that they've slaughtered other humans.

The ignoring part is something I disagree with, though. If you let people walk over you, then that's what they'll do. A great way to get back at someone, is to get a better education than them, become smarter than them and become stronger than them. I've met previous bullies at the gym (who I'm no longer "at war" against) and felt that I've gotten back at them by lifting far heavier weights than them.


Well-known member
I know it sounds bad, but I really sympathise with the Columbine killers. I sometimes think that if I had access to guns when I was in school I may have done something like that. I was treated lower than sh!t at school, even by teachers.

Firstly they are the lowest of the low.
Absolutely no courage was involved in there actions , what taking a gun and murdering defenseless victims in cold blood , with the mindset of killing themselfs at the end of it? Good bye reprocutions goodbye inhibition .
No they deserve NO sympathy they deserve no respect.
I understand they were bullied...
I also understand that in fact they were too COWARDLY too stand up for themselfs.
That is what I understand about there actions and for you to even consider something like that? I dont know what to say about that besides it is not possible for you to be treated so bad as to kill another human being unless your life is being compromised.
Two wrongs truely do not make a right...
In fact it perpetuates a cycle of evil and misguiding of youth and human beings abroad.
Not at all uncommon. There have been a few situations where people have joked to a friend about a bomb on board an aircraft, and they get in trouble with the law when they are overheard talking.

I heard that a soccer player from Brazil was flying or had flown in with Qantas to play for Melbourne Victory or the like and caused a stir by saying 'bom' which means 'good' in his own language.


not actually Fiona Apple
Firstly they are the lowest of the low.
Absolutely no courage was involved in there actions , what taking a gun and murdering defenseless victims in cold blood , with the mindset of killing themselfs at the end of it? Good bye reprocutions goodbye inhibition .
No they deserve NO sympathy they deserve no respect.
I understand they were bullied...
I also understand that in fact they were too COWARDLY too stand up for themselfs.
That is what I understand about there actions and for you to even consider something like that? I dont know what to say about that besides it is not possible for you to be treated so bad as to kill another human being unless your life is being compromised.
Two wrongs truely do not make a right...
In fact it perpetuates a cycle of evil and misguiding of youth and human beings abroad.

Sympathy - harmony of or agreement in feeling, as between persons or on the part of one person with respect to another.

That means someone can relate to the feeling, why they did what they did or why they did it. Being able to sympathize with them is a fact for some people, not something that is "deserved."

And I think you need to remember where you are posting, saying they are too cowardly to stand up for themselves when being bullied is very presumptuous. It could be for very many reasons, you do not know the particulars of their situation and it is not fair to call them cowards.

I am not saying what they did is right, or anyone should ever follow in their footsteps, but they were trapped (and very angry, as many of those who are bullied are) and saw this as their way out, the thing they should do in their skewed reality. All these people either bullied them or didn't do anything to stop the bullies from making their life total hell and deserve to die in their eyes. I, like you, cannot relate to this feeling of wanting to do such a thing, but it is understandable hows someone else, lots of people, can sympathize with them and understand what they were going through.


Well-known member
Sympathy - harmony of or agreement in feeling, as between persons or on the part of one person with respect to another.

That means someone can relate to the feeling, why they did what they did or why they did it. Being able to sympathize with them is a fact for some people, not something that is "deserved."

And I think you need to remember where you are posting, saying they are too cowardly to stand up for themselves when being bullied is very presumptuous. It could be for very many reasons, you do not know the particulars of their situation and it is not fair to call them cowards.

I am not saying what they did is right, or anyone should ever follow in their footsteps, but they were trapped (and very angry, as many of those who are bullied are) and saw this as their way out, the thing they should do in their skewed reality. All these people either bullied them or didn't do anything to stop the bullies from making their life total hell and deserve to die in their eyes. I, like you, cannot relate to this feeling of wanting to do such a thing, but it is understandable hows someone else, lots of people, can sympathize with them and understand what they were going through.

It is very fair to call them cowards
They are cowards because there actions prove there limited scope of being able to take out there agression. They surely would not confront any one without a "means to an end" I.E guns.
Your correct sympathy is something other people give but it is EARNED through the other partys actions or misgivings. In that sense it has been EARNED by some people on this site.
There is absolutely no reason for the columbine killers to have gone to those extremes. They are radicals , and they deserve to be treated like terrorists.
They were psychopaths with A pre-meditated agenda to murder ruthlessly and indiscrimanately at there school. They saw this as a way out because they were COWARDS. This is not something that people do under any circumstance as a way out. Also vj, that is very presumptious of you.. Seeing as how they planned this for an entire year under A psychotic state of mind. I don't need to know the particulars of there situations , why? Because I don't need to know. The truth of the matter is they were psychopathic homicidal maniacs who deserve...yes deserve absolutely no respect or sympathy for there actions.
And I think you need to remember this.

