Any SPW axe murderers out there?


Well-known member
You used the word coward twice, to define the action of killing seemingly innocent people and that they were too cowardly to stand up for themselves while bullied. I was addressing the second use, not the first. I was not talking about the action of killing, I don't know much about it so I can't really say specifically anything. When said the particulars, I meant the particulars of being bullied, in regards to standing up for themselves. I don't think it's fair to say someone is a coward for not standing up for themselves while bullied without knowing a lot more about it (and them).

I was not taking a stand about what they did, and I won't. Just as a comment though, if you were to read about someone and say "I know exactly how they feel," is that something you can control? That is sympathy, and is not something that is always "earned," meaning although it may not be deserved (in some peoples eyes) it is still given, involuntarily sometimes.

Yes i see that.
I would agree with you and am sorry for the comment.
I will explain by saying that was a quick writing I did in response to something that had an emotional connection with me. I did not even realise i had wrote that down, I had to double check my writing.
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Iä! Iä! Cthulhu fhtagn!
Staff member
well... some lengthy conversations going on in here. Any chance at a on lined summary. Sial may have input. *taps head* maybe.
As I recall, Matahari once pointed out that the media had inaccurately portrayed most of the story about the Columbine kids, so it would seem to be an argument over a misunderstanding anyway.


Well-known member
Well, whether these Columbine kids got bullied or not, or whether they were loners or not, it still doesn't justify killing people. I don't care how bad they had it, there is no justification for slaughtering fellow classmates. Maybe I'm wrong, maybe they were normal kids who went nuts and started killing people. The real story is meaningless, because I know that the kids they killed had not done something worthy of being murdered for.


Iä! Iä! Cthulhu fhtagn!
Staff member
If I remember correctly, it turned out that they were just off their medication and it wasn't about being bullied at all. You'd have to ask Matahari though.


Well-known member
The Columbine spree killers were bullied during their freshman year. But during their senior year, they were bullies themselves, frequently picking on younger students and "fags".


Well-known member
Okay, so were just a bunch of psychotic serial killers who were bullying other people. That doesn't make me feel any different about them.
lol a girl in my class in High School apparently was really scared of me because she thought I was gonna crack and shoot up the school...

I've never even thought of anything like that before though. The only person I've ever thought of killing was myself. I'd even feel bad if I killed a small rodent haha