Search results

  1. uk_27

    Nothing to do with SA - But can someone advise me on my back

    I damaged my back at work on Friday and now it's still just as bad. Been to the doctors today and they have given me 500mg Naproxen and 15mg Codenine. I've been taking them and I'm still in pain. I have 10mg tablets of Diazepem and also 2.5mg Lorazepams in my personal medicine cabinet. ;-)...
  2. uk_27

    Camera Shy casuing issue at work. ADVISE\OPINIONS Needed! :)

    Camera Shyness Causing Issues At Work. ADVICE\OPINIONS NEEDED PLEASE! :) Hey Peeps! Hope you’re all cool!  Ok, I remember in the past I started a thread about having your photo taken. If I remember rightly there was a balanced response of people who don’t mind and others, who like me...
  3. uk_27

    Social phobia & neighbours.

    I have yet to 'break the ice' with some of my neighbours. I bought my house 3 years ago and apart from a 12 month gap where I lived somewhere else (long story!) I have spent the remaining time here. I always check through the spy hole in the front door to make sure the street is clear before...
  4. uk_27

    Channel 4 agraphobia programme

    Program on Channel 4 now all about agraphobia..............anyone watching? Or if reading this later..did you see it?
  5. uk_27

    Anyone who's made any progess latley......tell about it here

    Lets hear who has had any success stories latley................who has been making progess in anyway, shape or form???? I seem to be getting a little more confident at work now which is encouraging. Seem to have more to say then before and am abit more relaxed. Although not completley...
  6. uk_27

    Fav films...............

    Just wondering what peoples fav films are!!!?? Mine are "Platoon" and "The shining" Platoon is the best though...... :wink:
  7. uk_27

    CBT Courses....................

    Hi all. I recently visited my doctor about this SA bollox and one of the recommendations she gave me was to go on one of these CBT courses. Has any of you lovley anxious people done one of these courses and can you tell me anything about them!!??? Have they helped??? Thanks........
  8. uk_27

    I HAVE BEATEN SA.......................

    I started a new job about 10 weeks ago and the SA is screwing it all right up for me. I am like a door post in my office. I hardly ever join in with conversations because Im so anxious when they start that my mind is just blank. When I do speak, I sound all unconvincing and timid anyway so...
  9. uk_27

    My visit to my G.P.........

    I saw my G.P today to seek advice about SA. This was the first time I have ever told anyone (apart from on here), that I believe I have SA. I felt terrible waiting to go in.............heart racing, hot, panicy etc. I began explaining why I had come to see her I went red... :oops...
  10. uk_27

    Phyiscal problems resulting from SA..........

    Anyone ever had phyiscal problems they are convinced are associated with SA and/or stress??? I have had rashes, sickness and constapation! All of which I am sure have resulted from particualy stressfull points in my life which were associated with my SA. Was just wondering if this was a...
  11. uk_27

    Anti depresants................

    Has anyone had experience of anti depresants. I am considering going to the doctors to discuss my SA andwondering what people know about these and how they can make you feel etc..................
  12. uk_27


    Anyone else here hate having their photo taken??????? Is that an SA thing or is it just somthing totally seperate!!!??????
  13. uk_27

    Anyone agree on this...................

    If people from this site met up, there would be no problem with SA because everyone knows that everyones got it and so no one has anything to hide. Would be like that 'SA switch' is turned off for the while :D . As soon as you go back to work it would come on again of course :wink: !!!
  14. uk_27

    Becomming more and more annoyed each day!!!!!...............

    OK..............Another crap day at work!!...............Been out socially with work this evening and I felt like an ornament!! This social anxiety shit is really pissing me off now!! Anyone know of any success stories!!?? Im sure this crap can be beaten!! :evil:
  15. uk_27

    Ever thought about this...............?????

    People with S.A dislike having attention drawn to them and being the center of attention. Yet, because they are soooo quiet and shy (and red!) they stcik out like a sore thumb!! I am probably known as "the weirdest person at work" because of my fear of S.A. Ironic!!
  16. uk_27

    New to this site......

    Glad I found this place. Loads of info and familiar stories. Would really like to talk to somone about what Im goin through and could listen aswell.
  17. uk_27

    Convinced I have social anxiety disorder.

    I am convinced I have social axiety disorder and have had this condition all my life. I am a 27 year old male living in the UK and have recently started a new job. This new position has hightlighted how bad the problem is and has made me consider visiting my doctor to explain the situation. I...