I'm going to start off today's post by saying this: if you are being bullied, you don't and shouldn't stand for it. You deserve better treatment. You should do whatever it takes to get it to stop; talk to some adults about it and come up with a plan to get your bullies away from you, whether it's getting you away from them or getting them away from you. There's
something that you can do to make things stop. If you keep quiet, then things won't change. So, please don't be afraid to stand up for yourself.
I'm saying all of this because I was a victim of bullying up until recently. I told some people on here about this, but I want to put everything out there now. You see, when I moved to college for my current year, I had three roommates. Things started off well enough, but things got worse. They began to eat food that I had brought home, drink my water without asking, leave their clothes in the washer and dryer, knowing that other people had to use them as well, use my internet and didn't pay for it, and they began to smoke marijuana. They did it every day; I'm not even sure how often they were high and I don't care to know. They asked me if I wanted to smoke and, even after I told them no, they still continued to offer it to me. I even had smoke blown in my face to get me high. They were loud and always brought friends over who were just as loud. Things even got broken once. Overall idea was that they kept up a lot of noise, even to late at night, so I went to my apartment complex's office to report it. Days passed and, one day, as I came home, they comfronted me about going to office and reporting them because they had received a call from the office warning them about being too loud. I idiotically confessed and then I was threatened that, if I ever did it again, then there were going to be "problems". So, I shut up and things still continued. Eventually, I and a teacher that I had told my problems about went to the office again and spoke to the general manager about this. The three of us agreed that I had to get out of there quickly, so I was slated for a transfer. Long story short, days passed and I moved out yesterday. However, to note, a few days before my move, I walked into the house with the music blaring high as usual and marijuana smoke filled the air. The smoke got to me and I had a difficult time breathing. One of the roommates said hi to me and I weakly responded with a hi back, but because of the music and my desire to have clean air enter my lungs, he apparently didn't hear me. His response was to throw a honey bun at my back (which missed by a mile) and start talking about how I "disrespected him" and talk about how he'd beat up anyone else who "disrespected him" and how he would've punched me in the back of my head. Looking at him at that moment erased any fear I had for him; instead, all I saw was a pathetic display of a "man" trying his hardest to be tough and an adult. But, anyway, now I live elsewhere and things seem well enough for now. My internet and cable still need to be set up though, but, hopefully, by tomorrow, I should be back on here full-time

. So, everyone, have fun, be safe, and stand up for yourself because you deserve to be treated nicely.
But, because I don't like ending things on a somber note, I'll include a more relaxing tidbit from my current life. Yesterday, I went to my Creative Writing class and there's a girl there who likes to talk to me a lot. That day, she became really playful with me; she called my name a lot, touched me constantly, and just overall had fun with me. The other girls in the class took note of my apparent blush on my face and my apparent discomfort whenever she talks to me:

:. So, I was asked if girls made me uncomfortable when they spoke to me, which I didn't get to answer (the answer is yes, I do; I get horribly nervous and scared around girls:

. So, after all of that smoothed over and class began, we had to write things and the girl kept asking me to present my works (a good hobby of hers, really). I relented and the class thought that my stuff was really funny. So, your "gynophobic" friend is capable of being funny:

Anyway, until next time and I really hope that my Internet can get set up tomorrow.