Firstly they are the lowest of the low.
Absolutely no courage was involved in there actions , what taking a gun and murdering defenseless victims in cold blood , with the mindset of killing themselfs at the end of it? Good bye reprocutions goodbye inhibition .
No they deserve NO sympathy they deserve no respect.
I understand they were bullied...
I also understand that in fact they were too COWARDLY too stand up for themselfs.
That is what I understand about there actions and for you to even consider something like that? I dont know what to say about that besides it is not possible for you to be treated so bad as to kill another human being unless your life is being compromised.
Two wrongs truely do not make a right...
In fact it perpetuates a cycle of evil and misguiding of youth and human beings abroad.
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Rembrandt Broam

Well-known member
It is very fair to call them cowards
They are cowards because there actions prove there limited scope of being able to take out there agression. They surely would not confront any one without a "means to an end" I.E guns.
Your correct sympathy is something other people give but it is EARNED through the other partys actions or misgivings. In that sense it has been EARNED by some people on this site.
There is absolutely no reason for the columbine killers to have gone to those extremes. They are radicals , and they deserve to be treated like terrorists.
They were psychopaths with A pre-meditated agenda to murder ruthlessly and indiscrimanately at there school. They saw this as a way out because they were COWARDS. This is not something that people do under any circumstance as a way out. Also vj, that is very presumptious of you.. Seeing as how they planned this for an entire year under A psychotic state of mind. I don't need to know the particulars of there situations , why? Because I don't need to know. The truth of the matter is they were psychopathic homicidal maniacs who deserve...yes deserve absolutely no respect or sympathy for there actions.
And I think you need to remember this.

I'm not going to claim to be any expert on this particular case. I know the basics - two guys were subject to some kind of bullying/victimisation in high school, and decided to respond by going on a random killing spree of their fellow students before killing themselves.

I don't think anyone would ever defend their actions, but we have to accept that different people will respond to this sort of victimisation in different ways, and some of those responses (thankfully very few) will be extreme. Whenever I've spoken to anyone who experienced bullying in a US high school I've been shocked by one common element, which is the seeming apathy of the teachers. These people are supposed to be acting in loco parentis, and yet they often appear to be completely indifferent to what is happening to those who are in their care. Perhaps this needs to change. Perhaps they and the authorities in general need to start stamping down hard on bullying. Because if they don't, then I'm afraid we will continue to see other Columbine type responses in the future. Problems do not just go away if we ignore them, or simply hope they will resolve themselves.


not actually Fiona Apple
It is very fair to call them cowards
They are cowards because there actions prove there limited scope of being able to take out there agression. They surely would not confront any one without a "means to an end" I.E guns.
Your correct sympathy is something other people give but it is EARNED through the other partys actions or misgivings. In that sense it has been EARNED by some people on this site.
There is absolutely no reason for the columbine killers to have gone to those extremes. They are radicals , and they deserve to be treated like terrorists.
They were psychopaths with A pre-meditated agenda to murder ruthlessly and indiscrimanately at there school. They saw this as a way out because they were COWARDS. This is not something that people do under any circumstance as a way out. Also vj, that is very presumptious of you.. Seeing as how they planned this for an entire year under A psychotic state of mind. I don't need to know the particulars of there situations , why? Because I don't need to know. The truth of the matter is they were psychopathic homicidal maniacs who deserve...yes deserve absolutely no respect or sympathy for there actions.
And I think you need to remember this.

You used the word coward twice, to define the action of killing seemingly innocent people and that they were too cowardly to stand up for themselves while bullied. I was addressing the second use, not the first. I was not talking about the action of killing, I don't know much about it so I can't really say specifically anything.

When said the particulars, I meant the particulars of being bullied, in regards to standing up for themselves. I don't think it's fair to say someone is a coward for not standing up for themselves while bullied without knowing a lot more about it (and them).

I was not taking a stand about what they did, and I won't. Just as a comment though, if you were to read about someone and say "I know exactly how they feel," is that something you can control? That is sympathy, and is not something that is always "earned," meaning although it may not be deserved (in some peoples eyes) it is still given, involuntarily sometimes.


Well-known member
Not all serial killers are shy, introverted loners. I know many of them are, though, and the obvious reason for that is human nature. Humans have the natural need to be around others and to be accepted by others. The more a human feels alone, rejected, unloved and depressed, the more they look for some way to make themselves feel better. Some turn to drinking, self-help, but then very few turn to murder. Columbine was a perfect example. The kids that murdered those kids were all made fun of by other people and were labeled as strange loners.

These kids that murdered these other kids, u can't possibly tell me that it was justified. Bullying someone and killing someone are two dramatically different things. Nowadays, getting away with murder is very hard to get away with, so I don't see what there would be to accomplish by killing someone anyways. You'll end up behind bars for most or the rest of your life, or end up dead yourself by suicide or someone seeking revenge. It's not like murder is going to help someone. If you kill someone, you are basically ending both of your lives. These Columbine kids are terrorists just like the user Confuseddd said above.