Sympathy - harmony of or agreement in feeling, as between persons or on the part of one person with respect to another.
That means someone can relate to the feeling, why they did what they did or why they did it. Being able to sympathize with them is a fact for some people, not something that is "deserved."
And I think you need to remember where you are posting, saying they are too cowardly to stand up for themselves when being bullied is very presumptuous. It could be for very many reasons, you do not know the particulars of their situation and it is not fair to call them cowards.
I am not saying what they did is right, or anyone should ever follow in their footsteps, but they were trapped (and very angry, as many of those who are bullied are) and saw this as their way out, the thing they should do in their skewed reality. All these people either bullied them or didn't do anything to stop the bullies from making their life total hell and deserve to die in their eyes. I, like you, cannot relate to this feeling of wanting to do such a thing, but it is understandable hows someone else, lots of people, can sympathize with them and understand what they were going through.
It is very fair to call them cowards
They are cowards because there actions prove there limited scope of being able to take out there agression. They surely would not confront any one without a "means to an end" I.E guns.
Your correct sympathy is something other people give but it is EARNED through the other partys actions or misgivings. In that sense it has been EARNED by some people on this site.
There is absolutely no reason for the columbine killers to have gone to those extremes. They are radicals , and they deserve to be treated like terrorists.
They were psychopaths with A pre-meditated agenda to murder ruthlessly and indiscrimanately at there school. They saw this as a way out because they were COWARDS. This is not something that people do under any circumstance as a way out. Also vj, that is very presumptious of you.. Seeing as how they planned this for an entire year under A psychotic state of mind. I don't need to know the particulars of there situations , why? Because I don't need to know. The truth of the matter is they were psychopathic homicidal maniacs who deserve...yes deserve absolutely no respect or sympathy for there actions.
And I think you need to remember this.
Firstly they are the lowest of the low.
Absolutely no courage was involved in there actions , what taking a gun and murdering defenseless victims in cold blood , with the mindset of killing themselfs at the end of it? Good bye reprocutions goodbye inhibition .
No they deserve NO sympathy they deserve no respect.
I understand they were bullied...
I also understand that in fact they were too COWARDLY too stand up for themselfs.
That is what I understand about there actions and for you to even consider something like that? I dont know what to say about that besides it is not possible for you to be treated so bad as to kill another human being unless your life is being compromised.
Two wrongs truely do not make a right...
In fact it perpetuates a cycle of evil and misguiding of youth and human beings abroad.