Phyiscal problems resulting from SA..........


Well-known member
Anyone ever had phyiscal problems they are convinced are associated with SA and/or stress??? I have had rashes, sickness and constapation! All of which I am sure have resulted from particualy stressfull points in my life which were associated with my SA. Was just wondering if this was a common problem......????


Well-known member stomach bugs me a lot, probably just from overstressing and worrying about everything :roll:


Well-known member
I have a slight curvature of the spine. I'm convinced that it's because I spent 30 years staring at the ground. Due to my SA, I was never able to stand or walk straight in public, for fear of making eye contact with people.

I'm worried that this might turn into a real handicap when I'm older.


Active member
tired, sick, headache, from all the stress... and my face ive noticed has got a bit blotchy as a result of going red so much :?


Well-known member
My physical problems did not result from SA; however, my physical problems have exasperated my SA.

I've had SA for as long as I can remeber; however, about 3 years ago I developed a painful, debilitating muscular disorder (severe myofascial pain). I believe the etiology of this condition is not related to SA.

Nonetheless, my muscular disorder has cause my social anxiety to go from moderate to severe. I use to be in extremely good shape and I use exercise daily as an outlet for my depression. Because of my muscular disorder, I can no longer do the physical activities I love to do. Additionally, I've had to reduce my work and school hours.

Being out of shape and unable to do the things I need and like to do has lowered my self-esteem, self-confidence, self-concept, and mood. Obviously, these psychological problems cause by physiological pain have signigicantly increased my social anxiety and depression. If my muscular disorder does not to improve within the next year, I will probably be moving on to another life. The constant physiological pain combined with the psychological anguish are too much for me to bear.


Well-known member
My physical problems are excessive sweating . . . . otherwise i am constipated and get cramps all the time, i'm not sure if they are the result of SA . . . or maybe sweating alot.