Hello, everyone!
I've been a member here for a long time, but haven't visited for quite some time.
This is why I feel the need to re-introduce myself.
When I first joined SPW, I was in my early 20s, depressed and lonely as hell.
I was constantly skipping my classes and exams in university, because I didn't want to deal with the anxiety it caused me.
I felt like a failure and wanted to just give up.
I don't know how I ended up finding this forum, but I am so glad I did.
I talked to lots of people with the same or similar problems.
Naturally, I was curious to see if anyone else from my country (Hungary) was on the forum.
So I did a search and even opened a thread for Hungarian people.
This is how I started to talk to someone with the username Anrox. He is no longer on the forum, but some may remember him.
We started talking on and off, then met IRL and ...
the first time was awkward to say the least. At one time he tried to hold my hand on the stairs, and I snatched it away and
shouted "No!". Although we have been talking for months at this point, it felt like too much.
We both love animals, so we went to the zoo and gradually I relaxed into spending time with him.
We talked on Skype after that, and met again, which was easier than the first time.
But still at this point I did not feel more than friendship, maybe I couldn't at the time. I had to many personal issues.
Eventually the messages began to dwindle and stopped. We went on with our lives.
One day more than 3 years ago something made me think about him, so I wrote an e-mail asking how he is, what he is up to.
We started messaging and one day he asked me if I wanted to come and visit him. OMG, in his home, in a totally foreign city.
And I said yes.

We agreed that I would spend a couple days around new years there. I slept in the guest room, but spent the days chatting and gaming in his room. I found his parents hilarious as well. We had lots of fun. And one evening we were watching a movie in his room, when he kissed me.
It was magical. This was the moment when I thought, I could fall in love.
And I did.
For a year we have been in a long distance (150 km ~100 miles) relationship, seeing each other every two weeks on the weekends maybe.
After that we decided it was time to do something, eventually we decided that I would move in with him at his parents house.
I started looking for a job in the area, and found my dream job (even if not my dream salary).
This was a little bit over 2 years ago. Now we are in the process of buying a house of our own.
We adopted a cat, then another, so the first one would not be lonely and could have a friend.
After then a third cat decided, he wanted to live with us.
So...after nearly a decade I can safely say, that thanks to this forum I found the love of my life.
Thank you SPW and all the members!
P.S.: Not everything is perfect of course. I still have not finished university fully. I have managed to finish all my courses,
but I still need to write my final thesis and pass my final exam. Wish me luck!