Would you date someone way older/younger than you?


Well-known member
My boyfriend is younger than me he's 25 and if i had an age restriction i'd miss out on being this happy hehe


Well-known member
Yeah.. I would and I did..before 4 years I had a boyfriend who was 10 years older than me and when I was about 20 I had something with a boy who was 16..::eek:: It's all depends about personality and if person is attractive to me.Altough that don't mean I would date some 'grandpa' lol..that would be too much :D


Yeah..i would. If the connection, attraction and chemistry was there..age wouldn't stop me. I've had interest online from women between 20 and 45..so it doesnt seem to bother them. Im not sure i'd feel comfortable with women over 40..but you never know when your soulmate comes a knocking.


Well-known member
I'm 19 and I'd date someone between the ages of 17 (late 17s) and 40, because for some reason I tend to get along with people that are somewhat older than me much better than people around my age


not actually Fiona Apple
Way younger, not right now. (How much younger can you get than 18?)
Way older, If the love is there than yes, but no more than 15 years, more realistically in the 7-8 year range. (my parents are 5 years apart, that's nothing.)


Well-known member
If they made me happy and they were of legal age or anywhere above that, then yes absolutely.

love is so hard to find and keep, that I wouldn't let age be a factor in losing that chance.


Active member
I'm with a guy who's 4 years older than me. I could deal with a little bit more than that as well. Probably not MUCH more. But who knows. I like mature men. Teen guys...not so much. But maybe when I'm 40 I'll be a cougar. :D


Well-known member
Personally, I think a 20-year age difference is too much. What happens when you're 50 and the other person is 70? There's quite a large gap there as far as things go physically and perhaps even mentally to some degree.

I wouldn't mind a 10-year difference, but even that is stretching the limits for me a bit.

I also totally realize that it's not about age and looks, but yes, many times it is. You have to be physically attracted to the other person. You simply cannot make things work when you aren't physically attracted to a person. I know I sound really shallow, but that is just the way it is.

I think the limit for me would be 5-7 years younger or older. That is my final answer :p


Well-known member
Hmmm... The oldest I'll go for is about 5 years and the youngest being 2 years.

Funny how my grandfather was 13 years younger than my grandmother and my father was 13 years older than my mother.


Well-known member
Nah, I'd rather stick to someone close to my own age. Two or three years either way is no big deal. More than that, maybe, but I'll deal with that if and when it comes up. Depends how much I like the guy. I've only had one boyfriend so that's probably why I'm weary of dating anyone outside of a certain age range. Though, I'd probably be better off dating a younger guy than an older guy, because an older guy is likely to be more experienced and so that might be a more uneven playing field. But I think a wider age gap becomes more acceptable as you get older. Five years is no big deal when you're 30 and 35, but when you're 17 and 22, it is.

I love this explanation:
xkcd: Dating Pools
I read that last panel and thought, If a guy said that to me I think I'd fall for him on the spot. *nerdsnort*;)
xkcd: Dating Pools

lol I love that.
Yeah I've known for a while about the age divided by 2 plus 7 rule.
So any 22 year olds out there.. yeeeaaahhh.. I'm available.
I think 35 and above is the ideal dating age in terms of their experience and their self exploration. But I'm with someone whom is 19 like me, and perfectly happy with it. So I think it comes down to personality more then to age. Though, I must add that there is very little dating involved. Long distance makes that a little difficult. ;3
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Nothing More

I'd never date anyone younger than me, that would just feel weird. I wouldn't really want to go over 10 years older either. I like around 5-7 years older the best. The only person I kind of dated was six years older than me.


Well-known member
Probably not younger since I like someone who can take care of me. I do prefer an older partner though, I just like them older for some reason ::p: