Yeah it seems there's a whole new "breed" of chatters around lately

Havent been much on there either. At some point taking the time to get to know new people gets tiring! But i'm glad to hear you're doing well (and having fun apparently). Did they win??
You know i wish i had something interesting to tell you, but my life isn't very interesting to begin with

I guess thats what SA does... The most interesting (read boring) ive done lately was housesitting the house of my parents while they were on vacation. I was hoping for some good weather and go to the beach but.... I guess the seasons have shifted a bit here because the weather SUCKED. Rain rain rain, its disgusting. It's like autumn here right now (eventhough its mid summer). Only thing missing are falling leaves.
Thats all i have right now. You asked for interesting, well there you have it

. Hope to see you around!