My lovely day didn't stop there. Sure enough, as soon as I came home from work that, the oldest (she's a 35 lb. beagle at nearly 15 years old to put in perspective) went after our GSD (literally three times her size, 13 months) AGAIN and of course nearly got herself killed. So, so, so freaking scary! We took her into the emergency vet an hour away and spent nearly the whole night there. I told him he should just let her go, but of course we're not doing that.

Wound up paying out the ass to have her treated with pain meds, antibiotics, and 10 stitches, leaving the other puncture wounds open as they didn't look too concerning that they'd get infected or wouldn't heal on their own. She looks like a mess and now we've had to arrange the whole living situation. I am 100% backing out of her care. I do not trust her at all after this whole situation. She's my husband's dog, she's never reacted negatively towards him or even shown her episodes around him, his responsibility. I know I sound like a dick saying that, but I'm not getting in harm's way and I'm not letting her risk harming others or herself picking the wrong fights. My husband will now be keeping her in the basement while we're at work, take her out to do her business alone when he's home, and then taking her to bed once our GSD is in her bed and crated. I'll feed her, and give her pills, but that's about it. Everything else is 100% him. Even taking her to appointments. I'm not risking getting bit lifting her in and out of the car. I'm also not risking getting bit changing any dressings.
The most frustrating thing about this is the fact that 2 years ago I saw the signs of her cognitive function declining -- alzheimers, dementia, whatever you want to call it since I don't even have an official diagnosis -- and no one wanted to listen to me. Some days I caught her staring into space or standing in front of cupboards and staring at them. It was only every once in a great while, not an everyday occurrence. On top of that, at least once a month she'd pee in the house. Actually for a long time I didn't see any signs at all. I still brought it up with the vet we were seeing at the time and they didn't have any answers for me. They thought it was just her old age and she didn't really have dementia or anything since it wasn't continuous. Well, now that we've had a new vet the past year, I brought it up to them last fall when she was in that she seems confused some days, hoping maybe these people would listen. Nope. Didn't know why she licks her bed constantly, wanders around at night, but still manages to keep a schedule okay for the most part. She wasn't getting caught in tight spaces or doorways, so nothing apparently was wrong.
Now this year she's been acting out in aggression and wandering around at night and doing weird stuff and then this happens. Does someone want to listen now?????

I'm also afraid all the work I put into our GSD will be erased after these incidents. She's not an aggressive dog by any means, I raised her to love other animals, children, and other people (despite her being guarded around certain men -- still working on that), from the week I got her I sent her to daycare, purposely chose a pet sitter with other animals and children, and took her to the park for socialization, just so she was raised to be a great dog who wasn't fearful, but I'm so scared of her getting that aggressive label now and actually becoming that way. I'm going to work with her this weekend again, since I had to put an end to a lot of it this summer thanks to covid. Just sit at the park at a distance and watch her reactions to others and other dogs. I'll plan to do this for a while I think, even with winter coming and as long as covid restrictions stay as they are or better. Again, I'm just so scared of this incident having a large impact on her overall behavior and training now.
Ugh, what a very long, very scary day that I never want to relive ever again. In better news, today is Thursday which means the week is almost over and I am so looking forward to it. Get paid Friday, will do holiday shopping (online) this weekend, and hopefully just keep to myself the whole weekend. My hand is healing pretty quickly and won't need a wad of gauze wrapped around it today so I can function better again and actually type all this.