Bloody go for it mate! I'm sure it won't take long to shake the rust off your skills. How often do you get offers like this? You should just give it a crack!
Seriously, what have you got to lose?
While I don't disagree - in fact, yer right - nothin' to lose here.
And it probably wouldnae take long to get ma guitar playing skills back in shape. Despite the 10 year gap between when I was committed to the instrument and rediscovery my love of the guitar and music in general. Might be a few technique ah need to teach myself again. But it should aw come back to me with a bit of practise
And I'm no makin' excuse for masel' here. But, there's a few slight issues that might make collaborating slightly difficult. The issue being that the guy inviting me to work together, lives in the Netherland. So, a possible difference in time zone there, no? :question:
And I'd never even heard of the website he's invited me to join, till he messaged me via a comment I left on a YouTube video of one of my favourite bands. Adding to that, most musician on Bandhub record themselves via webcam. Not that I've got an issues with being filmed while playing guitar. It's just that, in all my year's learning how to play, I've never once played to a metronome click, even during music class secondary school.
Ah know! tha effin' shame, man... 
Plus, I've recently made the switched from physical to digital, as far as my guitar effects setup. Which I'm guessing shouldnae affect anything? Since it more about sending less time gettin' stuff plugged in. But if we could figure out an arrangement that would work for both of us, it'd be grand. :thinking: Because I'm definitely open to collaborating with any fellow musician.
Sharing similar tastes and/or music influences wouldnae go a miss either.