Hey! I'm new here as well. What a coincidence, I'm actually from Canada too...though not originally, I'm just born here

And I was also struggling with where to meet new people and actually start a thread or introduce myself somewhere, well, guess I finally found the place, thanx! I'm 19 yr old girl (turning 20 two months from now), and I believe I've started developing symptoms of Social Anxiety when I was 11 or 12. It progressively got worse from there, and by the time I was 14 and over, it was so bad I couldn't even get up to throw something in the trash can at school...the thought of it got me so scared, scared the living hell out of me. To this very day I cannot voice my opinion in class, and am incredibly afraid of oral presentations, talking with people and expressing myself in general. I actually went shopping today (first time in a few months because I was free and needed clothes) and came back extremely tired and the whole time I was there I kept thinking: please make this day end, please? I couldn't stand being in public...just couldn't. No amount of exposure can ever make me better, and knowing that sucks....I tried, but it fails every time. I haven't been diagnosed yet (professionally), but there's no mistaking this for shyness...I am helpless...I can't even order food at a fast food place....I can count on my fingers how many times I've ever ordered food....honestly I don't think it can be more than ten times in my whole lifetime. I can't talk on phones, I hyperventilate before even pressing numbers...I always blush when I feel like someone's staring.I have to take public transportation every day to go to my college, and everyday is the same painful, depressing, anxious and fearful day. I do, on the other hand find that breathing exercises might help a little...though not to the extent where I don't feel nervous anymore...it just keeps me from fainting XD. Um, I'm single, I actually find it easier to talk to guys (if I had the chance) since I have more in common with them than with some girls lol. But I can't talk to a guy without going red and stuttering like a madgirl! I want a job, cuz my parents can't afford paying for everything, but I can't do it. I'm actually an Interior Desin student, which is the worst program ever for a person with SAD to be in...orals all the time and teachers critiquing your work constantly...and the feeling that ur not truly measuring up to anyone is just..ugh...anyway..i hope I didn't depress anyone with my emo rambling about the tragic life I lead...just sharing here -___- I hope I can gather up the courage to go talk about it to a pro! I know I need it, as well as many others. Ok so that's it for now I guess...I would like to make friends here...since apparently I suck at making some in my day-to-day life and keeping them. I find verbal communication difficult, so opting for any communication done via typing is something of a miracle.
Thanks for hearing me out, whoever is interested enough to read this ^^U,