do you have a 'life'?


Well-known member
Im in the middle, yeah i go places such as shopping. I quit the video games but I watch TV. I love doing karaoke and taking trips.


Well-known member
Iam sure that the implications behind the creation of this meme will answer your questions. To those who've told an spw member to get a life ...

Hi newbie here,

I don't have a life. I go to work(3rd shift) and I go to class 3 days a week. When I am off work I am at home until time for me to go back to work.. I try not to go anywhere, I hate it when I am forced to go the store because I forgot something.


Well-known member
NP88-that is true and also, if you have to 'try' to get a life, you might as well hang it up.if it doesnt come natural, then forget it.


Active member
i am a hermit. i stay in as much as i can. past experiences of going out have mostly been bad and depressing for me. even when i go out recently out of necessity, i still hate it. i feel vulnerable and exposed because i'm not like 'normal' people.
so no, i dont really have a life. the only life i have is going to university and seeing my univeristy friends (very nice people- unfortunate that they're stuck with a girl like me though). but i think i only to cinemas once last year and to my sister's birthday party. other times i go out is to buy groceries or other stuff, or to go to uni/the library to study.
i am glad that i live in a flat at uni with my own private room to have my space. i like it a lot, and other times i dont because it's very lonley, but i'd rather be lonely...sometimes...


Well-known member
I am a recluse, a hermit, and my girlfriend is close to leaving me because I never take her anywhere. I am content in my room on the internet, playing videogames, watching TV, etc but she has a problem with it and gets upset and angry with me because she's bored. I don't like to go places anymore.

My fear is exactly that. I'm pretty much a homebody, i only feel truly safe and comfortable at home. I enjoy doing stuff around the house in the garden, painting, working out etc. I think if i had a girlfriend she would not like the fact that i like being at home.


Well-known member
I enjoy doing stuff around the house in the garden, painting, working out etc. I think if i had a girlfriend she would not like the fact that i like being at home.

Actually I recently I said to my friend that I would feel more safe if my boyfriend prefered to stay at home and not have many friends. Well I don´t know if feeling safe is the ultimate goal.. But I sure get a lot of anxiety if I don´t fel safe.
My boyfriend has an active life and lots of friends and it´s a really really huge and difficult challenge for me to be around people that he knows. I keep comparing myself to my boyfriend and his social life, thinking "Oh no, I don´t have as much to do as he does, I don´t have as many friends as he does, I am weird, I can´t live up to that".


Well-known member
Other than work and the occasional family dinner, I rarely go out. I have some friends who convince me to go to bars or clubs sometimes, but that at most is a few times a year, and I usually get bored quickly, but am stuck there because somebody else drove.
I wish I had more of a "life." I'd love to get out more often, especially if I had some regular meetings (a fun class or club) to go to, but as of yet, I can't afford that. Also, having SA, I have trouble joining things, and I am likely to quit quickly.


Well-known member
a "life" can vary depending on how one defines it.

If your referring to a big social circle, going out alot, ect, then i suppose in that regard i would have to say no, if going by those standards.

However, i have my life, a close knit family, and a good job. We play alot of world of warcraft together, and have so many of the same hobbies, i never feel lonely. Due to such i dont feel that anything is truly lacking in my "life".

DO i have a life?. By some standards, probably not. By mine? id like to think so.


Well-known member
If you guys think you have it bad socially, you might think other wise if you heard about my life. I believe all of you went to school, right? I only did for a month when I was 5. From that point onward I had nothing to do with society. I never left the house unless it was to go to the grocery store. I never interacted with anyone other then my family 90% of the time. It went one like this for years until I was 17 and I met my ex boyfriend. Through him I met and interacted with people, but still didn't make any friends.

But, back on topic. lol I don't have a life.


Well-known member
Never really had much of one but especially this past year been in full time work and for a lot of it my car was unreliable for anything other that short trips....since getting my new car it's surprising how much i depend on them for being relaxed when out. I guess as a source of escape. Pretty much birthdays and new years..bad compared to how i was a year ago but it could be worse.


Well-known member
I guess I have a life but it is uneventful for most of the time. I have school 3 times a week and a couple of friends who I go out with on weekends sometimes.
When I log in to Facebook and see many of my ex-classmates travel around the world, have lots of jobs and just doing things that you do when you are young it feels like i'm just sitting here doing nothing and moving nowhere with no plans. Heck, even my mum did things when she was in my age.

Anyway, school is importan for me right now. Need to finish it. I'm sure i'll feel good when i'm done.


Well-known member
When I log in to Facebook and see many of my ex-classmates travel around the world, have lots of jobs and just doing things that you do when you are young it feels like i'm just sitting here doing nothing and moving nowhere with no plans. Heck, even my mum did things when she was in my age.

I feel the same. There is so much to explore and experience in life but I always find myself staying in my comfort zone where every week is the same. Sure, it's comfortable here but it's also very uninspiring and there is nothing stimulating here. I wish I could be excited about life and have some goals and aspirations but it's just not happening. It's like I'm merely existing and missing out on actually living.

I do go out with friends occasionally but it is becoming less frequent as most are working now or have other groups of friends who they see. I am thinking of taking up a new hobby or joining some kind of class just to add some change and possibly meet some new people.

I've realised it's time I start challenging myself and start discovering more about what life has to offer because if I don't do anything things aren't going to magically get better on their own- if anything, it will just worsen as I become more isolated over time.


Active member
Not really. This week has been alright though. I saw my friend on wednesday and went to an arts and crafts taster day yesterday where I made a few cool things.

But most of the time I get up, have cereal, make more of my comic book, shower, look at jobs on the internet and go on forums, play some videogames then dinner, TV and bed. :confused:


Well-known member
Maybe in my head but it is what keeps me going, I have a wild imagination. Idk I like to do things but walking outside makes me sick to my stomach. It feels so thin,free and I feel unsafe. I do things for myself and pride. I learn things, stay in books, learn language, do online school etc. I rarley watch Tv but when I do I watch a movie. Im am invested into things.

I somehow think small things in the moment can make my future easier and attached to my dreams. I would honestly be dead if I thought negative all of the time because my body can't take it anymore it has for all of my life.

Other people may not think I do. I know it's better than looking at the sun go up and down from my bed everyday. Not moving or eating.
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Well-known member
Oh I so do not have a life, nowadays.
Maybe it will change. But nothing I do seem to make any difference.